== New and Noteworthy == == 1.2 == === 1.1.2 === * Fixed an issue in IE where an event on a cloned element is fired during a .clone() inside of an event handler. * Fixed IE ID selectors selecting by the name attribute. * Change: Events are now internally stored in elem.$events rather than elem.events (due to a nasty bug relating to DOM 0 expandos). * .attr('href') is now consistent in all browsers. * @href is now consistent in all browsers. * Fixed the slideDown flickering bug. * Having a \r endline in $("...") caused a never-ending loop. * Fixed IE6 AJAX memory leak * Fixed bug in pushStack, reporting an element at [0] in a jQuery object with length 0 * Fixed jQuery.className.has, escaping regex characters in className (for metadata) === 1.1.1 === * Setting the numerical value of a css property failed, for example: .css("opacity",0.5) (also occurred with zIndex, fontWeight) * Calling $(..., jqobj) with a context of a jQuery object failed. * Accessing a property on an element that doesn't exist caused an error, for example: $("#foobar").attr("id") * Calling .load() without a callback caused an error. * You couldn't cancel an event that was triggered using .trigger() or .click() (for example). * .add()ing a single DOM element to a jQuery object was broken. * Passing in undefined values to a $.post() caused weird errors to occur. * Accessing child nodes within an xml document didn't work properly. * jQuery.isFunction() was unable to reliably determine a function, in a cross-browser way. * Triggering a .click() failed in IE. * Triggered click handlers were executed twice in most browsers. * A newline passed into $(...) caused Firefox to go into a never-ending loop. * Calling $.post() without any data caused an error. * Calling a descendant selector after a child selector caused strange results, for example: $("ul > li ul") * Triggered events did not occur if an event handler was not bound for that event. == 1.1 == * Massive speed-ups (4x-10x) in the selector engine. * You can now unbind event handlers from within themselves * Added new .one( "type", fn ) method * text(String) now escapes HTML * Added attr(String,Function) to calculate the value * Performming .click(), .blur(), .focus(), .submit() will actually trigger the browsers default action for those events. * Added global settings for AJAX (in addition to timeout), use $.ajaxSetup() to modify them * Implemented a better error handling for ajax requests. Exceptions caused by dropping connections are now handled, too. * Improved event fixing (Opera provides event.srcElement, must ignore it if target is available; only create pageX if clientX is available) * Fixed nth-child selectors to start on the right number * jQuery is no longer destructive. Doing var a = $("a"); a.find("span"); does not change the original "a" variable. * Fixed synchronous requests * Fixed ID with context selectors (eg. div #id doesn't ignore "div" anymore) * Fixed docs for html(): Now mentions that is not available for XML documents * Improved AJAX docs (eg. more examples for $.ajax) * Documented filter(Function), a very powerful approach for custom filtering * Improved docs for FX module, merging method descriptions and marking optional arguments * Improved docs for append, prepend, before and after, merging the three pairs into one * Improved show/hide animations to show only hidden and hide only visible elements * Removed .oneEvent() and .unEvent() helper methods. * Removed all CSS helper methods. * Removed most attribute helper methods. * Removed the (undocumented) .find( "selector", fn ) for all destructive methods. * $.get, $.getIfModified, $.post, $.getScript and $.getJSON now all pass through the XMLHttpRequest as returned by $.ajax == 1.0.4 == * Tons of bug fixes * Extensions to $.ajax: $.ajax accepts additonal options: beforeSend, async and processData; returns XMLHttpRequest to allow manual aborting of requests, see docs for details * AJAX module: the public $.ajax API is now used internally (for $.get/$.post etc.); loading scripts works now much more reliable on all browers except Safari * New global ajax handler: ajaxSend - called before an ajax request is sent * Extensions to global ajax handlers: ajaxSend, ajaxSuccess, ajaxError and ajaxComplete get XMLHttpRequest and settings passed as arguments * Extensions to event handling: pageX and pageY are available x-browser (IE does not provide native pageX/Y) * Improved docs: $(String) method has now two seperate descriptions, one for selecting elements, one for creating (html on-the-fly) * FX module: Most inline stlyes added by animations are now removed when the animation is complete, eg. height style when animating height (exception: display styles) * Added note to attr(String, Object) about issues with setting the name property on input elements * Seperated internal stuff from get() into set() * Merged the two API examples for each() into one more precise example * Improved docs for $.browser and added docs for $.boxModel * Docs for the jQuery constructor $() were improved: There is now $(String expression[, Object context]) and $(String html)