package { import flash.display.MovieClip class C { function f() {return new Array(1,2,3);} } public class Main extends flash.display.MovieClip { var count:int = 1; var num:int = 53; function assert(b) { if(b) { trace("ok "+count+"/"+num); } else { trace("error "+count+"/"+num); } count = count + 1 } function compare(x,y) { assert(x==y); } var a:Array = new Array(1,2,3); var b:int=10; function f() {return a;} function g() {return b;} var i=0; function Main() { // test that ., [], (), @, ::, .. {x:y}, new all have the same precedence // TODO: @, ::, .. compare(this.f()[2] , (((this).f)())[2]) //compare(new C.f()[1],2); //breaks compare(new C().f()[1],2); // test that ., [], () have higher precedence than ++, --, -, ~, !, delete, typeof // TODO: @, delete, typeof var i:int=5,j:int; this.i=0; this.i++;compare(this.i,1);compare(i,5); ++(this.a)[2]; compare(this.a[2],4); delete this.f()[0];compare(String(this.a[0]), "undefined"); // test that ++ has higher precedence than unary -,~,! compare(-i++,-5); compare(!i++,false); compare(~i++,~7); // test that * / % have the same precedence compare(3*10/15%4, 2) // test that ++,--,~ have higher precedence than * / % i = 0;j = 1;compare(++i*j++, 1) i = 0;j = 1;compare(++i/j++, 1) i = 2;j = 2;compare(++i%j++, 1) compare( (~1*2) & 1, 0); // test that +,- have lower precedence than * / % compare(1+1*2, 3) compare(5-4/2, 3) compare(3-4%2, 3) compare(2+1%2, 3) // test that +, - have higher precedence than >>,<<,>>> compare(4>>1+1, 1) compare(4>>1-1, 4) compare(4>>>1+1, 1) compare(4>>>1-1, 4) compare(1<<1+1, 4) compare(4<<1-1, 4) // test that >>,<< have higher precedence than <,>,<=,>=,== compare(3 < 1<<2, true) compare(4 <= 1<<2, true) compare(2 > 8>>3, true) compare(1 >= 8>>3, true) compare(1 == 1<<0, true) compare(1 == 1>>0, true) // test that <,>,<=,>= have higher precedence than as, in compare(1<2 as Boolean, true) //compare(1<2 in [true,true,true], true) // test that as,in have higher precedence than ==,!= compare(1==1 as Boolean, false); compare(1!=1 as Boolean, true); compare(false == true is Boolean, false); compare(true != true is Boolean, false); // test that >,<,>=,<= have higher precedence than ==, !=, ===, !== compare(true == 3<4, true) compare(true != 3>4, true) compare(true === 3<=4, true) compare(true !== 3>=4, true) // test that ==,!= have higher precedence than & compare(3&4==4, 1) compare(3&0!=4, 1) // test that & has higher precedence than ^ compare(1^1&4, 1) // test that ^ has higher precedence than | compare(5|4^4, 5) // test that | has higher precedence than && compare(false && 0|5, false) // test that && has higher precedence than || compare(false && true || true, true) // test that || has higher precedence than ?: compare(true || false?11:0, 11) // test that ?: and = have same precedence var y = 0; var x = false ? y=3 : y=4; compare(y,4) false ? y=3 : y=5; compare(y,5) // test that = is right-associative x = y = 3; compare(x,3) compare(y,3) // test that = has higher precedence than +=,-=,*=,/=,%= x=4;y=10; x += y = 4; compare(x,8); // test that +=,-=,*=,/=,%=,>>=,<<=,>>>= all have the same associativity // TODO: %=,/=,-=,>>=,<<=,>>>= x=2;y=3; x *= y += 4; assert(x==14 && y==7); // test that , has lower precedence than += x=0; var v=0; v += 3,4; compare(v,3) } } }