/* parser.lex Routines for compiling Flash2 AVM2 ABC Actionscript Extension module for the rfxswf library. Part of the swftools package. Copyright (c) 2008 Matthias Kramm This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ %{ #include #include #include #include "abc.h" #include "pool.h" #include "files.h" #include "tokenizer.h" #include "registry.h" #include "code.h" #include "opcodes.h" %} //%glr-parser //%expect-rr 1 %error-verbose %union tokenunion { enum yytokentype token; int flags; classinfo_t*classinfo; classinfo_list_t*classinfo_list; int number_int; unsigned int number_uint; double number_float; code_t*code; typedcode_t value; //typedcode_list_t*value_list; codeandnumber_t value_list; param_t* param; params_t params; string_t str; char*id; constant_t*constant; for_start_t for_start; abc_exception_t *exception; abc_exception_list_t *exception_list; } %token T_IDENTIFIER %token T_STRING %token T_REGEXP %token T_EMPTY %token T_INT %token T_UINT %token T_BYTE %token T_SHORT %token T_FLOAT %token T_FOR "for" %token T_WHILE "while" %token T_DO "do" %token T_SWITCH "switch" %token KW_IMPLEMENTS "implements" %token KW_NAMESPACE "namespace" %token KW_PACKAGE "package" %token KW_PROTECTED "protected" %token KW_PUBLIC "public" %token KW_PRIVATE "private" %token KW_USE "use" %token KW_INTERNAL "internal" %token KW_NEW "new" %token KW_NATIVE "native" %token KW_FUNCTION "function" %token KW_UNDEFINED "undefined" %token KW_CONTINUE "continue" %token KW_CLASS "class" %token KW_CONST "const" %token KW_CATCH "catch" %token KW_CASE "case" %token KW_SET "set" %token KW_VOID "void" %token KW_THROW "throw" %token KW_STATIC "static" %token KW_WITH "with" %token KW_INSTANCEOF "instanceof" %token KW_IMPORT "import" %token KW_RETURN "return" %token KW_TYPEOF "typeof" %token KW_INTERFACE "interface" %token KW_NULL "null" %token KW_VAR "var" %token KW_DYNAMIC "dynamic" %token KW_OVERRIDE "override" %token KW_FINAL "final" %token KW_EACH "each" %token KW_GET "get" %token KW_TRY "try" %token KW_SUPER "super" %token KW_EXTENDS "extends" %token KW_FALSE "false" %token KW_TRUE "true" %token KW_BOOLEAN "Boolean" %token KW_UINT "uint" %token KW_INT "int" %token KW_NUMBER "Number" %token KW_STRING "String" %token KW_DEFAULT "default" %token KW_DELETE "delete" %token KW_IF "if" %token KW_ELSE "else" %token KW_BREAK "break" %token KW_IS "is" %token KW_IN "in" %token KW_AS "as" %token T_EQEQ "==" %token T_EQEQEQ "===" %token T_NE "!=" %token T_NEE "!==" %token T_LE "<=" %token T_GE ">=" %token T_ORBY "|=" %token T_DIVBY "/=" %token T_MODBY "%=" %token T_MULBY "*=" %token T_PLUSBY "+=" %token T_MINUSBY "-=" %token T_SHRBY ">>=" %token T_SHLBY "<<=" %token T_USHRBY ">>>=" %token T_OROR "||" %token T_ANDAND "&&" %token T_COLONCOLON "::" %token T_MINUSMINUS "--" %token T_PLUSPLUS "++" %token T_DOTDOT ".." %token T_DOTDOTDOT "..." %token T_SHL "<<" %token T_USHR ">>>" %token T_SHR ">>" %type FOR_START %type X_IDENTIFIER PACKAGE FOR_IN_INIT %type VARCONST %type CODE %type CODEPIECE CODE_STATEMENT %type CODEBLOCK MAYBECODE MAYBE_CASE_LIST CASE_LIST DEFAULT CASE SWITCH WITH %type PACKAGE_DECLARATION SLOT_DECLARATION %type FUNCTION_DECLARATION PACKAGE_INITCODE %type VARIABLE_DECLARATION ONE_VARIABLE VARIABLE_LIST THROW %type CATCH %type CATCH_LIST %type CLASS_DECLARATION %type NAMESPACE_DECLARATION %type INTERFACE_DECLARATION %type VOIDEXPRESSION %type EXPRESSION NONCOMMAEXPRESSION %type MAYBEEXPRESSION %type E DELETE %type CONSTANT %type FOR FOR_IN IF WHILE DO_WHILE MAYBEELSE BREAK RETURN CONTINUE TRY %type USE_NAMESPACE %type FOR_INIT %type IMPORT %type MAYBETYPE %type GETSET %type PARAM %type PARAM_LIST %type MAYBE_PARAM_LIST %type MAYBE_MODIFIERS %type MODIFIER_LIST %type STATICCONSTANT MAYBESTATICCONSTANT %type IMPLEMENTS_LIST %type EXTENDS %type EXTENDS_LIST %type CLASS PACKAGEANDCLASS QNAME %type QNAME_LIST %type TYPE //%type VARIABLE %type VAR_READ %type NEW //%type T_IDENTIFIER %type MODIFIER %type FUNCTIONCALL %type MAYBE_EXPRESSION_LIST EXPRESSION_LIST MAYBE_PARAM_VALUES MAYBE_EXPRPAIR_LIST EXPRPAIR_LIST // precedence: from low to high %left prec_none %left below_semicolon %left ';' %left ',' %nonassoc below_assignment // for ?:, contrary to spec %right '=' "*=" "/=" "%=" "+=" "-=" "<<=" ">>=" ">>>=" "&=" "^=" "|=" %right '?' ':' %left "||" %left "&&" %left '|' %left '^' %nonassoc '&' %nonassoc "==" "!=" "===" "!==" %nonassoc "is" "as" "in" %nonassoc "<=" '<' ">=" '>' "instanceof" // TODO: support "a < b < c" syntax? %left "<<" ">>" ">>>" %left below_minus %left '-' '+' %left '/' '*' '%' %left plusplus_prefix minusminus_prefix '~' '!' "void" "delete" "typeof" //FIXME: *unary* + - should be here, too %left "--" "++" %nonassoc below_curly %left '[' ']' '{' "new" '.' ".." "::" %nonassoc T_IDENTIFIER %left above_identifier %left below_else %nonassoc "else" %left '(' // needed for "return" precedence: %nonassoc T_STRING T_REGEXP %nonassoc T_INT T_UINT T_BYTE T_SHORT T_FLOAT %nonassoc "false" "true" "null" "undefined" "super" %{ static int yyerror(char*s) { syntaxerror("%s", s); } static char* concat2(const char* t1, const char* t2) { int l1 = strlen(t1); int l2 = strlen(t2); char*text = malloc(l1+l2+1); memcpy(text , t1, l1); memcpy(text+l1, t2, l2); text[l1+l2] = 0; return text; } static char* concat3(const char* t1, const char* t2, const char* t3) { int l1 = strlen(t1); int l2 = strlen(t2); int l3 = strlen(t3); char*text = malloc(l1+l2+l3+1); memcpy(text , t1, l1); memcpy(text+l1, t2, l2); memcpy(text+l1+l2, t3, l3); text[l1+l2+l3] = 0; return text; } typedef struct _import { char*package; } import_t; DECLARE_LIST(import); typedef struct _classstate { /* class data */ classinfo_t*info; abc_class_t*abc; code_t*init; code_t*static_init; char has_constructor; } classstate_t; typedef struct _methodstate { /* method data */ memberinfo_t*info; char late_binding; /* code that needs to be executed at the start of a method (like initializing local registers) */ code_t*initcode; char is_constructor; char has_super; char is_global; abc_exception_list_t*exceptions; } methodstate_t; typedef struct _state { struct _state*old; int level; char*package; import_list_t*wildcard_imports; dict_t*imports; char has_own_imports; classstate_t*cls; methodstate_t*method; char*exception_name; dict_t*vars; } state_t; typedef struct _global { abc_file_t*file; abc_script_t*init; int variable_count; } global_t; static global_t*global = 0; static state_t* state = 0; DECLARE_LIST(state); #define MULTINAME(m,x) \ multiname_t m;\ namespace_t m##_ns;\ registry_fill_multiname(&m, &m##_ns, x); #define MEMBER_MULTINAME(m,f,n) \ multiname_t m;\ namespace_t m##_ns;\ if(f) { \ m##_ns.access = flags2access(f->flags); \ m##_ns.name = ""; \ m.type = QNAME; \ m.ns = &m##_ns; \ m.namespace_set = 0; \ m.name = f->name; \ } else { \ m.type = MULTINAME; \ m.ns =0; \ m.namespace_set = &nopackage_namespace_set; \ m.name = n; \ } /* warning: list length of namespace set is undefined */ #define MULTINAME_LATE(m, access, package) \ namespace_t m##_ns = {access, package}; \ namespace_set_t m##_nsset; \ namespace_list_t m##_l;m##_l.next = 0; \ m##_nsset.namespaces = &m##_l; \ m##_nsset = m##_nsset; \ m##_l.namespace = &m##_ns; \ multiname_t m = {MULTINAMEL, 0, &m##_nsset, 0}; static namespace_t ns1 = {ACCESS_PRIVATE, ""}; static namespace_t ns2 = {ACCESS_PROTECTED, ""}; static namespace_t ns3 = {ACCESS_PACKAGEINTERNAL, ""}; static namespace_t ns4 = {ACCESS_PACKAGE, ""}; static namespace_list_t nl4 = {&ns4,0}; static namespace_list_t nl3 = {&ns3,&nl4}; static namespace_list_t nl2 = {&ns2,&nl3}; static namespace_list_t nl1 = {&ns1,&nl2}; static namespace_set_t nopackage_namespace_set = {&nl1}; static void new_state() { NEW(state_t, s); state_t*oldstate = state; if(state) memcpy(s, state, sizeof(state_t)); //shallow copy if(!s->imports) { s->imports = dict_new(); } state = s; state->level++; state->has_own_imports = 0; state->vars = dict_new(); state->old = oldstate; } static void state_has_imports() { state->wildcard_imports = list_clone(state->wildcard_imports); state->imports = dict_clone(state->imports); state->has_own_imports = 1; } static void state_destroy(state_t*state) { if(state->has_own_imports) { list_free(state->wildcard_imports); dict_destroy(state->imports);state->imports=0; } if(state->imports && (!state->old || state->old->imports!=state->imports)) { dict_destroy(state->imports);state->imports=0; } if(state->vars) { int t; for(t=0;tvars->hashsize;t++) { dictentry_t*e =state->vars->slots[t]; while(e) { free(e->data);e->data=0; e = e->next; } } dict_destroy(state->vars);state->vars=0; } free(state); } static void old_state() { if(!state || !state->old) syntaxerror("invalid nesting"); state_t*leaving = state; state = state->old; /*if(state->method->initcode) { printf("residual initcode\n"); code_dump(state->method->initcode, 0, 0, "", stdout); }*/ state_destroy(leaving); } void initialize_state() { global = rfx_calloc(sizeof(global_t)); new_state(); state->package = current_filename; global->file = abc_file_new(); global->file->flags &= ~ABCFILE_LAZY; global->variable_count = 1; global->init = abc_initscript(global->file, 0); code_t*c = global->init->method->body->code; c = abc_getlocal_0(c); c = abc_pushscope(c); /* findpropstrict doesn't just return a scope object- it also makes it "active" somehow. Push local_0 on the scope stack and read it back with findpropstrict, it'll contain properties like "trace". Trying to find the same property on a "vanilla" local_0 yields only a "undefined" */ //c = abc_findpropstrict(c, "[package]::trace"); /*c = abc_getlocal_0(c); c = abc_findpropstrict(c, "[package]::trace"); c = abc_coerce_a(c); c = abc_setlocal_1(c); c = abc_pushbyte(c, 0); c = abc_setlocal_2(c); code_t*xx = c = abc_label(c); c = abc_findpropstrict(c, "[package]::trace"); c = abc_pushstring(c, "prop:"); c = abc_hasnext2(c, 1, 2); c = abc_dup(c); c = abc_setlocal_3(c); c = abc_callpropvoid(c, "[package]::trace", 2); c = abc_getlocal_3(c); c = abc_kill(c, 3); c = abc_iftrue(c,xx);*/ c = abc_findpropstrict(c, "[package]::trace"); c = abc_pushstring(c, "[entering global init function]"); c = abc_callpropvoid(c, "[package]::trace", 1); global->init->method->body->code = c; } void* finalize_state() { if(state->level!=1) { syntaxerror("unexpected end of file"); } abc_method_body_t*m = global->init->method->body; //__ popscope(m); __ findpropstrict(m, "[package]::trace"); __ pushstring(m, "[leaving global init function]"); __ callpropvoid(m, "[package]::trace", 1); __ returnvoid(m); state_destroy(state); return global->file; } static void startpackage(char*name) { new_state(); /*printf("entering package \"%s\"\n", name);*/ state->package = strdup(name); global->variable_count = 1; } static void endpackage() { /*printf("leaving package \"%s\"\n", state->package);*/ //used e.g. in classinfo_register: //free(state->package);state->package=0; old_state(); } char*globalclass=0; static void startclass(int flags, char*classname, classinfo_t*extends, classinfo_list_t*implements, char interface) { if(state->cls) { syntaxerror("inner classes now allowed"); } new_state(); global->variable_count = 1; state->cls = rfx_calloc(sizeof(classstate_t)); token_list_t*t=0; classinfo_list_t*mlist=0; /*printf("entering class %s\n", name); printf(" modifiers: ");for(t=modifiers->tokens;t;t=t->next) printf("%s ", t->token);printf("\n"); if(extends) printf(" extends: %s.%s\n", extends->package, extends->name); printf(" implements (%d): ", list_length(implements)); for(mlist=implements;mlist;mlist=mlist->next) { printf("%s ", mlist->classinfo?mlist->classinfo->name:0); } printf("\n"); */ if(flags&~(FLAG_INTERNAL|FLAG_PUBLIC|FLAG_FINAL|FLAG_DYNAMIC)) syntaxerror("invalid modifier(s)"); if((flags&(FLAG_PUBLIC|FLAG_INTERNAL)) == (FLAG_PUBLIC|FLAG_INTERNAL)) syntaxerror("public and internal not supported at the same time."); /* create the class name, together with the proper attributes */ int access=0; char*package=0; if(!(flags&FLAG_PUBLIC) && !state->package) { access = ACCESS_PRIVATE; package = current_filename; } else if(!(flags&FLAG_PUBLIC) && state->package) { access = ACCESS_PACKAGEINTERNAL; package = state->package; } else if(state->package) { access = ACCESS_PACKAGE; package = state->package; } else { syntaxerror("public classes only allowed inside a package"); } if(registry_findclass(package, classname)) { syntaxerror("Package \"%s\" already contains a class called \"%s\"", package, classname); } /* build info struct */ int num_interfaces = (list_length(implements)); state->cls->info = classinfo_register(access, package, classname, num_interfaces); state->cls->info->superclass = extends?extends:TYPE_OBJECT; int pos = 0; classinfo_list_t*l = implements; for(l=implements;l;l=l->next) { state->cls->info->interfaces[pos++] = l->classinfo; } multiname_t*extends2 = sig2mname(extends); MULTINAME(classname2,state->cls->info); /*if(extends) { state->cls_init = abc_getlocal_0(state->cls_init); state->cls_init = abc_constructsuper(state->cls_init, 0); }*/ state->cls->abc = abc_class_new(global->file, &classname2, extends2); if(flags&FLAG_FINAL) abc_class_final(state->cls->abc); if(!(flags&FLAG_DYNAMIC)) abc_class_sealed(state->cls->abc); if(interface) { state->cls->info->flags |= CLASS_INTERFACE; abc_class_interface(state->cls->abc); } abc_class_protectedNS(state->cls->abc, classname); for(mlist=implements;mlist;mlist=mlist->next) { MULTINAME(m, mlist->classinfo); abc_class_add_interface(state->cls->abc, &m); } /* now write the construction code for this class */ int slotindex = abc_initscript_addClassTrait(global->init, &classname2, state->cls->abc); abc_method_body_t*m = global->init->method->body; __ getglobalscope(m); classinfo_t*s = extends; int count=0; while(s) { //TODO: take a look at the current scope stack, maybe // we can re-use something s = s->superclass; if(!s) break; multiname_t*s2 = sig2mname(s); __ getlex2(m, s2); multiname_destroy(s2); __ pushscope(m); count++; m->code = m->code->prev->prev; // invert } /* continue appending after last op end */ while(m->code && m->code->next) m->code = m->code->next; /* TODO: if this is one of *our* classes, we can also do a getglobalscope/getslot (which references the init function's slots) */ if(extends2) { __ getlex2(m, extends2); __ dup(m); /* notice: we get a Verify Error #1107 if the top elemnt on the scope stack is not the superclass */ __ pushscope(m);count++; } else { __ pushnull(m); /* notice: we get a verify error #1107 if the top element on the scope stack is not the global object */ __ getlocal_0(m); __ pushscope(m);count++; } __ newclass(m,state->cls->abc); while(count--) { __ popscope(m); } __ setslot(m, slotindex); /* flash.display.MovieClip handling */ if(!globalclass && (flags&FLAG_PUBLIC) && classinfo_equals(registry_getMovieClip(),extends)) { if(state->package && state->package[0]) { globalclass = concat3(state->package, ".", classname); } else { globalclass = strdup(classname); } } multiname_destroy(extends2); } static code_t* wrap_function(code_t*c,code_t*initcode, code_t*body) { c = code_append(c, initcode); c = code_append(c, body); /* append return if necessary */ if(!c || c->opcode != OPCODE_RETURNVOID && c->opcode != OPCODE_RETURNVALUE) { c = abc_returnvoid(c); } return c; } static void endclass() { if(!state->cls->has_constructor && !(state->cls->info->flags&CLASS_INTERFACE)) { code_t*c = 0; c = abc_getlocal_0(c); c = abc_constructsuper(c, 0); state->cls->init = code_append(state->cls->init, c); } if(state->cls->init) { abc_method_t*m = abc_class_getconstructor(state->cls->abc, 0); m->body->code = wrap_function(0, state->cls->init, m->body->code); } if(state->cls->static_init) { abc_method_t*m = abc_class_getstaticconstructor(state->cls->abc, 0); m->body->code = wrap_function(0, state->cls->static_init, m->body->code); } else { // handy for scope testing /*code_t*c = 0; c = abc_pop(c); c = abc_pop(c); abc_class_getstaticconstructor(state->cls->abc,0)->body->code = c;*/ } free(state->cls);state->cls=0; old_state(); } typedef struct _variable { int index; classinfo_t*type; } variable_t; static variable_t* find_variable(char*name) { state_t* s = state; while(s) { variable_t*v = 0; if(s->method) v = dict_lookup(s->vars, name); if(v) { return v; } s = s->old; } return 0; } static variable_t* find_variable_safe(char*name) { variable_t* v = find_variable(name); if(!v) syntaxerror("undefined variable: %s", name); return v; } static char variable_exists(char*name) { return dict_lookup(state->vars, name)!=0; } code_t*defaultvalue(code_t*c, classinfo_t*type); static int new_variable(char*name, classinfo_t*type, char init) { NEW(variable_t, v); v->index = global->variable_count; v->type = type; dict_put(state->vars, name, v); if(init && state->method && type) { /* if this is a typed variable: push default value for type on stack at the very beginning of the method, so that it always has that type regardless of the control path */ state->method->initcode = defaultvalue(state->method->initcode, type); state->method->initcode = abc_setlocal(state->method->initcode, v->index); } return global->variable_count++; } #define TEMPVARNAME "__as3_temp__" static int gettempvar() { variable_t*v = find_variable(TEMPVARNAME); if(v) return v->index; return new_variable(TEMPVARNAME, 0, 0); } code_t* killvars(code_t*c) { int t; for(t=0;tvars->hashsize;t++) { dictentry_t*e =state->vars->slots[t]; while(e) { variable_t*v = (variable_t*)e->data; //do this always, otherwise register types don't match //in the verifier when doing nested loops //if(!TYPE_IS_BUILTIN_SIMPLE(type)) { c = abc_kill(c, v->index); e = e->next; } } return c; } void check_code_for_break(code_t*c) { while(c) { if(c->opcode == OPCODE___BREAK__) { char*name = string_cstr(c->data[0]); syntaxerror("Unresolved \"break %s\"", name); } if(c->opcode == OPCODE___CONTINUE__) { char*name = string_cstr(c->data[0]); syntaxerror("Unresolved \"continue %s\"", name); } c=c->prev; } } static void check_constant_against_type(classinfo_t*t, constant_t*c) { #define xassert(b) if(!(b)) syntaxerror("Invalid default value %s for type '%s'", constant_tostring(c), t->name) if(TYPE_IS_NUMBER(t)) { xassert(c->type == CONSTANT_FLOAT || c->type == CONSTANT_INT || c->type == CONSTANT_UINT); } else if(TYPE_IS_UINT(t)) { xassert(c->type == CONSTANT_UINT || (c->type == CONSTANT_INT && c->i>0)); } else if(TYPE_IS_INT(t)) { xassert(c->type == CONSTANT_INT); } else if(TYPE_IS_BOOLEAN(t)) { xassert(c->type == CONSTANT_TRUE || c->type == CONSTANT_FALSE); } } static int flags2access(int flags) { int access = 0; if(flags&FLAG_PUBLIC) { if(access&(FLAG_PRIVATE|FLAG_PROTECTED|FLAG_INTERNAL)) syntaxerror("invalid combination of access levels"); access = ACCESS_PACKAGE; } else if(flags&FLAG_PRIVATE) { if(access&(FLAG_PUBLIC|FLAG_PROTECTED|FLAG_INTERNAL)) syntaxerror("invalid combination of access levels"); access = ACCESS_PRIVATE; } else if(flags&FLAG_PROTECTED) { if(access&(FLAG_PUBLIC|FLAG_PRIVATE|FLAG_INTERNAL)) syntaxerror("invalid combination of access levels"); access = ACCESS_PROTECTED; } else { access = ACCESS_PACKAGEINTERNAL; } return access; } static memberinfo_t*registerfunction(enum yytokentype getset, int flags, char*name, params_t*params, classinfo_t*return_type, int slot) { memberinfo_t*minfo = 0; if(!state->cls) { //package method minfo = memberinfo_register_global(flags2access(flags), state->package, name, MEMBER_METHOD); minfo->return_type = return_type; } else if(getset != KW_GET && getset != KW_SET) { //class method if((minfo = registry_findmember(state->cls->info, name, 0))) { if(minfo->parent == state->cls->info) { syntaxerror("class already contains a member/method called '%s'", name); } else if(!minfo->parent) { syntaxerror("internal error: overriding method %s, which doesn't have parent", name); } else { if(!(minfo->flags&(FLAG_STATIC|FLAG_PRIVATE))) syntaxerror("function %s already exists in superclass. Did you forget the 'override' keyword?"); } } minfo = memberinfo_register(state->cls->info, name, MEMBER_METHOD); minfo->return_type = return_type; // getslot on a member slot only returns "undefined", so no need // to actually store these //state->minfo->slot = state->method->abc->method->trait->slot_id; } else { //class getter/setter int gs = getset==KW_GET?MEMBER_GET:MEMBER_SET; classinfo_t*type=0; if(getset == KW_GET) type = return_type; else if(params->list) type = params->list->param->type; // not sure wether to look into superclasses here, too if((minfo=registry_findmember(state->cls->info, name, 0))) { if(minfo->kind & ~(MEMBER_GET|MEMBER_SET)) syntaxerror("class already contains a member or method called '%s'", name); if(minfo->kind & gs) syntaxerror("getter/setter for '%s' already defined", name); /* make a setter or getter into a getset */ minfo->kind |= gs; if(!minfo->type) minfo->type = type; else if(type && minfo->type != type) syntaxerror("different type in getter and setter"); } else { minfo = memberinfo_register(state->cls->info, name, gs); minfo->type = type; } /* can't assign a slot as getter and setter might have different slots */ //minfo->slot = slot; } if(flags&FLAG_STATIC) minfo->flags |= FLAG_STATIC; if(flags&FLAG_PUBLIC) minfo->flags |= FLAG_PUBLIC; if(flags&FLAG_PRIVATE) minfo->flags |= FLAG_PRIVATE; if(flags&FLAG_PROTECTED) minfo->flags |= FLAG_PROTECTED; if(flags&FLAG_INTERNAL) minfo->flags |= FLAG_INTERNAL; if(flags&FLAG_OVERRIDE) minfo->flags |= FLAG_OVERRIDE; return minfo; } static void startfunction(token_t*ns, int flags, enum yytokentype getset, char*name, params_t*params, classinfo_t*return_type) { if(state->method) { syntaxerror("not able to start another method scope"); } new_state(); global->variable_count = 0; state->method = rfx_calloc(sizeof(methodstate_t)); state->method->initcode = 0; state->method->has_super = 0; if(state->cls) { state->method->is_constructor = !strcmp(state->cls->info->name,name); state->cls->has_constructor |= state->method->is_constructor; new_variable((flags&FLAG_STATIC)?"class":"this", state->cls->info, 0); } else { state->method->is_global = 1; state->method->late_binding = 1; // for global methods, always push local_0 on the scope stack new_variable("globalscope", 0, 0); } /* state->vars is initialized by state_new */ param_list_t*p=0; for(p=params->list;p;p=p->next) { new_variable(p->param->name, p->param->type, 0); } if(state->method->is_constructor) name = "__as3_constructor__"; state->method->info = registerfunction(getset, flags, name, params, return_type, 0); } static void endfunction(token_t*ns, int flags, enum yytokentype getset, char*name, params_t*params, classinfo_t*return_type, code_t*body) { abc_method_t*f = 0; multiname_t*type2 = sig2mname(return_type); int slot = 0; if(state->method->is_constructor) { f = abc_class_getconstructor(state->cls->abc, type2); } else if(!state->method->is_global) { namespace_t mname_ns = {flags2access(flags), ""}; multiname_t mname = {QNAME, &mname_ns, 0, name}; if(flags&FLAG_STATIC) f = abc_class_staticmethod(state->cls->abc, type2, &mname); else f = abc_class_method(state->cls->abc, type2, &mname); slot = f->trait->slot_id; } else { namespace_t mname_ns = {flags2access(flags), state->package}; multiname_t mname = {QNAME, &mname_ns, 0, name}; f = abc_method_new(global->file, type2, 1); trait_t*t = trait_new_method(&global->init->traits, multiname_clone(&mname), f); //abc_code_t*c = global->init->method->body->code; } //flash doesn't seem to allow us to access function slots //state->method->info->slot = slot; if(flags&FLAG_OVERRIDE) f->trait->attributes |= TRAIT_ATTR_OVERRIDE; if(getset == KW_GET) f->trait->kind = TRAIT_GETTER; if(getset == KW_SET) f->trait->kind = TRAIT_SETTER; if(params->varargs) f->flags |= METHOD_NEED_REST; char opt=0; param_list_t*p=0; for(p=params->list;p;p=p->next) { if(params->varargs && !p->next) { break; //varargs: omit last parameter in function signature } multiname_t*m = sig2mname(p->param->type); list_append(f->parameters, m); if(p->param->value) { check_constant_against_type(p->param->type, p->param->value); opt=1;list_append(f->optional_parameters, p->param->value); } else if(opt) { syntaxerror("non-optional parameter not allowed after optional parameters"); } } check_code_for_break(body); if(f->body) { f->body->code = body; f->body->exceptions = state->method->exceptions; } else { //interface if(body) syntaxerror("interface methods can't have a method body"); } free(state->method);state->method=0; old_state(); } char is_subtype_of(classinfo_t*type, classinfo_t*supertype) { return 1; // FIXME } void breakjumpsto(code_t*c, char*name, code_t*jump) { while(c) { if(c->opcode == OPCODE___BREAK__) { string_t*name2 = c->data[0]; if(!name2->len || !strncmp(name2->str, name, name2->len)) { c->opcode = OPCODE_JUMP; c->branch = jump; } } c=c->prev; } } void continuejumpsto(code_t*c, char*name, code_t*jump) { while(c) { if(c->opcode == OPCODE___CONTINUE__) { string_t*name2 = c->data[0]; if(!name2->len || !strncmp(name2->str, name, name2->len)) { c->opcode = OPCODE_JUMP; c->branch = jump; } } c = c->prev; } } classinfo_t*join_types(classinfo_t*type1, classinfo_t*type2, char op) { if(!type1 || !type2) return registry_getanytype(); if(TYPE_IS_ANY(type1) || TYPE_IS_ANY(type2)) return registry_getanytype(); if(type1 == type2) return type1; return registry_getanytype(); } code_t*converttype(code_t*c, classinfo_t*from, classinfo_t*to) { if(from==to) return c; if(!to) { return abc_coerce_a(c); } MULTINAME(m, to); if(!from) { // cast an "any" type to a specific type. subject to // runtime exceptions return abc_coerce2(c, &m); } if((TYPE_IS_NUMBER(from) || TYPE_IS_UINT(from) || TYPE_IS_INT(from)) && (TYPE_IS_NUMBER(to) || TYPE_IS_UINT(to) || TYPE_IS_INT(to))) { // allow conversion between number types return abc_coerce2(c, &m); } //printf("%s.%s\n", from.package, from.name); //printf("%s.%s\n", to.package, to.name); classinfo_t*supertype = from; while(supertype) { if(supertype == to) { // target type is one of from's superclasses return abc_coerce2(c, &m); } int t=0; while(supertype->interfaces[t]) { if(supertype->interfaces[t]==to) { // target type is one of from's interfaces return abc_coerce2(c, &m); } t++; } supertype = supertype->superclass; } if(TYPE_IS_FUNCTION(from) && TYPE_IS_FUNCTION(to)) return c; if(TYPE_IS_CLASS(from) && TYPE_IS_CLASS(to)) return c; syntaxerror("can't convert type %s to %s", from->name, to->name); } code_t*defaultvalue(code_t*c, classinfo_t*type) { if(TYPE_IS_INT(type)) { c = abc_pushbyte(c, 0); } else if(TYPE_IS_UINT(type)) { c = abc_pushuint(c, 0); } else if(TYPE_IS_FLOAT(type)) { c = abc_pushnan(c); } else if(TYPE_IS_BOOLEAN(type)) { c = abc_pushfalse(c); } else { c = abc_pushnull(c); } return c; } char is_pushundefined(code_t*c) { return (c && !c->prev && !c->next && c->opcode == OPCODE_PUSHUNDEFINED); } void parserassert(int b) { if(!b) syntaxerror("internal error: assertion failed"); } static classinfo_t* find_class(char*name) { classinfo_t*c=0; c = registry_findclass(state->package, name); if(c) return c; /* try explicit imports */ dictentry_t* e = dict_get_slot(state->imports, name); if(c) return c; while(e) { if(!strcmp(e->key, name)) { c = (classinfo_t*)e->data; if(c) return c; } e = e->next; } /* try package.* imports */ import_list_t*l = state->wildcard_imports; while(l) { //printf("does package %s contain a class %s?\n", l->import->package, name); c = registry_findclass(l->import->package, name); if(c) return c; l = l->next; } /* try global package */ c = registry_findclass("", name); if(c) return c; /* try local "filename" package */ c = registry_findclass(current_filename, name); if(c) return c; return 0; } static code_t* toreadwrite(code_t*in, code_t*middlepart, char justassign, char readbefore) { /* converts this: [prefix code] [read instruction] to this: [prefix code] ([dup]) [read instruction] [middlepart] [setvar] [write instruction] [getvar] */ if(in && in->opcode == OPCODE_COERCE_A) { in = code_cutlast(in); } if(in->next) syntaxerror("internal error"); /* chop off read instruction */ code_t*prefix = in; code_t*r = in; if(r->prev) { prefix = r->prev;r->prev = 0; prefix->next=0; } else { prefix = 0; } char use_temp_var = readbefore; /* generate the write instruction, and maybe append a dup to the prefix code */ code_t* write = abc_nop(0); if(r->opcode == OPCODE_GETPROPERTY) { write->opcode = OPCODE_SETPROPERTY; multiname_t*m = (multiname_t*)r->data[0]; write->data[0] = multiname_clone(m); if(m->type == QNAME || m->type == MULTINAME) { if(!justassign) { prefix = abc_dup(prefix); // we need the object, too } use_temp_var = 1; } else if(m->type == MULTINAMEL) { if(!justassign) { /* dupping two values on the stack requires 5 operations and one register- couldn't adobe just have given us a dup2? */ int temp = gettempvar(); prefix = abc_setlocal(prefix, temp); prefix = abc_dup(prefix); prefix = abc_getlocal(prefix, temp); prefix = abc_swap(prefix); prefix = abc_getlocal(prefix, temp); if(!use_temp_var); prefix = abc_kill(prefix, temp); } use_temp_var = 1; } else { syntaxerror("illegal lvalue: can't assign a value to this expression (not a qname/multiname)"); } } else if(r->opcode == OPCODE_GETSLOT) { write->opcode = OPCODE_SETSLOT; write->data[0] = r->data[0]; if(!justassign) { prefix = abc_dup(prefix); // we need the object, too } use_temp_var = 1; } else if(r->opcode == OPCODE_GETLOCAL) { write->opcode = OPCODE_SETLOCAL; write->data[0] = r->data[0]; } else if(r->opcode == OPCODE_GETLOCAL_0) { write->opcode = OPCODE_SETLOCAL_0; } else if(r->opcode == OPCODE_GETLOCAL_1) { write->opcode = OPCODE_SETLOCAL_1; } else if(r->opcode == OPCODE_GETLOCAL_2) { write->opcode = OPCODE_SETLOCAL_2; } else if(r->opcode == OPCODE_GETLOCAL_3) { write->opcode = OPCODE_SETLOCAL_3; } else { code_dump(r, 0, 0, "", stdout); syntaxerror("illegal lvalue: can't assign a value to this expression"); } code_t* c = 0; int temp = -1; if(!justassign) { if(use_temp_var) { /* with getproperty/getslot, we have to be extra careful not to execute the read code twice, as it might have side-effects (e.g. if the property is in fact a setter/getter combination) So read the value, modify it, and write it again, using prefix only once and making sure (by using a temporary register) that the return value is what we just wrote */ temp = gettempvar(); c = code_append(c, prefix); c = code_append(c, r); if(readbefore) { c = abc_dup(c); c = abc_setlocal(c, temp); } c = code_append(c, middlepart); if(!readbefore) { c = abc_dup(c); c = abc_setlocal(c, temp); } c = code_append(c, write); c = abc_getlocal(c, temp); c = abc_kill(c, temp); } else { /* if we're allowed to execute the read code twice *and* the middlepart doesn't modify the code, things are easier. */ code_t* r2 = code_dup(r); //c = code_append(c, prefix); parserassert(!prefix); c = code_append(c, r); c = code_append(c, middlepart); c = code_append(c, write); c = code_append(c, r2); } } else { /* even smaller version: overwrite the value without reading it out first */ if(!use_temp_var) { if(prefix) { c = code_append(c, prefix); c = abc_dup(c); } c = code_append(c, middlepart); c = code_append(c, write); c = code_append(c, r); } else { temp = gettempvar(); if(prefix) { c = code_append(c, prefix); } c = code_append(c, middlepart); c = abc_dup(c); c = abc_setlocal(c, temp); c = code_append(c, write); c = abc_getlocal(c, temp); c = abc_kill(c, temp); } } return c; } #define IS_INT(a) (TYPE_IS_INT((a).t) || TYPE_IS_UINT((a).t)) #define BOTH_INT(a,b) (IS_INT(a) && IS_INT(b)) %} %% /* ------------ code blocks / statements ---------------- */ PROGRAM: MAYBE_PROGRAM_CODE_LIST MAYBE_PROGRAM_CODE_LIST: | PROGRAM_CODE_LIST PROGRAM_CODE_LIST: PROGRAM_CODE | PROGRAM_CODE_LIST PROGRAM_CODE PROGRAM_CODE: PACKAGE_DECLARATION | INTERFACE_DECLARATION | CLASS_DECLARATION | FUNCTION_DECLARATION | SLOT_DECLARATION | PACKAGE_INITCODE | ';' MAYBE_INPACKAGE_CODE_LIST: | INPACKAGE_CODE_LIST INPACKAGE_CODE_LIST: INPACKAGE_CODE | INPACKAGE_CODE_LIST INPACKAGE_CODE INPACKAGE_CODE: INTERFACE_DECLARATION | CLASS_DECLARATION | FUNCTION_DECLARATION | SLOT_DECLARATION | PACKAGE_INITCODE | ';' MAYBECODE: CODE {$$=$1;} MAYBECODE: {$$=code_new();} CODE: CODE CODEPIECE {$$=code_append($1,$2);} CODE: CODEPIECE {$$=$1;} // code which also may appear outside a method CODE_STATEMENT: IMPORT CODE_STATEMENT: VOIDEXPRESSION CODE_STATEMENT: FOR CODE_STATEMENT: FOR_IN CODE_STATEMENT: WHILE CODE_STATEMENT: DO_WHILE CODE_STATEMENT: SWITCH CODE_STATEMENT: IF CODE_STATEMENT: WITH CODE_STATEMENT: TRY // code which may appear anywhere CODEPIECE: ';' {$$=0;} CODEPIECE: VARIABLE_DECLARATION CODEPIECE: CODE_STATEMENT CODEPIECE: BREAK CODEPIECE: CONTINUE CODEPIECE: RETURN CODEPIECE: THROW CODEPIECE: NAMESPACE_DECLARATION {/*TODO*/$$=0;} CODEPIECE: USE_NAMESPACE {/*TODO*/$$=0;} CODEBLOCK : '{' CODE '}' {$$=$2;} CODEBLOCK : '{' '}' {$$=0;} CODEBLOCK : CODEPIECE ';' {$$=$1;} CODEBLOCK : CODEPIECE %prec below_semicolon {$$=$1;} /* ------------ package init code ------------------- */ PACKAGE_INITCODE: CODE_STATEMENT { if($1) warning("code ignored"); } /* ------------ variables --------------------------- */ MAYBEEXPRESSION : '=' NONCOMMAEXPRESSION {$$=$2;} | {$$.c=abc_pushundefined(0); $$.t=TYPE_ANY; } VARIABLE_DECLARATION : "var" VARIABLE_LIST {$$=$2;} VARIABLE_DECLARATION : "const" VARIABLE_LIST {$$=$2;} VARIABLE_LIST: ONE_VARIABLE {$$ = $1;} VARIABLE_LIST: VARIABLE_LIST ',' ONE_VARIABLE {$$ = code_append($1, $3);} ONE_VARIABLE: T_IDENTIFIER MAYBETYPE MAYBEEXPRESSION { if(variable_exists($1)) syntaxerror("Variable %s already defined", $1); if(!is_subtype_of($3.t, $2)) { syntaxerror("Can't convert %s to %s", $3.t->name, $2->name); } int index = new_variable($1, $2, 1); if($2) { if($3.c->prev || $3.c->opcode != OPCODE_PUSHUNDEFINED) { $$ = $3.c; $$ = converttype($$, $3.t, $2); $$ = abc_setlocal($$, index); } else { $$ = defaultvalue(0, $2); $$ = abc_setlocal($$, index); } } else { if($3.c->prev || $3.c->opcode != OPCODE_PUSHUNDEFINED) { $$ = $3.c; $$ = abc_coerce_a($$); $$ = abc_setlocal($$, index); } else { $$ = code_new(); } } /* that's the default for a local register, anyway else { state->method->initcode = abc_pushundefined(state->method->initcode); state->method->initcode = abc_setlocal(state->method->initcode, index); }*/ //printf("variable %s -> %d (%s)\n", $2->text, index, $4.t?$4.t->name:""); } /* ------------ control flow ------------------------- */ MAYBEELSE: %prec below_else {$$ = code_new();} MAYBEELSE: "else" CODEBLOCK {$$=$2;} //MAYBEELSE: ';' "else" CODEBLOCK {$$=$3;} IF : "if" '(' {new_state();} EXPRESSION ')' CODEBLOCK MAYBEELSE { $$ = code_new(); $$ = code_append($$, $4.c); code_t*myjmp,*myif = $$ = abc_iffalse($$, 0); $$ = code_append($$, $6); if($7) { myjmp = $$ = abc_jump($$, 0); } myif->branch = $$ = abc_nop($$); if($7) { $$ = code_append($$, $7); myjmp->branch = $$ = abc_nop($$); } $$ = killvars($$);old_state(); } FOR_INIT : {$$=code_new();} FOR_INIT : VARIABLE_DECLARATION FOR_INIT : VOIDEXPRESSION FOR_IN_INIT : "var" T_IDENTIFIER MAYBETYPE { $$=$2;new_variable($2,$3,1); } FOR_IN_INIT : T_IDENTIFIER { $$=$1; } FOR_START : T_FOR '(' {new_state();$$.name=$1;$$.each=0;} FOR_START : T_FOR "each" '(' {new_state();$$.name=$1;$$.each=1;} FOR : FOR_START FOR_INIT ';' EXPRESSION ';' VOIDEXPRESSION ')' CODEBLOCK { if($1.each) syntaxerror("invalid syntax: ; not allowed in for each statement"); $$ = code_new(); $$ = code_append($$, $2); code_t*loopstart = $$ = abc_label($$); $$ = code_append($$, $4.c); code_t*myif = $$ = abc_iffalse($$, 0); $$ = code_append($$, $8); code_t*cont = $$ = abc_nop($$); $$ = code_append($$, $6); $$ = abc_jump($$, loopstart); code_t*out = $$ = abc_nop($$); breakjumpsto($$, $1.name, out); continuejumpsto($$, $1.name, cont); myif->branch = out; $$ = killvars($$);old_state(); } FOR_IN : FOR_START FOR_IN_INIT "in" EXPRESSION ')' CODEBLOCK { variable_t*var = find_variable($2); char*tmp1name = concat2($2, "__tmp1__"); int it = new_variable(tmp1name, TYPE_INT, 0); char*tmp2name = concat2($2, "__array__"); int array = new_variable(tmp1name, 0, 0); $$ = code_new(); $$ = code_append($$, $4.c); $$ = abc_coerce_a($$); $$ = abc_setlocal($$, array); $$ = abc_pushbyte($$, 0); $$ = abc_setlocal($$, it); code_t*loopstart = $$ = abc_label($$); $$ = abc_hasnext2($$, array, it); code_t*myif = $$ = abc_iffalse($$, 0); $$ = abc_getlocal($$, array); $$ = abc_getlocal($$, it); if(!$1.each) $$ = abc_nextname($$); else $$ = abc_nextvalue($$); $$ = converttype($$, 0, var->type); $$ = abc_setlocal($$, var->index); $$ = code_append($$, $6); $$ = abc_jump($$, loopstart); code_t*out = $$ = abc_nop($$); breakjumpsto($$, $1.name, out); continuejumpsto($$, $1.name, loopstart); $$ = killvars($$); myif->branch = out; old_state(); free(tmp1name); free(tmp2name); } WHILE : T_WHILE '(' {new_state();} EXPRESSION ')' CODEBLOCK { $$ = code_new(); code_t*myjmp = $$ = abc_jump($$, 0); code_t*loopstart = $$ = abc_label($$); $$ = code_append($$, $6); code_t*cont = $$ = abc_nop($$); myjmp->branch = cont; $$ = code_append($$, $4.c); $$ = abc_iftrue($$, loopstart); code_t*out = $$ = abc_nop($$); breakjumpsto($$, $1, out); continuejumpsto($$, $1, cont); $$ = killvars($$); old_state(); } DO_WHILE : T_DO {new_state();} CODEBLOCK "while" '(' EXPRESSION ')' { $$ = code_new(); code_t*loopstart = $$ = abc_label($$); $$ = code_append($$, $3); code_t*cont = $$ = abc_nop($$); $$ = code_append($$, $6.c); $$ = abc_iftrue($$, loopstart); code_t*out = $$ = abc_nop($$); breakjumpsto($$, $1, out); continuejumpsto($$, $1, cont); $$ = killvars($$); old_state(); } BREAK : "break" %prec prec_none { $$ = abc___break__(0, ""); } BREAK : "break" T_IDENTIFIER { $$ = abc___break__(0, $2); } CONTINUE : "continue" %prec prec_none { $$ = abc___continue__(0, ""); } CONTINUE : "continue" T_IDENTIFIER { $$ = abc___continue__(0, $2); } MAYBE_CASE_LIST : {$$=0;} MAYBE_CASE_LIST : CASE_LIST {$$=$1;} MAYBE_CASE_LIST : DEFAULT {$$=$1;} MAYBE_CASE_LIST : CASE_LIST DEFAULT {$$=code_append($1,$2);} CASE_LIST: CASE {$$=$1} CASE_LIST: CASE_LIST CASE {$$=code_append($$,$2);} CASE: "case" E ':' MAYBECODE { $$ = abc_dup(0); $$ = code_append($$, $2.c); code_t*j = $$ = abc_ifne($$, 0); $$ = code_append($$, $4); if($$->opcode != OPCODE___BREAK__) { $$ = abc___fallthrough__($$, ""); } code_t*e = $$ = abc_nop($$); j->branch = e; } DEFAULT: "default" ':' MAYBECODE { $$ = $3; } SWITCH : T_SWITCH '(' {new_state();} E ')' '{' MAYBE_CASE_LIST '}' { $$=$4.c; $$ = code_append($$, $7); code_t*out = $$ = abc_pop($$); breakjumpsto($$, $1, out); code_t*c = $$,*lastblock=0; while(c) { if(c->opcode == OPCODE_IFNE) { if(!c->next) syntaxerror("internal error in fallthrough handling"); lastblock=c->next; } else if(c->opcode == OPCODE___FALLTHROUGH__) { if(lastblock) { c->opcode = OPCODE_JUMP; c->branch = lastblock; } else { /* fall through end of switch */ c->opcode = OPCODE_NOP; } } c=c->prev; } old_state(); } /* ------------ try / catch /finally ---------------- */ FINALLY: "finally" '{' CODE '}' MAYBE_FINALLY: | FINALLY CATCH: "catch" '(' T_IDENTIFIER MAYBETYPE ')' {new_state();state->exception_name=$3;new_variable($3, $4, 0);} '{' CODE '}' { code_t*c = 0; int i = find_variable_safe($3)->index; c = abc_setlocal(c, i); c = code_append(c, $8); c = abc_kill(c, i); namespace_t name_ns = {ACCESS_PACKAGE, ""}; multiname_t name = {QNAME, &name_ns, 0, $3}; NEW(abc_exception_t, e) e->exc_type = sig2mname($4); e->var_name = multiname_clone(&name); e->target = code_start(c); $$ = e; old_state(); } CATCH_LIST: CATCH {$$=list_new();list_append($$,$1);} CATCH_LIST: CATCH_LIST CATCH {$$=$1;list_append($$,$2);} TRY : "try" '{' CODE '}' CATCH_LIST MAYBE_FINALLY { code_t*start = code_start($3); $$=$3; code_t*out = abc_nop(0); code_t*jmp = $$ = abc_jump($$, out); abc_exception_list_t*l = $5; while(l) { abc_exception_t*e = l->abc_exception; e->from = start; e->to = jmp; $$ = code_append($$, e->target); $$ = abc_jump($$, out); l = l->next; } $$ = code_append($$, out); jmp->branch = out; list_concat(state->method->exceptions, $5); } /* ------------ throw ------------------------------- */ THROW : "throw" EXPRESSION { $$=$2.c; $$=abc_throw($$); } THROW : "throw" %prec prec_none { if(!state->exception_name) syntaxerror("re-throw only possible within a catch block"); variable_t*v = find_variable(state->exception_name); $$=code_new(); $$=abc_getlocal($$, v->index); $$=abc_throw($$); } /* ------------ with -------------------------------- */ WITH : "with" '(' EXPRESSION ')' CODEBLOCK { $$ = $3.c; $$ = abc_pushscope($$); $$ = code_append($$, $5); $$ = abc_popscope($$); } /* ------------ packages and imports ---------------- */ X_IDENTIFIER: T_IDENTIFIER | "package" {$$="package";} PACKAGE: PACKAGE '.' X_IDENTIFIER {$$ = concat3($1,".",$3);free($1);$1=0;} PACKAGE: X_IDENTIFIER {$$=strdup($1);} PACKAGE_DECLARATION : "package" PACKAGE '{' {startpackage($2);free($2);$2=0;} MAYBE_INPACKAGE_CODE_LIST '}' {endpackage();$$=0;} PACKAGE_DECLARATION : "package" '{' {startpackage("")} MAYBE_INPACKAGE_CODE_LIST '}' {endpackage();$$=0;} IMPORT : "import" QNAME { classinfo_t*c = $2; if(!c) syntaxerror("Couldn't import class\n"); state_has_imports(); dict_put(state->imports, c->name, c); $$=0; } IMPORT : "import" PACKAGE '.' '*' { NEW(import_t,i); i->package = $2; state_has_imports(); list_append(state->wildcard_imports, i); $$=0; } /* ------------ classes and interfaces (header) -------------- */ MAYBE_MODIFIERS : {$$=0;} MAYBE_MODIFIERS : MODIFIER_LIST {$$=$1} MODIFIER_LIST : MODIFIER {$$=$1;} MODIFIER_LIST : MODIFIER_LIST MODIFIER {$$=$1|$2;} MODIFIER : KW_PUBLIC {$$=FLAG_PUBLIC;} | KW_PRIVATE {$$=FLAG_PRIVATE;} | KW_PROTECTED {$$=FLAG_PROTECTED;} | KW_STATIC {$$=FLAG_STATIC;} | KW_DYNAMIC {$$=FLAG_DYNAMIC;} | KW_FINAL {$$=FLAG_FINAL;} | KW_OVERRIDE {$$=FLAG_OVERRIDE;} | KW_NATIVE {$$=FLAG_NATIVE;} | KW_INTERNAL {$$=FLAG_INTERNAL;} EXTENDS : {$$=registry_getobjectclass();} EXTENDS : KW_EXTENDS QNAME {$$=$2;} EXTENDS_LIST : {$$=list_new();} EXTENDS_LIST : KW_EXTENDS QNAME_LIST {$$=$2;} IMPLEMENTS_LIST : {$$=list_new();} IMPLEMENTS_LIST : KW_IMPLEMENTS QNAME_LIST {$$=$2;} CLASS_DECLARATION : MAYBE_MODIFIERS "class" T_IDENTIFIER EXTENDS IMPLEMENTS_LIST '{' {startclass($1,$3,$4,$5, 0);} MAYBE_CLASS_BODY '}' {endclass();$$=0;} INTERFACE_DECLARATION : MAYBE_MODIFIERS "interface" T_IDENTIFIER EXTENDS_LIST '{' {startclass($1,$3,0,$4,1);} MAYBE_INTERFACE_BODY '}' {endclass();$$=0;} /* ------------ classes and interfaces (body) -------------- */ MAYBE_CLASS_BODY : MAYBE_CLASS_BODY : CLASS_BODY CLASS_BODY : CLASS_BODY_ITEM CLASS_BODY : CLASS_BODY CLASS_BODY_ITEM CLASS_BODY_ITEM : ';' CLASS_BODY_ITEM : SLOT_DECLARATION CLASS_BODY_ITEM : FUNCTION_DECLARATION CLASS_BODY_ITEM : CODE_STATEMENT { code_t*c = state->cls->static_init; c = code_append(c, $1); state->cls->static_init = c; } MAYBE_INTERFACE_BODY : MAYBE_INTERFACE_BODY : INTERFACE_BODY INTERFACE_BODY : IDECLARATION INTERFACE_BODY : INTERFACE_BODY IDECLARATION IDECLARATION : ';' IDECLARATION : "var" T_IDENTIFIER { syntaxerror("variable declarations not allowed in interfaces"); } IDECLARATION : MAYBE_MODIFIERS "function" GETSET T_IDENTIFIER '(' MAYBE_PARAM_LIST ')' MAYBETYPE { $1 |= FLAG_PUBLIC; if($1&(FLAG_PRIVATE|FLAG_INTERNAL|FLAG_PROTECTED)) { syntaxerror("invalid method modifiers: interface methods always need to be public"); } startfunction(0,$1,$3,$4,&$6,$8); endfunction(0,$1,$3,$4,&$6,$8, 0); } /* ------------ classes and interfaces (body, slots ) ------- */ VARCONST: "var" | "const" SLOT_DECLARATION: MAYBE_MODIFIERS VARCONST T_IDENTIFIER MAYBETYPE MAYBEEXPRESSION { int flags = $1; memberinfo_t* info = state->cls? memberinfo_register(state->cls->info, $3, MEMBER_SLOT): memberinfo_register_global(flags2access($1), state->package, $3, MEMBER_SLOT); info->type = $4; info->flags = flags; /* slot name */ namespace_t mname_ns = {flags2access(flags), ""}; multiname_t mname = {QNAME, &mname_ns, 0, $3}; trait_list_t**traits; code_t**code; if(!state->cls) { // global variable traits = &global->init->traits; code = &global->init->method->body->code; } else if(flags&FLAG_STATIC) { // static variable traits = &state->cls->abc->static_traits; code = &state->cls->static_init; } else { // instance variable traits = &state->cls->abc->traits; code = &state->cls->init; } trait_t*t=0; if($4) { MULTINAME(m, $4); t = trait_new_member(traits, multiname_clone(&m), multiname_clone(&mname), 0); } else { t = trait_new_member(traits, 0, multiname_clone(&mname), 0); } info->slot = t->slot_id; /* initalization code (if needed) */ code_t*c = 0; if($5.c && !is_pushundefined($5.c)) { c = abc_getlocal_0(c); c = code_append(c, $5.c); c = converttype(c, $5.t, $4); c = abc_setslot(c, t->slot_id); } *code = code_append(*code, c); if($2==KW_CONST) { t->kind= TRAIT_CONST; } $$=0; } /* ------------ constants -------------------------------------- */ MAYBESTATICCONSTANT: {$$=0;} MAYBESTATICCONSTANT: '=' STATICCONSTANT {$$=$2;} STATICCONSTANT : T_BYTE {$$ = constant_new_int($1);} STATICCONSTANT : T_INT {$$ = constant_new_int($1);} STATICCONSTANT : T_UINT {$$ = constant_new_uint($1);} STATICCONSTANT : T_FLOAT {$$ = constant_new_float($1);} STATICCONSTANT : T_STRING {$$ = constant_new_string2($1.str,$1.len);} //STATICCONSTANT : T_NAMESPACE {$$ = constant_new_namespace($1);} STATICCONSTANT : "true" {$$ = constant_new_true($1);} STATICCONSTANT : "false" {$$ = constant_new_false($1);} STATICCONSTANT : "null" {$$ = constant_new_null($1);} /* ------------ classes and interfaces (body, functions) ------- */ // non-vararg version MAYBE_PARAM_LIST: { memset(&$$,0,sizeof($$)); } MAYBE_PARAM_LIST: PARAM_LIST { $$=$1; } // vararg version MAYBE_PARAM_LIST: "..." PARAM { memset(&$$,0,sizeof($$)); $$.varargs=1; list_append($$.list, $2); } MAYBE_PARAM_LIST: PARAM_LIST ',' "..." PARAM { $$ =$1; $$.varargs=1; list_append($$.list, $4); } // non empty PARAM_LIST: PARAM_LIST ',' PARAM { $$ = $1; list_append($$.list, $3); } PARAM_LIST: PARAM { memset(&$$,0,sizeof($$)); list_append($$.list, $1); } PARAM: T_IDENTIFIER ':' TYPE MAYBESTATICCONSTANT { $$ = malloc(sizeof(param_t)); $$->name=$1; $$->type = $3; $$->value = $4; } PARAM: T_IDENTIFIER MAYBESTATICCONSTANT { $$ = malloc(sizeof(param_t)); $$->name=$1; $$->type = TYPE_ANY; $$->value = $2; } GETSET : "get" {$$=$1;} | "set" {$$=$1;} | {$$=0;} FUNCTION_DECLARATION: MAYBE_MODIFIERS "function" GETSET T_IDENTIFIER '(' MAYBE_PARAM_LIST ')' MAYBETYPE '{' {startfunction(0,$1,$3,$4,&$6,$8)} MAYBECODE '}' { code_t*c = 0; if(state->method->late_binding) { c = abc_getlocal_0(c); c = abc_pushscope(c); } if(state->method->is_constructor && !state->method->has_super) { // call default constructor c = abc_getlocal_0(c); c = abc_constructsuper(c, 0); } c = wrap_function(c, state->method->initcode, $11); endfunction(0,$1,$3,$4,&$6,$8,c); $$=0; } /* ------------- package + class ids --------------- */ CLASS: T_IDENTIFIER { /* try current package */ $$ = find_class($1); if(!$$) syntaxerror("Could not find class %s\n", $1); } PACKAGEANDCLASS : PACKAGE '.' T_IDENTIFIER { $$ = registry_findclass($1, $3); if(!$$) syntaxerror("Couldn't find class %s.%s\n", $1, $3); free($1);$1=0; } QNAME: PACKAGEANDCLASS | CLASS QNAME_LIST : QNAME {$$=list_new();list_append($$, $1);} QNAME_LIST : QNAME_LIST ',' QNAME {$$=$1;list_append($$,$3);} TYPE : QNAME {$$=$1;} | '*' {$$=registry_getanytype();} | "void" {$$=registry_getanytype();} /* | "String" {$$=registry_getstringclass();} | "int" {$$=registry_getintclass();} | "uint" {$$=registry_getuintclass();} | "Boolean" {$$=registry_getbooleanclass();} | "Number" {$$=registry_getnumberclass();} */ MAYBETYPE: ':' TYPE {$$=$2;} MAYBETYPE: {$$=0;} /* ----------function calls, delete, constructor calls ------ */ MAYBE_PARAM_VALUES : %prec prec_none {$$.cc=0;$$.len=0;} MAYBE_PARAM_VALUES : '(' MAYBE_EXPRESSION_LIST ')' {$$=$2} MAYBE_EXPRESSION_LIST : {$$.cc=0;$$.len=0;} MAYBE_EXPRESSION_LIST : EXPRESSION_LIST EXPRESSION_LIST : NONCOMMAEXPRESSION {$$.len=1; $$.cc = $1.c; } EXPRESSION_LIST : EXPRESSION_LIST ',' NONCOMMAEXPRESSION { $$.len= $1.len+1; $$.cc = code_append($1.cc, $3.c); } NEW : "new" CLASS MAYBE_PARAM_VALUES { MULTINAME(m, $2); $$.c = code_new(); if($2->slot) { $$.c = abc_getglobalscope($$.c); $$.c = abc_getslot($$.c, $2->slot); } else { $$.c = abc_findpropstrict2($$.c, &m); } $$.c = code_append($$.c, $3.cc); if($2->slot) $$.c = abc_construct($$.c, $3.len); else $$.c = abc_constructprop2($$.c, &m, $3.len); $$.t = $2; } /* TODO: use abc_call (for calling local variables), abc_callstatic (for calling own methods) call (for closures) */ FUNCTIONCALL : E '(' MAYBE_EXPRESSION_LIST ')' { $$.c = $1.c; if($$.c->opcode == OPCODE_COERCE_A) { $$.c = code_cutlast($$.c); } code_t*paramcode = $3.cc; $$.t = TYPE_ANY; if($$.c->opcode == OPCODE_GETPROPERTY) { multiname_t*name = $$.c->data[0];$$.c->data[0]=0; $$.c = code_cutlast($$.c); $$.c = code_append($$.c, paramcode); $$.c = abc_callproperty2($$.c, name, $3.len); multiname_destroy(name); } else if($$.c->opcode == OPCODE_GETSLOT) { int slot = (int)(ptroff_t)$$.c->data[0]; trait_t*t = abc_class_find_slotid(state->cls->abc,slot);//FIXME if(t->kind!=TRAIT_METHOD) { //ok: flash allows to assign closures to members. } multiname_t*name = t->name; $$.c = code_cutlast($$.c); $$.c = code_append($$.c, paramcode); //$$.c = abc_callmethod($$.c, t->method, len); //#1051 illegal early access binding $$.c = abc_callproperty2($$.c, name, $3.len); } else if($$.c->opcode == OPCODE_GETSUPER) { multiname_t*name = $$.c->data[0];$$.c->data[0]=0; $$.c = code_cutlast($$.c); $$.c = code_append($$.c, paramcode); $$.c = abc_callsuper2($$.c, name, $3.len); multiname_destroy(name); } else { $$.c = abc_getlocal_0($$.c); $$.c = code_append($$.c, paramcode); $$.c = abc_call($$.c, $3.len); } memberinfo_t*f = 0; if(TYPE_IS_FUNCTION($1.t) && $1.t->function) { $$.t = $1.t->function->return_type; } else { $$.c = abc_coerce_a($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_ANY; } } FUNCTIONCALL : "super" '(' MAYBE_EXPRESSION_LIST ')' { if(!state->cls) syntaxerror("super() not allowed outside of a class"); if(!state->method) syntaxerror("super() not allowed outside of a function"); if(!state->method->is_constructor) syntaxerror("super() not allowed outside of a constructor"); $$.c = code_new(); $$.c = abc_getlocal_0($$.c); $$.c = code_append($$.c, $3.cc); /* this is dependent on the control path, check this somewhere else if(state->method->has_super) syntaxerror("constructor may call super() only once"); */ state->method->has_super = 1; $$.c = abc_constructsuper($$.c, $3.len); $$.c = abc_pushundefined($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_ANY; } DELETE: "delete" E { $$.c = $2.c; if($$.c->opcode == OPCODE_COERCE_A) { $$.c = code_cutlast($$.c); } multiname_t*name = 0; if($$.c->opcode == OPCODE_GETPROPERTY) { $$.c->opcode = OPCODE_DELETEPROPERTY; } else if($$.c->opcode == OPCODE_GETSLOT) { int slot = (int)(ptroff_t)$$.c->data[0]; multiname_t*name = abc_class_find_slotid(state->cls->abc,slot)->name; $$.c = code_cutlast($$.c); $$.c = abc_deleteproperty2($$.c, name); } else { $$.c = abc_getlocal_0($$.c); MULTINAME_LATE(m, $2.t?$2.t->access:ACCESS_PACKAGE, ""); $$.c = abc_deleteproperty2($$.c, &m); } $$.t = TYPE_BOOLEAN; } RETURN: "return" %prec prec_none { $$ = abc_returnvoid(0); } RETURN: "return" EXPRESSION { $$ = $2.c; $$ = abc_returnvalue($$); } // ----------------------- expression types ------------------------------------- NONCOMMAEXPRESSION : E %prec below_minus {$$=$1;} EXPRESSION : E %prec below_minus {$$ = $1;} EXPRESSION : EXPRESSION ',' E %prec below_minus { $$.c = $1.c; $$.c = cut_last_push($$.c); $$.c = code_append($$.c,$3.c); $$.t = $3.t; } VOIDEXPRESSION : EXPRESSION %prec below_minus { $$=cut_last_push($1.c); } // ----------------------- expression evaluation ------------------------------------- E : CONSTANT E : VAR_READ %prec T_IDENTIFIER {$$ = $1;} E : NEW {$$ = $1;} E : DELETE {$$ = $1;} E : T_REGEXP {$$.c = abc_pushundefined(0); /* FIXME */ $$.t = TYPE_ANY; } CONSTANT : T_BYTE {$$.c = abc_pushbyte(0, $1); //MULTINAME(m, registry_getintclass()); //$$.c = abc_coerce2($$.c, &m); // FIXME $$.t = TYPE_INT; } CONSTANT : T_SHORT {$$.c = abc_pushshort(0, $1); $$.t = TYPE_INT; } CONSTANT : T_INT {$$.c = abc_pushint(0, $1); $$.t = TYPE_INT; } CONSTANT : T_UINT {$$.c = abc_pushuint(0, $1); $$.t = TYPE_UINT; } CONSTANT : T_FLOAT {$$.c = abc_pushdouble(0, $1); $$.t = TYPE_FLOAT; } CONSTANT : T_STRING {$$.c = abc_pushstring2(0, &$1); $$.t = TYPE_STRING; } CONSTANT : "undefined" {$$.c = abc_pushundefined(0); $$.t = TYPE_ANY; } CONSTANT : "true" {$$.c = abc_pushtrue(0); $$.t = TYPE_BOOLEAN; } CONSTANT : "false" {$$.c = abc_pushfalse(0); $$.t = TYPE_BOOLEAN; } CONSTANT : "null" {$$.c = abc_pushnull(0); $$.t = TYPE_NULL; } E : FUNCTIONCALL E : E '<' E {$$.c = code_append($1.c,$3.c);$$.c = abc_greaterequals($$.c);$$.c=abc_not($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_BOOLEAN; } E : E '>' E {$$.c = code_append($1.c,$3.c);$$.c = abc_greaterthan($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_BOOLEAN; } E : E "<=" E {$$.c = code_append($1.c,$3.c);$$.c = abc_greaterthan($$.c);$$.c=abc_not($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_BOOLEAN; } E : E ">=" E {$$.c = code_append($1.c,$3.c);$$.c = abc_greaterequals($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_BOOLEAN; } E : E "==" E {$$.c = code_append($1.c,$3.c);$$.c = abc_equals($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_BOOLEAN; } E : E "===" E {$$.c = code_append($1.c,$3.c);$$.c = abc_strictequals($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_BOOLEAN; } E : E "!==" E {$$.c = code_append($1.c,$3.c);$$.c = abc_strictequals($$.c);$$.c = abc_not($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_BOOLEAN; } E : E "!=" E {$$.c = code_append($1.c,$3.c);$$.c = abc_equals($$.c);$$.c = abc_not($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_BOOLEAN; } E : E "||" E {$$.t = join_types($1.t, $3.t, 'O'); $$.c = $1.c; $$.c = converttype($$.c, $1.t, $$.t); $$.c = abc_dup($$.c); code_t*jmp = $$.c = abc_iftrue($$.c, 0); $$.c = cut_last_push($$.c); $$.c = code_append($$.c,$3.c); $$.c = converttype($$.c, $3.t, $$.t); code_t*label = $$.c = abc_label($$.c); jmp->branch = label; } E : E "&&" E { $$.t = join_types($1.t, $3.t, 'A'); /*printf("%08x:\n",$1.t); code_dump($1.c, 0, 0, "", stdout); printf("%08x:\n",$3.t); code_dump($3.c, 0, 0, "", stdout); printf("joining %08x and %08x to %08x\n", $1.t, $3.t, $$.t);*/ $$.c = $1.c; $$.c = converttype($$.c, $1.t, $$.t); $$.c = abc_dup($$.c); code_t*jmp = $$.c = abc_iffalse($$.c, 0); $$.c = cut_last_push($$.c); $$.c = code_append($$.c,$3.c); $$.c = converttype($$.c, $3.t, $$.t); code_t*label = $$.c = abc_label($$.c); jmp->branch = label; } E : '!' E {$$.c=$2.c; $$.c = abc_not($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_BOOLEAN; } E : '~' E {$$.c=$2.c; $$.c = abc_bitnot($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_INT; } E : E '&' E {$$.c = code_append($1.c,$3.c); $$.c = abc_bitand($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_INT; } E : E '^' E {$$.c = code_append($1.c,$3.c); $$.c = abc_bitxor($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_INT; } E : E '|' E {$$.c = code_append($1.c,$3.c); $$.c = abc_bitor($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_INT; } E : E '-' E {$$.c = code_append($1.c,$3.c); if(BOTH_INT($1,$3)) { $$.c = abc_subtract_i($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_INT; } else { $$.c = abc_subtract($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_NUMBER; } } E : E ">>" E {$$.c = code_append($1.c,$3.c); $$.c = abc_rshift($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_INT; } E : E ">>>" E {$$.c = code_append($1.c,$3.c); $$.c = abc_urshift($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_INT; } E : E "<<" E {$$.c = code_append($1.c,$3.c); $$.c = abc_lshift($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_INT; } E : E '/' E {$$.c = code_append($1.c,$3.c); $$.c = abc_divide($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_NUMBER; } E : E '+' E {$$.c = code_append($1.c,$3.c); $$.c = abc_add($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_NUMBER; } E : E '%' E {$$.c = code_append($1.c,$3.c); $$.c = abc_modulo($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_NUMBER; } E : E '*' E {$$.c = code_append($1.c,$3.c); if(BOTH_INT($1,$3)) { $$.c = abc_multiply_i($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_INT; } else { $$.c = abc_multiply($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_NUMBER; } } E : E "in" E {$$.c = code_append($1.c,$3.c); $$.c = abc_in($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_BOOLEAN; } E : E "as" E {char use_astype=0; // flash player's astype works differently than astypelate if(use_astype && TYPE_IS_CLASS($3.t)) { MULTINAME(m,$3.t->cls); $$.c = abc_astype2($1.c, &m); $$.t = $3.t->cls; } else { $$.c = code_append($1.c, $3.c); $$.c = abc_astypelate($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_ANY; } } E : E "instanceof" E {$$.c = code_append($1.c, $3.c); $$.c = abc_instanceof($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_BOOLEAN; } E : E "is" E {$$.c = code_append($1.c, $3.c); $$.c = abc_istypelate($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_BOOLEAN; } E : "typeof" '(' E ')' { $$.c = $3.c; $$.c = abc_typeof($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_STRING; } E : "void" E { $$.c = cut_last_push($2.c); $$.c = abc_pushundefined($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_ANY; } E : "void" { $$.c = abc_pushundefined(0); $$.t = TYPE_ANY; } E : '(' EXPRESSION ')' {$$=$2;} //allow commas in here, too E : '-' E { $$=$2; if(IS_INT($2)) { $$.c=abc_negate_i($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_INT; } else { $$.c=abc_negate($$.c); $$.t = TYPE_NUMBER; } } E : E '[' E ']' { $$.c = $1.c; $$.c = code_append($$.c, $3.c); MULTINAME_LATE(m, $1.t?$1.t->access:ACCESS_PACKAGE, ""); $$.c = abc_getproperty2($$.c, &m); $$.t = 0; // array elements have unknown type } E : '[' MAYBE_EXPRESSION_LIST ']' { $$.c = code_new(); $$.c = code_append($$.c, $2.cc); $$.c = abc_newarray($$.c, $2.len); $$.t = registry_getarrayclass(); } MAYBE_EXPRPAIR_LIST : {$$.cc=0;$$.len=0;} MAYBE_EXPRPAIR_LIST : EXPRPAIR_LIST {$$=$1}; EXPRPAIR_LIST : NONCOMMAEXPRESSION ':' NONCOMMAEXPRESSION { $$.cc = 0; $$.cc = code_append($$.cc, $1.c); $$.cc = code_append($$.cc, $3.c); $$.len = 2; } EXPRPAIR_LIST : EXPRPAIR_LIST ',' NONCOMMAEXPRESSION ':' NONCOMMAEXPRESSION { $$.cc = $1.cc; $$.len = $1.len+2; $$.cc = code_append($$.cc, $3.c); $$.cc = code_append($$.cc, $5.c); } //MAYBECOMMA: ',' //MAYBECOMMA: E : '{' MAYBE_EXPRPAIR_LIST '}' { $$.c = code_new(); $$.c = code_append($$.c, $2.cc); $$.c = abc_newobject($$.c, $2.len/2); $$.t = registry_getobjectclass(); } E : E "*=" E { code_t*c = $3.c; if(BOTH_INT($1,$3)) { c=abc_multiply_i(c); } else { c=abc_multiply(c); } c=converttype(c, join_types($1.t, $3.t, '*'), $1.t); $$.c = toreadwrite($1.c, c, 0, 0); $$.t = $1.t; } E : E "%=" E { code_t*c = abc_modulo($3.c); c=converttype(c, join_types($1.t, $3.t, '%'), $1.t); $$.c = toreadwrite($1.c, c, 0, 0); $$.t = $1.t; } E : E "<<=" E { code_t*c = abc_lshift($3.c); c=converttype(c, join_types($1.t, $3.t, '<'), $1.t); $$.c = toreadwrite($1.c, c, 0, 0); $$.t = $1.t; } E : E ">>=" E { code_t*c = abc_rshift($3.c); c=converttype(c, join_types($1.t, $3.t, '>'), $1.t); $$.c = toreadwrite($1.c, c, 0, 0); $$.t = $1.t; } E : E ">>>=" E { code_t*c = abc_urshift($3.c); c=converttype(c, join_types($1.t, $3.t, 'U'), $1.t); $$.c = toreadwrite($1.c, c, 0, 0); $$.t = $1.t; } E : E "/=" E { code_t*c = abc_divide($3.c); c=converttype(c, join_types($1.t, $3.t, '/'), $1.t); $$.c = toreadwrite($1.c, c, 0, 0); $$.t = $1.t; } E : E "|=" E { code_t*c = abc_bitor($3.c); c=converttype(c, TYPE_INT, $1.t); $$.c = toreadwrite($1.c, c, 0, 0); $$.t = $1.t; } E : E "+=" E { code_t*c = $3.c; if(TYPE_IS_INT($3.t) || TYPE_IS_UINT($3.t)) { c=abc_add_i(c); } else { c=abc_add(c); } c=converttype(c, join_types($1.t, $3.t, '+'), $1.t); $$.c = toreadwrite($1.c, c, 0, 0); $$.t = $1.t; } E : E "-=" E { code_t*c = $3.c; if(TYPE_IS_INT($3.t) || TYPE_IS_UINT($3.t)) { c=abc_subtract_i(c); } else { c=abc_subtract(c); } c=converttype(c, join_types($1.t, $3.t, '-'), $1.t); $$.c = toreadwrite($1.c, c, 0, 0); $$.t = $1.t; } E : E '=' E { code_t*c = 0; c = code_append(c, $3.c); c = converttype(c, $3.t, $1.t); $$.c = toreadwrite($1.c, c, 1, 0); $$.t = $1.t; } E : E '?' E ':' E %prec below_assignment { $$.c = $1.c; code_t*j1 = $$.c = abc_iffalse($$.c, 0); $$.c = code_append($$.c, $3.c); code_t*j2 = $$.c = abc_jump($$.c, 0); $$.c = j1->branch = abc_label($$.c); $$.c = code_append($$.c, $5.c); $$.c = j2->branch = abc_label($$.c); $$.t = join_types($3.t,$5.t,'?'); } // TODO: use inclocal where appropriate E : E "++" { code_t*c = 0; classinfo_t*type = $1.t; if(TYPE_IS_INT(type) || TYPE_IS_UINT(type)) { c=abc_increment_i(c); type = TYPE_INT; } else { c=abc_increment(c); type = TYPE_NUMBER; } c=converttype(c, type, $1.t); $$.c = toreadwrite($1.c, c, 0, 1); $$.t = $1.t; } E : E "--" { code_t*c = 0; classinfo_t*type = $1.t; if(TYPE_IS_INT(type) || TYPE_IS_UINT(type)) { c=abc_decrement_i(c); type = TYPE_INT; } else { c=abc_decrement(c); type = TYPE_NUMBER; } c=converttype(c, type, $1.t); $$.c = toreadwrite($1.c, c, 0, 1); $$.t = $1.t; } E : "++" %prec plusplus_prefix E { code_t*c = 0; classinfo_t*type = $2.t; if(TYPE_IS_INT(type) || TYPE_IS_UINT(type)) { c=abc_increment_i(c); type = TYPE_INT; } else { c=abc_increment(c); type = TYPE_NUMBER; } c=converttype(c, type, $2.t); $$.c = toreadwrite($2.c, c, 0, 0); $$.t = $2.t; } E : "--" %prec minusminus_prefix E { code_t*c = 0; classinfo_t*type = $2.t; if(TYPE_IS_INT(type) || TYPE_IS_UINT(type)) { c=abc_decrement_i(c); type = TYPE_INT; } else { c=abc_decrement(c); type = TYPE_NUMBER; } c=converttype(c, type, $2.t); $$.c = toreadwrite($2.c, c, 0, 0); $$.t = $2.t; } E : "super" '.' T_IDENTIFIER { if(!state->cls->info) syntaxerror("super keyword not allowed outside a class"); classinfo_t*t = state->cls->info->superclass; if(!t) t = TYPE_OBJECT; memberinfo_t*f = registry_findmember(t, $3, 1); namespace_t ns = {flags2access(f->flags), ""}; MEMBER_MULTINAME(m, f, $3); $$.c = 0; $$.c = abc_getlocal_0($$.c); $$.c = abc_getsuper2($$.c, &m); $$.t = memberinfo_gettype(f); } E : E '.' T_IDENTIFIER {$$.c = $1.c; classinfo_t*t = $1.t; char is_static = 0; if(TYPE_IS_CLASS(t) && t->cls) { t = t->cls; is_static = 1; } if(t) { memberinfo_t*f = registry_findmember(t, $3, 1); char noslot = 0; if(f && !is_static != !(f->flags&FLAG_STATIC)) noslot=1; if(f && f->slot && !noslot) { $$.c = abc_getslot($$.c, f->slot); } else { MEMBER_MULTINAME(m, f, $3); $$.c = abc_getproperty2($$.c, &m); } /* determine type */ $$.t = memberinfo_gettype(f); if(!$$.t) $$.c = abc_coerce_a($$.c); } else { /* when resolving a property on an unknown type, we do know the name of the property (and don't seem to need the package), but we need to make avm2 try out all access modes */ multiname_t m = {MULTINAME, 0, &nopackage_namespace_set, $3}; $$.c = abc_getproperty2($$.c, &m); $$.c = abc_coerce_a($$.c); $$.t = registry_getanytype(); } } VAR_READ : T_IDENTIFIER { $$.t = 0; $$.c = 0; classinfo_t*a = 0; memberinfo_t*f = 0; variable_t*v; /* look at variables */ if((v = find_variable($1))) { // $1 is a local variable $$.c = abc_getlocal($$.c, v->index); $$.t = v->type; /* look at current class' members */ } else if(state->cls && (f = registry_findmember(state->cls->info, $1, 1))) { // $1 is a function in this class int var_is_static = (f->flags&FLAG_STATIC); int i_am_static = ((state->method && state->method->info)?(state->method->info->flags&FLAG_STATIC):FLAG_STATIC); if(var_is_static != i_am_static) { /* there doesn't seem to be any "static" way to access static properties of a class */ state->method->late_binding = 1; $$.t = f->type; namespace_t ns = {flags2access(f->flags), ""}; multiname_t m = {QNAME, &ns, 0, $1}; $$.c = abc_findpropstrict2($$.c, &m); $$.c = abc_getproperty2($$.c, &m); } else { if(f->slot>0) { $$.c = abc_getlocal_0($$.c); $$.c = abc_getslot($$.c, f->slot); } else { namespace_t ns = {flags2access(f->flags), ""}; multiname_t m = {QNAME, &ns, 0, $1}; $$.c = abc_getlocal_0($$.c); $$.c = abc_getproperty2($$.c, &m); } } if(f->kind == MEMBER_METHOD) { $$.t = TYPE_FUNCTION(f); } else { $$.t = f->type; } /* look at actual classes, in the current package and imported */ } else if((a = find_class($1))) { if(a->flags & FLAG_METHOD) { MULTINAME(m, a); $$.c = abc_findpropstrict2($$.c, &m); $$.c = abc_getproperty2($$.c, &m); $$.t = TYPE_FUNCTION(a->function); } else { if(a->slot) { $$.c = abc_getglobalscope($$.c); $$.c = abc_getslot($$.c, a->slot); } else { MULTINAME(m, a); $$.c = abc_getlex2($$.c, &m); } $$.t = TYPE_CLASS(a); } /* unknown object, let the avm2 resolve it */ } else { if(strcmp($1,"trace")) warning("Couldn't resolve '%s', doing late binding", $1); state->method->late_binding = 1; multiname_t m = {MULTINAME, 0, &nopackage_namespace_set, $1}; $$.t = 0; $$.c = abc_findpropstrict2($$.c, &m); $$.c = abc_getproperty2($$.c, &m); } } //TODO: //VARIABLE : VARIABLE ".." T_IDENTIFIER // descendants //VARIABLE : VARIABLE "::" VARIABLE // namespace declaration //VARIABLE : VARIABLE "::" '[' EXPRESSION ']' // qualified expression // ----------------- namespaces ------------------------------------------------- NAMESPACE_DECLARATION : MAYBE_MODIFIERS "namespace" T_IDENTIFIER {$$=0;} NAMESPACE_DECLARATION : MAYBE_MODIFIERS "namespace" T_IDENTIFIER '=' T_IDENTIFIER {$$=0;} NAMESPACE_DECLARATION : MAYBE_MODIFIERS "namespace" T_IDENTIFIER '=' T_STRING {$$=0;} USE_NAMESPACE : "use" "namespace" T_IDENTIFIER {$$=0;}