/* tokenizer.lex Routines for compiling Flash2 AVM2 ABC Actionscript Extension module for the rfxswf library. Part of the swftools package. Copyright (c) 2008 Matthias Kramm This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ %{ #include #include #include #include #include "../utf8.h" #include "tokenizer.h" #include "files.h" static void countlines(char*text, int len) { int t; for(t=0;ttype = type; t->text = s; avm2_lval.token = t; return type; } static char numberbuf[64]; static inline int handlenumber() { if(yyleng>sizeof(numberbuf)-1) syntaxerror("decimal number overflow"); char*s = numberbuf; memcpy(s, yytext, yyleng); s[yyleng]=0; int t; char is_float=0; for(t=0;t10) syntaxerror("integer overflow"); if(yyleng-l==10) { int t; for(t=0;tmax[t]) syntaxerror("integer overflow %s > %s", s+l,max); else if(yytext[l+t]-128) return T_BYTE; else if(v>=-32768) return T_SHORT; else return T_INT; } else { unsigned int v = 0; for(t=0;t{ {REGEXP} {c(); BEGIN(INITIAL);return m(T_REGEXP);} } \xef\xbb\xbf {/* utf 8 bom */} {S} {c();} {NUMBER} {c(); BEGIN(INITIAL);return handlenumber();} 3rr0r {/* for debugging: generates a tokenizer-level error */ syntaxerror("3rr0r");} [&][&] {c();BEGIN(REGEXPOK);return m(T_ANDAND);} [|][|] {c();BEGIN(REGEXPOK);return m(T_OROR);} [!][=] {c();BEGIN(REGEXPOK);return m(T_NE);} [=][=][=] {c();BEGIN(REGEXPOK);return m(T_EQEQEQ);} [=][=] {c();BEGIN(REGEXPOK);return m(T_EQEQ);} [>][=] {c();return m(T_GE);} [<][=] {c();return m(T_LE);} [-][-] {c();BEGIN(INITIAL);return m(T_MINUSMINUS);} [+][+] {c();BEGIN(INITIAL);return m(T_PLUSPLUS);} [+][=] {c();return m(T_PLUSBY);} [-][=] {c();return m(T_MINUSBY);} [/][=] {c();return m(T_DIVBY);} [%][=] {c();return m(T_MODBY);} [*][=] {c();return m(T_MULBY);} [>][>][=] {c();return m(T_SHRBY);} [<][<][=] {c();return m(T_SHLBY);} [>][>][>][=] {c();return m(T_USHRBY);} [<][<] {c();return m(T_SHL);} [>][>][>] {c();return m(T_USHR);} [>][>] {c();return m(T_SHR);} \.\.\. {c();return m(T_DOTDOTDOT);} \.\. {c();return m(T_DOTDOT);} \. {c();return m('.');} :: {c();return m(T_COLONCOLON);} : {c();return m(':');} implements {c();return m(KW_IMPLEMENTS);} interface {c();return m(KW_INTERFACE);} namespace {c();return m(KW_NAMESPACE);} protected {c();return m(KW_PROTECTED);} override {c();return m(KW_OVERRIDE);} internal {c();return m(KW_INTERNAL);} function {c();return m(KW_FUNCTION);} package {c();return m(KW_PACKAGE);} private {c();return m(KW_PRIVATE);} Boolean {c();return m(KW_BOOLEAN);} dynamic {c();return m(KW_DYNAMIC);} extends {c();return m(KW_EXTENDS);} return {c();return m(KW_RETURN);} public {c();return m(KW_PUBLIC);} native {c();return m(KW_NATIVE);} static {c();return m(KW_STATIC);} import {c();return m(KW_IMPORT);} Number {c();return m(KW_NUMBER);} while {c();return m(KW_WHILE);} class {c();return m(KW_CLASS);} const {c();return m(KW_CONST);} final {c();return m(KW_FINAL);} false {c();return m(KW_FALSE);} break {c();return m(KW_BREAK);} true {c();return m(KW_TRUE);} uint {c();return m(KW_UINT);} null {c();return m(KW_NULL);} else {c();return m(KW_ELSE);} use {c();return m(KW_USE);} int {c();return m(KW_INT);} new {c();return m(KW_NEW);} get {c();return m(KW_GET);} for {c();return m(KW_FOR);} set {c();return m(KW_SET);} var {c();return m(KW_VAR);} is {c();return m(KW_IS) ;} if {c();return m(KW_IF) ;} as {c();return m(KW_AS);} {NAME} {c();BEGIN(INITIAL);return m(T_IDENTIFIER);} [+-\/*^~@$!%&\(=\[\]\{\}|?:;,.<>] {c();BEGIN(REGEXPOK);return m(yytext[0]);} [\)\]] {c();BEGIN(INITIAL);return m(yytext[0]);} . {char c1=yytext[0]; char buf[128]; buf[0] = yytext[0]; int t; for(t=1;t<128;t++) { char c = buf[t]=input(); if(c=='\n' || c==EOF) { buf[t] = 0; break; } } if(c1>='0' && c1<='9') syntaxerror("syntax error: %s (identifiers must not start with a digit)"); else syntaxerror("syntax error: %s", buf); printf("\n"); exit(1); yyterminate(); } <> {c(); void*b = leave_file(); if (!b) { yyterminate(); yy_delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER); return m(T_EOF); } else { yy_delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER); yy_switch_to_buffer(b); } } %% int yywrap() { return 1; } static char mbuf[256]; char*token2string(token_t*t) { int nr=t->type; if(nr==T_STRING) return ""; else if(nr==T_INT) return ""; else if(nr==T_UINT) return ""; else if(nr==T_FLOAT) return ""; else if(nr==T_REGEXP) return "REGEXP"; else if(nr==T_EOF) return "***END***"; else if(nr==T_GE) return ">="; else if(nr==T_LE) return "<="; else if(nr==T_MINUSMINUS) return "--"; else if(nr==T_PLUSPLUS) return "++"; else if(nr==KW_IMPLEMENTS) return "implements"; else if(nr==KW_INTERFACE) return "interface"; else if(nr==KW_NAMESPACE) return "namespace"; else if(nr==KW_PROTECTED) return "protected"; else if(nr==KW_OVERRIDE) return "override"; else if(nr==KW_INTERNAL) return "internal"; else if(nr==KW_FUNCTION) return "function"; else if(nr==KW_PACKAGE) return "package"; else if(nr==KW_PRIVATE) return "private"; else if(nr==KW_BOOLEAN) return "Boolean"; else if(nr==KW_DYNAMIC) return "dynamic"; else if(nr==KW_EXTENDS) return "extends"; else if(nr==KW_PUBLIC) return "public"; else if(nr==KW_NATIVE) return "native"; else if(nr==KW_STATIC) return "static"; else if(nr==KW_IMPORT) return "import"; else if(nr==KW_NUMBER) return "number"; else if(nr==KW_CLASS) return "class"; else if(nr==KW_CONST) return "const"; else if(nr==KW_FINAL) return "final"; else if(nr==KW_FALSE) return "False"; else if(nr==KW_TRUE) return "True"; else if(nr==KW_UINT) return "uint"; else if(nr==KW_NULL) return "null"; else if(nr==KW_ELSE) return "else"; else if(nr==KW_USE) return "use"; else if(nr==KW_INT) return "int"; else if(nr==KW_NEW) return "new"; else if(nr==KW_GET) return "get"; else if(nr==KW_FOR) return "for"; else if(nr==KW_SET) return "set"; else if(nr==KW_VAR) return "var"; else if(nr==KW_IS) return "is"; else if(nr==KW_AS) return "as"; else if(nr==T_IDENTIFIER) { if(strlen(t->text)>sizeof(mbuf)-1) return "ID(...)"; sprintf(mbuf, "ID(%s)", t->text); return mbuf; } else { sprintf(mbuf, "%d", nr); return mbuf; } } void initialize_scanner() { BEGIN(BEGINNING); }