--- /dev/null
+1.) What's the cost of swftools?
+ SWFTools is free of charge, and is released under the GPL
+ (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html).
+2.) How to compile/link swftools?
+ Download swftools-0.4.2.tar.gz and t1lib-1.3.1.tar.gz.
+ gzip -d swftools-0.4.2.tar.gz
+ gzip -d t1lib-1.3.1.tar.gz
+ tar -xf t1lib-1.3.1.tar
+ cd t1lib-1.3.1
+ ./configure
+ make
+ make install
+ cd ..
+ tar -xf swftools-0.4.2.tar
+ cd swftools-0.4.2
+ ./configure
+ make
+ make install
+3.) Is there a pdf2swf for Windows?
+ No. pdf2swf only runs on Unix platforms, like Linux, *BSD, MacOS X, etc.
+ There have been some successes reported on compling pdf2swf on Win32 using
+ Cygwin (http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin), however, there's no working version
+ yet.
+ If you want to use pdf2swf, find a Unix machine.
+4.) Is there *going to* be a pdf2swf for Windows?
+ Probably. As soon as we find the time to look into the Cygwin compile issues.
+5.) Can png2swf handle transparency?
+ Yes.
+6.) How to get Flash MX compression with SWFTools?
+ Most tools support the -z flag for outputting compressed SWF.
+ Furthermore you can compress/uncompress SWF files using swfcombine:
+ swfcombine -dz file.swf -o file_new.swf
+ compresses, while
+ swfcombine -d file.swf -o file_new.swf
+ decompresses.
+7.) Is there a mailing list for SWFTools?
+ There used to be, however it was shut down due to lack of traffic. The archive
+ is available as raw INBOX file on http://www.quiss.org/swftools/list.tar.gz.
+8.) avi2swf converts my avi files upside down!
+ Try using the -p (--flip) switch.
${name}/avi2swf/Makefile \
${name}/lib/example/buttontest.c \
${name}/swfs/simple_viewer.c \
+${name}/swfs/keyboard_viewer.c \
${name}/swfs/PreLoaderTemplate.c \
${name}/lib/modules/swfaction.c \
${name}/lib/modules/swfdump.c \
${name}/COPYING \
${name}/AUTHORS \
${name}/ChangeLog \
+${name}/FAQ \
${name}/release.in \
${name}/TODO \
${name}/pdf2swf/ttf2pt1/COPYRIGHT \