int swf_WriteCGI(SWF * swf); // Outputs SWF with valid CGI header to stdout
void swf_FreeTags(SWF * swf); // Frees all malloc'ed memory for swf
SWF* swf_CopySWF(SWF*swf);
+void swf_ReadABCfile(char*filename, SWF*swf);
// for streaming:
int swf_WriteHeader(int handle,SWF * swf); // Writes Header of swf to file
U32 swf_GetABCU32(TAG*tag);
void swf_SetABCS32(TAG*tag, S32 v);
S32 swf_GetABCS32(TAG*tag);
-int swf_SetU30String(TAG*tag, const char*str);
+int swf_SetU30String(TAG*tag, const char*str, int len);
double swf_GetD64(TAG*tag);
int swf_SetD64(TAG*tag, double v);
int swf_GetU24(TAG*tag);