--- /dev/null
+/* pdfswf.cc
+ implements a pdf output device (OutputDev).
+ This file is part of swftools.
+ Swftools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ Swftools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with swftools; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "../../config.h"
+#include "../os.h"
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fontconfig.h>
+//xpdf header files
+#include "config.h"
+#include "gfile.h"
+#include "GString.h"
+#include "gmem.h"
+#include "Object.h"
+#include "Stream.h"
+#include "Array.h"
+#include "Dict.h"
+#include "XRef.h"
+#include "Catalog.h"
+#include "Page.h"
+#include "PDFDoc.h"
+#include "Error.h"
+#include "Link.h"
+#include "OutputDev.h"
+#include "GfxFont.h"
+#include "GfxState.h"
+#include "CharCodeToUnicode.h"
+#include "NameToUnicodeTable.h"
+#include "GlobalParams.h"
+#include "FoFiType1C.h"
+#include "FoFiTrueType.h"
+#include "GHash.h"
+#include "GFXOutputDev.h"
+//swftools header files
+#include "../log.h"
+#include "../gfxdevice.h"
+#include "../gfxtools.h"
+#include "../gfxfont.h"
+#include <math.h>
+typedef struct _fontfile
+ char*filename;
+ int used;
+} fontfile_t;
+// for pdfswf_addfont
+static fontfile_t fonts[2048];
+static int fontnum = 0;
+/* config */
+static char* lastfontdir = 0;
+struct mapping {
+ char*pdffont;
+ char*filename;
+} pdf2t1map[] ={
+{"Times-Roman", "n021003l"},
+{"Times-Italic", "n021023l"},
+{"Times-Bold", "n021004l"},
+{"Times-BoldItalic", "n021024l"},
+{"Helvetica", "n019003l"},
+{"Helvetica-Oblique", "n019023l"},
+{"Helvetica-Bold", "n019004l"},
+{"Helvetica-BoldOblique", "n019024l"},
+{"Courier", "n022003l"},
+{"Courier-Oblique", "n022023l"},
+{"Courier-Bold", "n022004l"},
+{"Courier-BoldOblique", "n022024l"},
+{"Symbol", "s050000l"},
+{"ZapfDingbats", "d050000l"}};
+GFXOutputState::GFXOutputState() {
+ this->clipping = 0;
+ this->textRender = 0;
+GBool GFXOutputDev::interpretType3Chars()
+ return gTrue;
+typedef struct _drawnchar
+ gfxcoord_t x,y;
+ int charid;
+ gfxcolor_t color;
+} drawnchar_t;
+class CharBuffer
+ drawnchar_t * chars;
+ int buf_size;
+ int num_chars;
+ CharBuffer()
+ {
+ buf_size = 32;
+ chars = (drawnchar_t*)malloc(sizeof(drawnchar_t)*buf_size);
+ memset(chars, 0, sizeof(drawnchar_t)*buf_size);
+ num_chars = 0;
+ }
+ ~CharBuffer()
+ {
+ free(chars);chars = 0;
+ }
+ void grow(int size)
+ {
+ if(size>=buf_size) {
+ buf_size += 32;
+ chars = (drawnchar_t*)realloc(chars, sizeof(drawnchar_t)*buf_size);
+ }
+ }
+ void addChar(int charid, gfxcoord_t x, gfxcoord_t y, gfxcolor_t color)
+ {
+ grow(num_chars);
+ chars[num_chars].x = x;
+ chars[num_chars].y = y;
+ chars[num_chars].color = color;
+ chars[num_chars].charid = charid;
+ }
+static char*getFontID(GfxFont*font);
+ this->jpeginfo = 0;
+ this->textmodeinfo = 0;
+ this->ttfinfo = 0;
+ this->linkinfo = 0;
+ this->pbminfo = 0;
+ this->type3active = 0;
+ this->statepos = 0;
+ this->xref = 0;
+ this->substitutepos = 0;
+ this->type3Warning = 0;
+ this->user_movex = 0;
+ this->user_movey = 0;
+ this->clipmovex = 0;
+ this->clipmovey = 0;
+ this->user_clipx1 = 0;
+ this->user_clipy1 = 0;
+ this->user_clipx2 = 0;
+ this->user_clipy2 = 0;
+ this->current_text_stroke = 0;
+ this->current_text_clip = 0;
+ this->fontlist = 0;
+ this->outer_clip_box = 0;
+ this->pages = 0;
+ this->pagebuflen = 0;
+ this->pagepos = 0;
+ this->transparencyGroup = 0;
+ this->forceType0Fonts=1;
+ this->config_use_fontconfig=1;
+ this->parameters = p;
+ /* configure device */
+ while(p) {
+ if(!strcmp(p->name,"forceType0Fonts")) {
+ this->forceType0Fonts = atoi(p->value);
+ } else if(!strcmp(p->name,"fontconfig")) {
+ this->config_use_fontconfig = atoi(p->value);
+ }
+ p = p->next;
+ }
+void GFXOutputDev::setDevice(gfxdevice_t*dev)
+ parameter_t*p = this->parameters;
+ /* TODO: get rid of this */
+ this->device = dev;
+ if(this->device) {
+ while(p) {
+ this->device->setparameter(this->device, p->name, p->value);
+ p = p->next;
+ }
+ }
+void GFXOutputDev::setMove(int x,int y)
+ this->user_movex = x;
+ this->user_movey = y;
+void GFXOutputDev::setClip(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2)
+ if(x2<x1) {int x3=x1;x1=x2;x2=x3;}
+ if(y2<y1) {int y3=y1;y1=y2;y2=y3;}
+ this->user_clipx1 = x1;
+ this->user_clipy1 = y1;
+ this->user_clipx2 = x2;
+ this->user_clipy2 = y2;
+static char*getFontID(GfxFont*font)
+ Ref*ref = font->getID();
+ GString*gstr = font->getName();
+ char* fname = gstr==0?0:gstr->getCString();
+ char buf[128];
+ if(fname==0) {
+ sprintf(buf, "font-%d-%d", ref->num, ref->gen);
+ } else {
+ sprintf(buf, "%s-%d-%d", fname, ref->num, ref->gen);
+ }
+ return strdup(buf);
+static char*getFontName(GfxFont*font)
+ char*fontid;
+ GString*gstr = font->getName();
+ char* fname = gstr==0?0:gstr->getCString();
+ if(fname==0) {
+ char buf[32];
+ Ref*r=font->getID();
+ sprintf(buf, "UFONT%d", r->num);
+ fontid = strdup(buf);
+ } else {
+ fontid = strdup(fname);
+ }
+ char*fontname= 0;
+ char* plus = strchr(fontid, '+');
+ if(plus && plus < &fontid[strlen(fontid)-1]) {
+ fontname = strdup(plus+1);
+ } else {
+ fontname = strdup(fontid);
+ }
+ free(fontid);
+ return fontname;
+static char mybuf[1024];
+static char* gfxstate2str(GfxState *state)
+ char*bufpos = mybuf;
+ GfxRGB rgb;
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"CTM[%.3f/%.3f/%.3f/%.3f/%.3f/%.3f] ",
+ state->getCTM()[0],
+ state->getCTM()[1],
+ state->getCTM()[2],
+ state->getCTM()[3],
+ state->getCTM()[4],
+ state->getCTM()[5]);
+ if(state->getX1()!=0.0)
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"X1-%.1f ",state->getX1());
+ if(state->getY1()!=0.0)
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"Y1-%.1f ",state->getY1());
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"X2-%.1f ",state->getX2());
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"Y2-%.1f ",state->getY2());
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"PW%.1f ",state->getPageWidth());
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"PH%.1f ",state->getPageHeight());
+ /*bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"FC[%.1f/%.1f] ",
+ state->getFillColor()->c[0], state->getFillColor()->c[1]);
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"SC[%.1f/%.1f] ",
+ state->getStrokeColor()->c[0], state->getFillColor()->c[1]);*/
+/* bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"FC[%.1f/%.1f/%.1f/%.1f/%.1f/%.1f/%.1f/%.1f]",
+ state->getFillColor()->c[0], state->getFillColor()->c[1],
+ state->getFillColor()->c[2], state->getFillColor()->c[3],
+ state->getFillColor()->c[4], state->getFillColor()->c[5],
+ state->getFillColor()->c[6], state->getFillColor()->c[7]);
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"SC[%.1f/%.1f/%.1f/%.1f/%.1f/%.1f/%.1f/%.1f]",
+ state->getStrokeColor()->c[0], state->getFillColor()->c[1],
+ state->getStrokeColor()->c[2], state->getFillColor()->c[3],
+ state->getStrokeColor()->c[4], state->getFillColor()->c[5],
+ state->getStrokeColor()->c[6], state->getFillColor()->c[7]);*/
+ state->getFillRGB(&rgb);
+ if(rgb.r || rgb.g || rgb.b)
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"FR[%.1f/%.1f/%.1f] ", rgb.r,rgb.g,rgb.b);
+ state->getStrokeRGB(&rgb);
+ if(rgb.r || rgb.g || rgb.b)
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"SR[%.1f/%.1f/%.1f] ", rgb.r,rgb.g,rgb.b);
+ if(state->getFillColorSpace()->getNComps()>1)
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"CS[[%d]] ",state->getFillColorSpace()->getNComps());
+ if(state->getStrokeColorSpace()->getNComps()>1)
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"SS[[%d]] ",state->getStrokeColorSpace()->getNComps());
+ if(state->getFillPattern())
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"FP%08x ", state->getFillPattern());
+ if(state->getStrokePattern())
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"SP%08x ", state->getStrokePattern());
+ if(state->getFillOpacity()!=1.0)
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"FO%.1f ", state->getFillOpacity());
+ if(state->getStrokeOpacity()!=1.0)
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"SO%.1f ", state->getStrokeOpacity());
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"LW%.1f ", state->getLineWidth());
+ double * dash;
+ int length;
+ double start;
+ state->getLineDash(&dash, &length, &start);
+ int t;
+ if(length)
+ {
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"DASH%.1f[",start);
+ for(t=0;t<length;t++) {
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"D%.1f",dash[t]);
+ }
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"]");
+ }
+ if(state->getFlatness()!=1)
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"F%d ", state->getFlatness());
+ if(state->getLineJoin()!=0)
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"J%d ", state->getLineJoin());
+ if(state->getLineJoin()!=0)
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"C%d ", state->getLineCap());
+ if(state->getLineJoin()!=0)
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"ML%d ", state->getMiterLimit());
+ if(state->getFont() && getFontID(state->getFont()))
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"F\"%s\" ",getFontID(state->getFont()));
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"FS%.1f ", state->getFontSize());
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"MAT[%.1f/%.1f/%.1f/%.1f/%.1f/%.1f] ", state->getTextMat()[0],state->getTextMat()[1],state->getTextMat()[2],
+ state->getTextMat()[3],state->getTextMat()[4],state->getTextMat()[5]);
+ if(state->getCharSpace())
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"CS%.5f ", state->getCharSpace());
+ if(state->getWordSpace())
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"WS%.5f ", state->getWordSpace());
+ if(state->getHorizScaling()!=1.0)
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"SC%.1f ", state->getHorizScaling());
+ if(state->getLeading())
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"L%.1f ", state->getLeading());
+ if(state->getRise())
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"R%.1f ", state->getRise());
+ if(state->getRender())
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"R%d ", state->getRender());
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"P%08x ", state->getPath());
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"CX%.1f ", state->getCurX());
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"CY%.1f ", state->getCurY());
+ if(state->getLineX())
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"LX%.1f ", state->getLineX());
+ if(state->getLineY())
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos,"LY%.1f ", state->getLineY());
+ bufpos+=sprintf(bufpos," ");
+ return mybuf;
+static void dumpFontInfo(char*loglevel, GfxFont*font);
+static int lastdumps[1024];
+static int lastdumppos = 0;
+/* nr = 0 unknown
+ nr = 1 substituting
+ nr = 2 type 3
+ */
+static void showFontError(GfxFont*font, int nr)
+ Ref*r=font->getID();
+ int t;
+ for(t=0;t<lastdumppos;t++)
+ if(lastdumps[t] == r->num)
+ break;
+ if(t < lastdumppos)
+ return;
+ if(lastdumppos<sizeof(lastdumps)/sizeof(int))
+ lastdumps[lastdumppos++] = r->num;
+ if(nr == 0)
+ msg("<warning> The following font caused problems:");
+ else if(nr == 1)
+ msg("<warning> The following font caused problems (substituting):");
+ else if(nr == 2)
+ msg("<warning> The following Type 3 Font will be rendered as bitmap:");
+ dumpFontInfo("<warning>", font);
+static void dumpFontInfo(char*loglevel, GfxFont*font)
+ char* id = getFontID(font);
+ char* name = getFontName(font);
+ Ref* r=font->getID();
+ msg("%s=========== %s (ID:%d,%d) ==========\n", loglevel, name, r->num,r->gen);
+ GString*gstr = font->getTag();
+ msg("%s| Tag: %s\n", loglevel, id);
+ if(font->isCIDFont()) msg("%s| is CID font\n", loglevel);
+ GfxFontType type=font->getType();
+ switch(type) {
+ case fontUnknownType:
+ msg("%s| Type: unknown\n",loglevel);
+ break;
+ case fontType1:
+ msg("%s| Type: 1\n",loglevel);
+ break;
+ case fontType1C:
+ msg("%s| Type: 1C\n",loglevel);
+ break;
+ case fontType3:
+ msg("%s| Type: 3\n",loglevel);
+ break;
+ case fontTrueType:
+ msg("%s| Type: TrueType\n",loglevel);
+ break;
+ case fontCIDType0:
+ msg("%s| Type: CIDType0\n",loglevel);
+ break;
+ case fontCIDType0C:
+ msg("%s| Type: CIDType0C\n",loglevel);
+ break;
+ case fontCIDType2:
+ msg("%s| Type: CIDType2\n",loglevel);
+ break;
+ }
+ Ref embRef;
+ GBool embedded = font->getEmbeddedFontID(&embRef);
+ char*embeddedName=0;
+ if(font->getEmbeddedFontName()) {
+ embeddedName = font->getEmbeddedFontName()->getCString();
+ }
+ if(embedded)
+ msg("%s| Embedded id: %s id: %d\n",loglevel, FIXNULL(embeddedName), embRef.num);
+ gstr = font->getExtFontFile();
+ if(gstr)
+ msg("%s| External Font file: %s\n", loglevel, FIXNULL(gstr->getCString()));
+ // Get font descriptor flags.
+ if(font->isFixedWidth()) msg("%s| is fixed width\n", loglevel);
+ if(font->isSerif()) msg("%s| is serif\n", loglevel);
+ if(font->isSymbolic()) msg("%s| is symbolic\n", loglevel);
+ if(font->isItalic()) msg("%s| is italic\n", loglevel);
+ if(font->isBold()) msg("%s| is bold\n", loglevel);
+ free(id);
+ free(name);
+//void GFXOutputDev::drawImageMask(GfxState *state, Object *ref, Stream *str, int width, int height, GBool invert, GBool inlineImg) {printf("void GFXOutputDev::drawImageMask(GfxState *state, Object *ref, Stream *str, int width, int height, GBool invert, GBool inlineImg) \n");}
+//void GFXOutputDev::drawImage(GfxState *state, Object *ref, Stream *str, int width, int height, GfxImageColorMap *colorMap, GBool inlineImg) {printf("void GFXOutputDev::drawImage(GfxState *state, Object *ref, Stream *str, int width, int height, GfxImageColorMap *colorMap, GBool inlineImg) \n");}
+void dump_outline(gfxline_t*line)
+ while(line) {
+ if(line->type == gfx_moveTo) {
+ msg("<debug> | moveTo %.2f %.2f", line->x,line->y);
+ } else if(line->type == gfx_lineTo) {
+ msg("<debug> | lineTo %.2f %.2f", line->x,line->y);
+ } else if(line->type == gfx_splineTo) {
+ msg("<debug> | splineTo (%.2f %.2f) %.2f %.2f", line->sx,line->sy, line->x, line->y);
+ }
+ line = line->next;
+ }
+gfxline_t* gfxPath_to_gfxline(GfxState*state, GfxPath*path, int closed, int user_movex, int user_movey)
+ int num = path->getNumSubpaths();
+ int s,t;
+ int cpos = 0;
+ double lastx=0,lasty=0,posx=0,posy=0;
+ int needsfix=0;
+ if(!num) {
+ msg("<warning> empty path");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ gfxdrawer_t draw;
+ gfxdrawer_target_gfxline(&draw);
+ for(t = 0; t < num; t++) {
+ GfxSubpath *subpath = path->getSubpath(t);
+ int subnum = subpath->getNumPoints();
+ double bx=0,by=0,cx=0,cy=0;
+ for(s=0;s<subnum;s++) {
+ double x,y;
+ state->transform(subpath->getX(s),subpath->getY(s),&x,&y);
+ x += user_movex;
+ y += user_movey;
+ if(s==0) {
+ if(closed && needsfix && (fabs(posx-lastx)+fabs(posy-lasty))>0.001) {
+ draw.lineTo(&draw, lastx, lasty);
+ }
+ draw.moveTo(&draw, x,y);
+ posx = lastx = x;
+ posy = lasty = y;
+ cpos = 0;
+ needsfix = 0;
+ } else if(subpath->getCurve(s) && cpos==0) {
+ bx = x;
+ by = y;
+ cpos = 1;
+ } else if(subpath->getCurve(s) && cpos==1) {
+ cx = x;
+ cy = y;
+ cpos = 2;
+ } else {
+ posx = x;
+ posy = y;
+ if(cpos==0) {
+ draw.lineTo(&draw, x,y);
+ } else {
+ gfxdraw_cubicTo(&draw, bx,by, cx,cy, x,y, 0.05);
+ }
+ needsfix = 1;
+ cpos = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* fix non-closed lines */
+ if(closed && needsfix && (fabs(posx-lastx)+fabs(posy-lasty))>0.001) {
+ draw.lineTo(&draw, lastx, lasty);
+ }
+ gfxline_t*result = (gfxline_t*)draw.result(&draw);
+ return result;
+ * Primitive Graphic routines
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void GFXOutputDev::strokeGfxline(GfxState *state, gfxline_t*line)
+ int lineCap = state->getLineCap(); // 0=butt, 1=round 2=square
+ int lineJoin = state->getLineJoin(); // 0=miter, 1=round 2=bevel
+ double miterLimit = state->getMiterLimit();
+ double width = state->getTransformedLineWidth();
+ GfxRGB rgb;
+ double opaq = state->getStrokeOpacity();
+ if(type3active)
+ state->getFillRGB(&rgb);
+ else
+ state->getStrokeRGB(&rgb);
+ gfxcolor_t col;
+ col.r = colToByte(rgb.r);
+ col.g = colToByte(rgb.g);
+ col.b = colToByte(rgb.b);
+ col.a = (unsigned char)(opaq*255);
+ gfx_capType capType = gfx_capRound;
+ if(lineCap == 0) capType = gfx_capButt;
+ else if(lineCap == 1) capType = gfx_capRound;
+ else if(lineCap == 2) capType = gfx_capSquare;
+ gfx_joinType joinType = gfx_joinRound;
+ if(lineJoin == 0) joinType = gfx_joinMiter;
+ else if(lineJoin == 1) joinType = gfx_joinRound;
+ else if(lineJoin == 2) joinType = gfx_joinBevel;
+ int dashnum = 0;
+ double dashphase = 0;
+ double * ldash = 0;
+ state->getLineDash(&ldash, &dashnum, &dashphase);
+ gfxline_t*line2 = 0;
+ if(dashnum && ldash) {
+ float * dash = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*(dashnum+1));
+ int t;
+ double cut = 0;
+ int fixzero = 0;
+ msg("<trace> %d dashes", dashnum);
+ msg("<trace> | phase: %f", dashphase);
+ for(t=0;t<dashnum;t++) {
+ dash[t] = ldash[t];
+ msg("<trace> | d%-3d: %f", t, ldash[t]);
+ }
+ dash[dashnum] = -1;
+ if(getLogLevel() >= LOGLEVEL_TRACE) {
+ dump_outline(line);
+ }
+ line2 = gfxtool_dash_line(line, dash, dashphase);
+ line = line2;
+ free(dash);
+ msg("<trace> After dashing:");
+ }
+ if(getLogLevel() >= LOGLEVEL_TRACE) {
+ msg("<trace> stroke width=%f join=%s cap=%s dashes=%d color=%02x%02x%02x%02x\n",
+ width,
+ lineJoin==0?"miter": (lineJoin==1?"round":"bevel"),
+ lineCap==0?"butt": (lineJoin==1?"round":"square"),
+ dashnum,
+ col.r,col.g,col.b,col.a
+ );
+ dump_outline(line);
+ }
+ //swfoutput_drawgfxline(output, line, width, &col, capType, joinType, miterLimit);
+ device->stroke(device, line, width, &col, capType, joinType, miterLimit);
+ if(line2)
+ gfxline_free(line2);
+gfxcolor_t getFillColor(GfxState * state)
+ GfxRGB rgb;
+ double opaq = state->getFillOpacity();
+ state->getFillRGB(&rgb);
+ gfxcolor_t col;
+ col.r = colToByte(rgb.r);
+ col.g = colToByte(rgb.g);
+ col.b = colToByte(rgb.b);
+ col.a = (unsigned char)(opaq*255);
+ return col;
+void GFXOutputDev::fillGfxLine(GfxState *state, gfxline_t*line)
+ gfxcolor_t col = getFillColor(state);
+ if(getLogLevel() >= LOGLEVEL_TRACE) {
+ msg("<trace> fill %02x%02x%02x%02x\n", col.r, col.g, col.b, col.a);
+ dump_outline(line);
+ }
+ device->fill(device, line, &col);
+void GFXOutputDev::clip(GfxState *state)
+ GfxPath * path = state->getPath();
+ gfxline_t*line = gfxPath_to_gfxline(state, path, 1, user_movex + clipmovex, user_movey + clipmovey);
+ clipToGfxLine(state, line);
+ gfxline_free(line);
+void GFXOutputDev::clipToGfxLine(GfxState *state, gfxline_t*line)
+ if(getLogLevel() >= LOGLEVEL_TRACE) {
+ msg("<trace> clip\n");
+ dump_outline(line);
+ }
+ device->startclip(device, line);
+ states[statepos].clipping++;
+void GFXOutputDev::eoClip(GfxState *state)
+ GfxPath * path = state->getPath();
+ gfxline_t*line = gfxPath_to_gfxline(state, path, 1, user_movex + clipmovex, user_movey + clipmovey);
+ if(getLogLevel() >= LOGLEVEL_TRACE) {
+ msg("<trace> eoclip\n");
+ dump_outline(line);
+ }
+ device->startclip(device, line);
+ states[statepos].clipping++;
+ gfxline_free(line);
+void GFXOutputDev::endframe()
+ if(outer_clip_box) {
+ device->endclip(device);
+ outer_clip_box = 0;
+ }
+ device->endpage(device);
+void GFXOutputDev::finish()
+ if(outer_clip_box) {
+ if(device) {
+ device->endclip(device);
+ }
+ outer_clip_box = 0;
+ }
+ finish();
+ if(this->pages) {
+ free(this->pages); this->pages = 0;
+ }
+ fontlist_t*l = this->fontlist;
+ while(l) {
+ fontlist_t*next = l->next;
+ l->next = 0;
+ gfxfont_free(l->font);
+ free(l->filename);l->filename=0;
+ free(l);
+ l = next;
+ }
+ this->fontlist = 0;
+GBool GFXOutputDev::upsideDown()
+ return gTrue;
+GBool GFXOutputDev::useDrawChar()
+ return gTrue;
+char*renderModeDesc[]= {"fill", "stroke", "fill+stroke", "invisible",
+ "clip+fill", "stroke+clip", "fill+stroke+clip", "clip"};
+#define RENDER_FILL 0
+#define RENDER_STROKE 1
+#define RENDER_CLIP 4
+static char tmp_printstr[4096];
+char* makeStringPrintable(char*str)
+ int len = strlen(str);
+ int dots = 0;
+ if(len>=80) {
+ len = 80;
+ dots = 1;
+ }
+ int t;
+ for(t=0;t<len;t++) {
+ char c = str[t];
+ if(c<32 || c>124) {
+ c = '.';
+ }
+ tmp_printstr[t] = c;
+ }
+ if(dots) {
+ tmp_printstr[len++] = '.';
+ tmp_printstr[len++] = '.';
+ tmp_printstr[len++] = '.';
+ }
+ tmp_printstr[len] = 0;
+ return tmp_printstr;
+int getGfxCharID(gfxfont_t*font, int charnr, char *charname, int u)
+ char*uniname = 0;
+ if(u>0) {
+ int t;
+ /* find out char name from unicode index
+ TODO: should be precomputed
+ */
+ for(t=0;t<sizeof(nameToUnicodeTab)/sizeof(nameToUnicodeTab[0]);t++) {
+ if(nameToUnicodeTab[t].u == u) {
+ uniname = nameToUnicodeTab[t].name;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(charname) {
+ int t;
+ for(t=0;t<font->num_glyphs;t++) {
+ if(font->glyphs[t].name && !strcmp(font->glyphs[t].name,charname)) {
+ msg("<debug> Char [%d,>%s<,%d] maps to %d\n", charnr, charname, u, t);
+ return t;
+ }
+ }
+ /* if we didn't find the character, maybe
+ we can find the capitalized version */
+ for(t=0;t<font->num_glyphs;t++) {
+ if(font->glyphs[t].name && !strcasecmp(font->glyphs[t].name,charname)) {
+ msg("<debug> Char [%d,>>%s<<,%d] maps to %d\n", charnr, charname, u, t);
+ return t;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(uniname) {
+ int t;
+ for(t=0;t<font->num_glyphs;t++) {
+ if(font->glyphs[t].name && !strcmp(font->glyphs[t].name,uniname)) {
+ msg("<debug> Char [%d,%s,>%d(%s)<] maps to %d\n", charnr, charname, u, uniname, t);
+ return t;
+ }
+ }
+ /* if we didn't find the character, maybe
+ we can find the capitalized version */
+ for(t=0;t<font->num_glyphs;t++) {
+ if(font->glyphs[t].name && !strcasecmp(font->glyphs[t].name,uniname)) {
+ msg("<debug> Char [%d,%s,>>%d(%s)<<] maps to %d\n", charnr, charname, u, uniname, t);
+ return t;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* try to use the unicode id */
+ if(u>=0 && u<font->max_unicode && font->unicode2glyph[u]>=0) {
+ msg("<debug> Char [%d,%s,>%d<] maps to %d\n", charnr, charname, u, font->unicode2glyph[u]);
+ return font->unicode2glyph[u];
+ }
+ if(charnr>=0 && charnr<font->num_glyphs) {
+ msg("<debug> Char [>%d<,%s,%d] maps to %d\n", charnr, charname, u, charnr);
+ return charnr;
+ }
+ return -1;
+void GFXOutputDev::beginString(GfxState *state, GString *s)
+ int render = state->getRender();
+ if(current_text_stroke) {
+ msg("<error> Error: Incompatible change of text rendering to %d while inside cliptext", render);
+ }
+ msg("<trace> beginString(%s) render=%d", makeStringPrintable(s->getCString()), render);
+ double m11,m21,m12,m22;
+// msg("<debug> %s beginstring \"%s\"\n", gfxstate2str(state), s->getCString());
+ state->getFontTransMat(&m11, &m12, &m21, &m22);
+ m11 *= state->getHorizScaling();
+ m21 *= state->getHorizScaling();
+ this->current_font_matrix.m00 = m11 / 1024.0;
+ this->current_font_matrix.m01 = m12 / 1024.0;
+ this->current_font_matrix.m10 = -m21 / 1024.0;
+ this->current_font_matrix.m11 = -m22 / 1024.0;
+ this->current_font_matrix.tx = 0;
+ this->current_font_matrix.ty = 0;
+ gfxmatrix_t m = this->current_font_matrix;
+ /*if(render != 3 && render != 0)
+ msg("<warning> Text rendering mode %d (%s) not fully supported yet (for text \"%s\")", render, renderModeDesc[render&7], makeStringPrintable(s->getCString()));*/
+ states[statepos].textRender = render;
+void GFXOutputDev::drawChar(GfxState *state, double x, double y,
+ double dx, double dy,
+ double originX, double originY,
+ CharCode c, int nBytes, Unicode *_u, int uLen)
+ if(createsoftmask)
+ return;
+ int render = state->getRender();
+ // check for invisible text -- this is used by Acrobat Capture
+ if (render == 3) {
+ msg("<debug> Ignoring invisible text: char %d at %f,%f", c, x, y);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(states[statepos].textRender != render)
+ msg("<error> Internal error: drawChar.render!=beginString.render");
+ gfxcolor_t col = getFillColor(state);
+ Gushort *CIDToGIDMap = 0;
+ GfxFont*font = state->getFont();
+ if(font->getType() == fontType3) {
+ /* type 3 chars are passed as graphics */
+ msg("<debug> type3 char at %f/%f", x, y);
+ return;
+ }
+ Unicode u=0;
+ char*name=0;
+ if(uLen)
+ u = _u[0];
+ if(font->isCIDFont()) {
+ GfxCIDFont*cfont = (GfxCIDFont*)font;
+ if(font->getType() == fontCIDType2)
+ CIDToGIDMap = cfont->getCIDToGID();
+ } else {
+ Gfx8BitFont*font8;
+ font8 = (Gfx8BitFont*)font;
+ char**enc=font8->getEncoding();
+ name = enc[c];
+ }
+ if (CIDToGIDMap) {
+ msg("<debug> drawChar(%f, %f, c='%c' (%d), GID=%d, u=%d <%d>) CID=%d name=\"%s\" render=%d\n", x, y, (c&127)>=32?c:'?', c, CIDToGIDMap[c], u, uLen, font->isCIDFont(), FIXNULL(name), render);
+ c = CIDToGIDMap[c];
+ } else {
+ msg("<debug> drawChar(%f,%f,c='%c' (%d), u=%d <%d>) CID=%d name=\"%s\" render=%d\n",x,y,(c&127)>=32?c:'?',c,u, uLen, font->isCIDFont(), FIXNULL(name), render);
+ }
+ int charid = -1;
+ if(uLen<=1) {
+ charid = getGfxCharID(current_gfxfont, c, name, u);
+ } else {
+ charid = getGfxCharID(current_gfxfont, c, name, -1);
+ if(charid < 0) {
+ /* multiple unicodes- should usually map to a ligature.
+ if the ligature doesn't exist, we need to draw
+ the characters one-by-one. */
+ int t;
+ msg("<warning> ligature %d missing in font %s\n", c, current_gfxfont->id);
+ for(t=0;t<uLen;t++) {
+ drawChar(state, x, y, dx, dy, originX, originY, c, nBytes, _u+t, 1);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if(charid<0) {
+ msg("<warning> Didn't find character '%s' (c=%d,u=%d) in current charset (%s, %d characters)",
+ FIXNULL(name),c, u, FIXNULL((char*)current_gfxfont->id), current_gfxfont->num_glyphs);
+ return;
+ }
+ gfxmatrix_t m = this->current_font_matrix;
+ state->transform(x, y, &m.tx, &m.ty);
+ m.tx += user_movex + clipmovex;
+ m.ty += user_movey + clipmovey;
+ if(render == RENDER_FILL) {
+ device->drawchar(device, current_gfxfont, charid, &col, &m);
+ } else {
+ msg("<debug> Drawing glyph %d as shape", charid);
+ if(!textmodeinfo) {
+ msg("<notice> Some texts will be rendered as shape");
+ textmodeinfo = 1;
+ }
+ gfxline_t*glyph = current_gfxfont->glyphs[charid].line;
+ gfxline_t*tglyph = gfxline_clone(glyph);
+ gfxline_transform(tglyph, &m);
+ if((render&3) != RENDER_INVISIBLE) {
+ gfxline_t*add = gfxline_clone(tglyph);
+ current_text_stroke = gfxline_append(current_text_stroke, add);
+ }
+ if(render&RENDER_CLIP) {
+ gfxline_t*add = gfxline_clone(tglyph);
+ current_text_clip = gfxline_append(current_text_clip, add);
+ }
+ gfxline_free(tglyph);
+ }
+void GFXOutputDev::endString(GfxState *state)
+ int render = state->getRender();
+ msg("<trace> endString() render=%d textstroke=%08x", render, current_text_stroke);
+ if(states[statepos].textRender != render)
+ msg("<error> Internal error: drawChar.render!=beginString.render");
+ if(current_text_stroke) {
+ /* fillstroke and stroke text rendering objects we can process right
+ now (as there may be texts of other rendering modes in this
+ text object)- clipping objects have to wait until endTextObject,
+ however */
+ device->setparameter(device, "mark","TXT");
+ if((render&3) == RENDER_FILL) {
+ fillGfxLine(state, current_text_stroke);
+ gfxline_free(current_text_stroke);
+ current_text_stroke = 0;
+ } else if((render&3) == RENDER_FILLSTROKE) {
+ fillGfxLine(state, current_text_stroke);
+ strokeGfxline(state, current_text_stroke);
+ gfxline_free(current_text_stroke);
+ current_text_stroke = 0;
+ } else if((render&3) == RENDER_STROKE) {
+ strokeGfxline(state, current_text_stroke);
+ gfxline_free(current_text_stroke);
+ current_text_stroke = 0;
+ }
+ device->setparameter(device, "mark","");
+ }
+void GFXOutputDev::endTextObject(GfxState *state)
+ int render = state->getRender();
+ msg("<trace> endTextObject() render=%d textstroke=%08x clipstroke=%08x", render, current_text_stroke, current_text_clip);
+ if(states[statepos].textRender != render)
+ msg("<error> Internal error: drawChar.render!=beginString.render");
+ if(current_text_clip) {
+ device->setparameter(device, "mark","TXT");
+ clipToGfxLine(state, current_text_clip);
+ device->setparameter(device, "mark","");
+ gfxline_free(current_text_clip);
+ current_text_clip = 0;
+ }
+/* the logic seems to be as following:
+ first, beginType3Char is called, with the charcode and the coordinates.
+ if this function returns true, it already knew about the char and has now drawn it.
+ if the function returns false, it's a new char, and type3D1 is called with some parameters-
+ the all draw operations until endType3Char are part of the char (which in this moment is
+ at the position first passed to beginType3Char). the char ends with endType3Char.
+ The drawing operations between beginType3Char and endType3Char are somewhat different to
+ the normal ones. For example, the fillcolor equals the stroke color.
+GBool GFXOutputDev::beginType3Char(GfxState *state, double x, double y, double dx, double dy, CharCode code, Unicode *u, int uLen)
+ msg("<debug> beginType3Char %d, %08x, %d", code, *u, uLen);
+ type3active = 1;
+ /* the character itself is going to be passed using the draw functions */
+ return gFalse; /* gTrue= is_in_cache? */
+void GFXOutputDev::type3D0(GfxState *state, double wx, double wy) {
+ msg("<debug> type3D0 width=%f height=%f", wx, wy);
+void GFXOutputDev::type3D1(GfxState *state, double wx, double wy, double llx, double lly, double urx, double ury) {
+ msg("<debug> type3D1 width=%f height=%f bbox=(%f,%f,%f,%f)", wx, wy,
+ llx,lly,urx,ury);
+void GFXOutputDev::endType3Char(GfxState *state)
+ type3active = 0;
+ msg("<debug> endType3Char");
+void GFXOutputDev::startFrame(int width, int height)
+ if(outer_clip_box) {
+ device->endclip(device);
+ outer_clip_box = 0;
+ }
+ device->startpage(device, width, height);
+void GFXOutputDev::startPage(int pageNum, GfxState *state, double crop_x1, double crop_y1, double crop_x2, double crop_y2)
+ this->currentpage = pageNum;
+ double x1,y1,x2,y2;
+ int rot = doc->getPageRotate(1);
+ gfxcolor_t white;
+ laststate = state;
+ gfxline_t clippath[5];
+ white.r = white.g = white.b = white.a = 255;
+ /* state->transform(state->getX1(),state->getY1(),&x1,&y1);
+ state->transform(state->getX2(),state->getY2(),&x2,&y2);
+ Use CropBox, not MediaBox, as page size
+ */
+ /*x1 = crop_x1;
+ y1 = crop_y1;
+ x2 = crop_x2;
+ y2 = crop_y2;*/
+ state->transform(crop_x1,crop_y1,&x1,&y1); //x1 += user_movex; y1 += user_movey;
+ state->transform(crop_x2,crop_y2,&x2,&y2); //x2 += user_movex; y2 += user_movey;
+ if(x2<x1) {double x3=x1;x1=x2;x2=x3;}
+ if(y2<y1) {double y3=y1;y1=y2;y2=y3;}
+ this->clipmovex = -(int)x1;
+ this->clipmovey = -(int)y1;
+ /* apply user clip box */
+ if(user_clipx1|user_clipy1|user_clipx2|user_clipy2) {
+ /*if(user_clipx1 > x1)*/ x1 = user_clipx1;
+ /*if(user_clipx2 < x2)*/ x2 = user_clipx2;
+ /*if(user_clipy1 > y1)*/ y1 = user_clipy1;
+ /*if(user_clipy2 < y2)*/ y2 = user_clipy2;
+ msg("<verbose> Using user clip box %f/%f/%f/%f",x1,y1,x2,y2);
+ }
+ //msg("<verbose> Bounding box is (%f,%f)-(%f,%f) [shifted by %d/%d]", x1,y1,x2,y2, user_movex, user_movey);
+ msg("<notice> processing PDF page %d (%dx%d:%d:%d) (move:%d:%d)", pageNum, (int)x2-(int)x1,(int)y2-(int)y1, (int)x1, (int)y1, user_movex + clipmovex, user_movey + clipmovey);
+ if(rot!=0)
+ msg("<verbose> page is rotated %d degrees\n", rot);
+ clippath[0].type = gfx_moveTo;clippath[0].x = x1; clippath[0].y = y1; clippath[0].next = &clippath[1];
+ clippath[1].type = gfx_lineTo;clippath[1].x = x2; clippath[1].y = y1; clippath[1].next = &clippath[2];
+ clippath[2].type = gfx_lineTo;clippath[2].x = x2; clippath[2].y = y2; clippath[2].next = &clippath[3];
+ clippath[3].type = gfx_lineTo;clippath[3].x = x1; clippath[3].y = y2; clippath[3].next = &clippath[4];
+ clippath[4].type = gfx_lineTo;clippath[4].x = x1; clippath[4].y = y1; clippath[4].next = 0;
+ device->startclip(device, clippath); outer_clip_box = 1;
+ device->fill(device, clippath, &white);
+void GFXOutputDev::drawLink(Link *link, Catalog *catalog)
+ double x1, y1, x2, y2, w;
+ gfxline_t points[5];
+ int x, y;
+ msg("<debug> drawlink\n");
+ link->getRect(&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
+ cvtUserToDev(x1, y1, &x, &y);
+ points[0].type = gfx_moveTo;
+ points[0].x = points[4].x = x + user_movex + clipmovex;
+ points[0].y = points[4].y = y + user_movey + clipmovey;
+ points[0].next = &points[1];
+ cvtUserToDev(x2, y1, &x, &y);
+ points[1].type = gfx_lineTo;
+ points[1].x = x + user_movex + clipmovex;
+ points[1].y = y + user_movey + clipmovey;
+ points[1].next = &points[2];
+ cvtUserToDev(x2, y2, &x, &y);
+ points[2].type = gfx_lineTo;
+ points[2].x = x + user_movex + clipmovex;
+ points[2].y = y + user_movey + clipmovey;
+ points[2].next = &points[3];
+ cvtUserToDev(x1, y2, &x, &y);
+ points[3].type = gfx_lineTo;
+ points[3].x = x + user_movex + clipmovex;
+ points[3].y = y + user_movey + clipmovey;
+ points[3].next = &points[4];
+ cvtUserToDev(x1, y1, &x, &y);
+ points[4].type = gfx_lineTo;
+ points[4].x = x + user_movex + clipmovex;
+ points[4].y = y + user_movey + clipmovey;
+ points[4].next = 0;
+ msg("<trace> drawlink %.2f/%.2f %.2f/%.2f %.2f/%.2f %.2f/%.2f\n",
+ points[0].x, points[0].y,
+ points[1].x, points[1].y,
+ points[2].x, points[2].y,
+ points[3].x, points[3].y);
+ LinkAction*action=link->getAction();
+ char buf[128];
+ char*s = 0;
+ char*type = "-?-";
+ char*named = 0;
+ int page = -1;
+ msg("<trace> drawlink action=%d\n", action->getKind());
+ switch(action->getKind())
+ {
+ case actionGoTo: {
+ type = "GoTo";
+ LinkGoTo *ha=(LinkGoTo *)link->getAction();
+ LinkDest *dest=NULL;
+ if (ha->getDest()==NULL)
+ dest=catalog->findDest(ha->getNamedDest());
+ else dest=ha->getDest();
+ if (dest){
+ if (dest->isPageRef()){
+ Ref pageref=dest->getPageRef();
+ page=catalog->findPage(pageref.num,pageref.gen);
+ }
+ else page=dest->getPageNum();
+ sprintf(buf, "%d", page);
+ s = strdup(buf);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case actionGoToR: {
+ type = "GoToR";
+ LinkGoToR*l = (LinkGoToR*)action;
+ GString*g = l->getFileName();
+ if(g)
+ s = strdup(g->getCString());
+ if(!s) {
+ /* if the GoToR link has no filename, then
+ try to find a refernce in the *local*
+ file */
+ GString*g = l->getNamedDest();
+ if(g)
+ s = strdup(g->getCString());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case actionNamed: {
+ type = "Named";
+ LinkNamed*l = (LinkNamed*)action;
+ GString*name = l->getName();
+ if(name) {
+ s = strdup(name->lowerCase()->getCString());
+ named = name->getCString();
+ if(!strchr(s,':'))
+ {
+ if(strstr(s, "next") || strstr(s, "forward"))
+ {
+ page = currentpage + 1;
+ }
+ else if(strstr(s, "prev") || strstr(s, "back"))
+ {
+ page = currentpage - 1;
+ }
+ else if(strstr(s, "last") || strstr(s, "end"))
+ {
+ if(pages && pagepos>0)
+ page = pages[pagepos-1];
+ }
+ else if(strstr(s, "first") || strstr(s, "top"))
+ {
+ page = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case actionLaunch: {
+ type = "Launch";
+ LinkLaunch*l = (LinkLaunch*)action;
+ GString * str = new GString(l->getFileName());
+ GString * params = l->getParams();
+ if(params)
+ str->append(params);
+ s = strdup(str->getCString());
+ delete str;
+ }
+ break;
+ case actionURI: {
+ char*url = 0;
+ type = "URI";
+ LinkURI*l = (LinkURI*)action;
+ GString*g = l->getURI();
+ if(g) {
+ url = g->getCString();
+ s = strdup(url);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case actionUnknown: {
+ type = "Unknown";
+ LinkUnknown*l = (LinkUnknown*)action;
+ s = strdup("");
+ }
+ break;
+ default: {
+ msg("<error> Unknown link type!\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!s) s = strdup("-?-");
+ msg("<trace> drawlink s=%s\n", s);
+ if(!linkinfo && (page || s))
+ {
+ msg("<notice> File contains links");
+ linkinfo = 1;
+ }
+ if(page>0)
+ {
+ int t;
+ int lpage = -1;
+ for(t=1;t<=pagepos;t++) {
+ if(pages[t]==page) {
+ lpage = t;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(lpage<0) {
+ lpage = page;
+ }
+ char buf[80];
+ sprintf(buf, "page%d", lpage);
+ device->drawlink(device, points, buf);
+ }
+ else if(s)
+ {
+ device->drawlink(device, points, s);
+ }
+ msg("<verbose> \"%s\" link to \"%s\" (%d)\n", type, FIXNULL(s), page);
+ free(s);s=0;
+void GFXOutputDev::saveState(GfxState *state) {
+ msg("<trace> saveState\n");
+ updateAll(state);
+ if(statepos>=64) {
+ msg("<error> Too many nested states in pdf.");
+ return;
+ }
+ statepos ++;
+ states[statepos].clipping = 0; //? shouldn't this be the current value?
+ states[statepos].textRender = states[statepos-1].textRender;
+void GFXOutputDev::restoreState(GfxState *state) {
+ msg("<trace> restoreState\n");
+ updateAll(state);
+ while(states[statepos].clipping) {
+ device->endclip(device);
+ states[statepos].clipping--;
+ }
+ statepos--;
+char* GFXOutputDev::searchFont(char*name)
+ int i;
+ char*filename=0;
+ int is_standard_font = 0;
+ msg("<verbose> SearchFont(%s)", name);
+ /* see if it is a pdf standard font */
+ for(i=0;i<sizeof(pdf2t1map)/sizeof(mapping);i++)
+ {
+ if(!strcmp(name, pdf2t1map[i].pdffont))
+ {
+ name = pdf2t1map[i].filename;
+ is_standard_font = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* look in all font files */
+ for(i=0;i<fontnum;i++)
+ {
+ if(strstr(fonts[i].filename, name))
+ {
+ if(!fonts[i].used) {
+ fonts[i].used = 1;
+ if(!is_standard_font)
+ msg("<notice> Using %s for %s", fonts[i].filename, name);
+ }
+ return strdup(fonts[i].filename);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+void GFXOutputDev::updateLineWidth(GfxState *state)
+ double width = state->getTransformedLineWidth();
+ //swfoutput_setlinewidth(&device, width);
+void GFXOutputDev::updateLineCap(GfxState *state)
+ int c = state->getLineCap();
+void GFXOutputDev::updateLineJoin(GfxState *state)
+ int j = state->getLineJoin();
+void GFXOutputDev::updateFillColor(GfxState *state)
+ GfxRGB rgb;
+ double opaq = state->getFillOpacity();
+ state->getFillRGB(&rgb);
+void GFXOutputDev::updateFillOpacity(GfxState *state)
+ GfxRGB rgb;
+ double opaq = state->getFillOpacity();
+ state->getFillRGB(&rgb);
+void GFXOutputDev::updateStrokeColor(GfxState *state)
+ GfxRGB rgb;
+ double opaq = state->getStrokeOpacity();
+ state->getStrokeRGB(&rgb);
+void FoFiWrite(void *stream, char *data, int len)
+ int ret = fwrite(data, len, 1, (FILE*)stream);
+char*GFXOutputDev::writeEmbeddedFontToFile(XRef*ref, GfxFont*font)
+ char*tmpFileName = NULL;
+ FILE *f;
+ int c;
+ char *fontBuf;
+ int fontLen;
+ Ref embRef;
+ Object refObj, strObj;
+ char namebuf[512];
+ tmpFileName = mktmpname(namebuf);
+ int ret;
+ ret = font->getEmbeddedFontID(&embRef);
+ if(!ret) {
+ msg("<verbose> Didn't get embedded font id");
+ /* not embedded- the caller should now search the font
+ directories for this font */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ f = fopen(tmpFileName, "wb");
+ if (!f) {
+ msg("<error> Couldn't create temporary Type 1 font file");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /*if(font->isCIDFont()) {
+ GfxCIDFont* cidFont = (GfxCIDFont *)font;
+ GString c = cidFont->getCollection();
+ msg("<notice> Collection: %s", c.getCString());
+ }*/
+ //if (font->getType() == fontType1C) {
+ if (0) { //font->getType() == fontType1C) {
+ if (!(fontBuf = font->readEmbFontFile(xref, &fontLen))) {
+ fclose(f);
+ msg("<error> Couldn't read embedded font file");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ FoFiType1C *cvt = FoFiType1C::make(fontBuf, fontLen);
+ if(!cvt) return 0;
+ cvt->convertToType1(NULL, gTrue, FoFiWrite, f);
+ //cvt->convertToCIDType0("test", f);
+ //cvt->convertToType0("test", f);
+ delete cvt;
+ gfree(fontBuf);
+ } else if(font->getType() == fontTrueType) {
+ msg("<verbose> writing font using TrueTypeFontFile::writeTTF");
+ if (!(fontBuf = font->readEmbFontFile(xref, &fontLen))) {
+ fclose(f);
+ msg("<error> Couldn't read embedded font file");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ FoFiTrueType *cvt = FoFiTrueType::make(fontBuf, fontLen);
+ cvt->writeTTF(FoFiWrite, f);
+ delete cvt;
+ gfree(fontBuf);
+ } else {
+ font->getEmbeddedFontID(&embRef);
+ refObj.initRef(embRef.num, embRef.gen);
+ refObj.fetch(ref, &strObj);
+ refObj.free();
+ strObj.streamReset();
+ int f4[4];
+ char f4c[4];
+ int t;
+ for(t=0;t<4;t++) {
+ f4[t] = strObj.streamGetChar();
+ f4c[t] = (char)f4[t];
+ if(f4[t] == EOF)
+ break;
+ }
+ if(t==4) {
+ if(!strncmp(f4c, "true", 4)) {
+ /* some weird TTF fonts don't start with 0,1,0,0 but with "true".
+ Change this on the fly */
+ f4[0] = f4[2] = f4[3] = 0;
+ f4[1] = 1;
+ }
+ fputc(f4[0], f);
+ fputc(f4[1], f);
+ fputc(f4[2], f);
+ fputc(f4[3], f);
+ while ((c = strObj.streamGetChar()) != EOF) {
+ fputc(c, f);
+ }
+ }
+ strObj.streamClose();
+ strObj.free();
+ }
+ fclose(f);
+ return strdup(tmpFileName);
+char* GFXOutputDev::searchForSuitableFont(GfxFont*gfxFont)
+ char*name = getFontName(gfxFont);
+ char*fontname = 0;
+ char*filename = 0;
+ if(!this->config_use_fontconfig)
+ return 0;
+ FcPattern *pattern, *match;
+ FcResult result;
+ FcChar8 *v;
+ static int fcinitcalled = false;
+ msg("<debug> searchForSuitableFont(%s)", name);
+ // call init ony once
+ if (!fcinitcalled) {
+ msg("<debug> Initializing FontConfig...");
+ fcinitcalled = true;
+ if(!FcInit()) {
+ msg("<debug> FontConfig Initialization failed. Disabling.");
+ config_use_fontconfig = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ msg("<debug> ...initialized FontConfig");
+ }
+ msg("<debug> FontConfig: Create \"%s\" Family Pattern", name);
+ pattern = FcPatternBuild(NULL, FC_FAMILY, FcTypeString, name, NULL);
+ if (gfxFont->isItalic()) // check for italic
+ msg("<debug> FontConfig: Adding Italic Slant");
+ FcPatternAddInteger(pattern, FC_SLANT, FC_SLANT_ITALIC);
+ if (gfxFont->isBold()) // check for bold
+ msg("<debug> FontConfig: Adding Bold Weight");
+ FcPatternAddInteger(pattern, FC_WEIGHT, FC_WEIGHT_BOLD);
+ msg("<debug> FontConfig: Try to match...");
+ // configure and match using the original font name
+ FcConfigSubstitute(0, pattern, FcMatchPattern);
+ FcDefaultSubstitute(pattern);
+ match = FcFontMatch(0, pattern, &result);
+ if (FcPatternGetString(match, "family", 0, &v) == FcResultMatch) {
+ msg("<debug> FontConfig: family=%s", (char*)v);
+ // if we get an exact match
+ if (strcmp((char *)v, name) == 0) {
+ if (FcPatternGetString(match, "file", 0, &v) == FcResultMatch) {
+ filename = strdup((char*)v); // mem leak
+ char *nfn = strrchr(filename, '/');
+ if(nfn) fontname = strdup(nfn+1);
+ else fontname = filename;
+ }
+ msg("<debug> FontConfig: Returning \"%s\"", fontname);
+ } else {
+ // initialize patterns
+ FcPatternDestroy(pattern);
+ FcPatternDestroy(match);
+ // now match against serif etc.
+ if (gfxFont->isSerif()) {
+ msg("<debug> FontConfig: Create Serif Family Pattern");
+ pattern = FcPatternBuild (NULL, FC_FAMILY, FcTypeString, "serif", NULL);
+ } else if (gfxFont->isFixedWidth()) {
+ msg("<debug> FontConfig: Create Monospace Family Pattern");
+ pattern = FcPatternBuild (NULL, FC_FAMILY, FcTypeString, "monospace", NULL);
+ } else {
+ msg("<debug> FontConfig: Create Sans Family Pattern");
+ pattern = FcPatternBuild (NULL, FC_FAMILY, FcTypeString, "sans", NULL);
+ }
+ // check for italic
+ if (gfxFont->isItalic()) {
+ msg("<debug> FontConfig: Adding Italic Slant");
+ int bb = FcPatternAddInteger(pattern, FC_SLANT, FC_SLANT_ITALIC);
+ }
+ // check for bold
+ if (gfxFont->isBold()) {
+ msg("<debug> FontConfig: Adding Bold Weight");
+ int bb = FcPatternAddInteger(pattern, FC_WEIGHT, FC_WEIGHT_BOLD);
+ }
+ msg("<debug> FontConfig: Try to match... (2)");
+ // configure and match using serif etc
+ FcConfigSubstitute (0, pattern, FcMatchPattern);
+ FcDefaultSubstitute (pattern);
+ match = FcFontMatch (0, pattern, &result);
+ if (FcPatternGetString(match, "file", 0, &v) == FcResultMatch) {
+ filename = strdup((char*)v); // mem leak
+ char *nfn = strrchr(filename, '/');
+ if(nfn) fontname = strdup(nfn+1);
+ else fontname = filename;
+ }
+ msg("<debug> FontConfig: Returning \"%s\"", fontname);
+ }
+ }
+ //printf("FONTCONFIG: pattern");
+ //FcPatternPrint(pattern);
+ //printf("FONTCONFIG: match");
+ //FcPatternPrint(match);
+ FcPatternDestroy(pattern);
+ FcPatternDestroy(match);
+ pdfswf_addfont(filename);
+ return fontname;
+ return 0;
+char* GFXOutputDev::substituteFont(GfxFont*gfxFont, char* oldname)
+ char*fontname = 0, *filename = 0;
+ msg("<notice> substituteFont(%s)", oldname);
+ if(!(fontname = searchForSuitableFont(gfxFont))) {
+ fontname = "Times-Roman";
+ }
+ filename = searchFont(fontname);
+ if(!filename) {
+ msg("<error> Couldn't find font %s- did you install the default fonts?", fontname);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(substitutepos>=sizeof(substitutesource)/sizeof(char*)) {
+ msg("<fatal> Too many fonts in file.");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if(oldname) {
+ substitutesource[substitutepos] = strdup(oldname); //mem leak
+ substitutetarget[substitutepos] = fontname;
+ msg("<notice> substituting %s -> %s", FIXNULL(oldname), FIXNULL(fontname));
+ substitutepos ++;
+ }
+ return strdup(filename); //mem leak
+void unlinkfont(char* filename)
+ int l;
+ if(!filename)
+ return;
+ l=strlen(filename);
+ unlink(filename);
+ if(!strncmp(&filename[l-4],".afm",4)) {
+ memcpy(&filename[l-4],".pfb",4);
+ unlink(filename);
+ memcpy(&filename[l-4],".pfa",4);
+ unlink(filename);
+ memcpy(&filename[l-4],".afm",4);
+ return;
+ } else
+ if(!strncmp(&filename[l-4],".pfa",4)) {
+ memcpy(&filename[l-4],".afm",4);
+ unlink(filename);
+ memcpy(&filename[l-4],".pfa",4);
+ return;
+ } else
+ if(!strncmp(&filename[l-4],".pfb",4)) {
+ memcpy(&filename[l-4],".afm",4);
+ unlink(filename);
+ memcpy(&filename[l-4],".pfb",4);
+ return;
+ }
+void GFXOutputDev::setXRef(PDFDoc*doc, XRef *xref)
+ this->doc = doc;
+ this->xref = xref;
+int GFXOutputDev::setGfxFont(char*id, char*name, char*filename, double maxSize)
+ gfxfont_t*font = 0;
+ fontlist_t*last=0,*l = this->fontlist;
+ if(!id)
+ msg("<error> Internal Error: FontID is null");
+ /* TODO: should this be part of the state? */
+ while(l) {
+ last = l;
+ if(!strcmp(l->font->id, id)) {
+ current_gfxfont = l->font;
+ font = l->font;
+ device->addfont(device, current_gfxfont);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ l = l->next;
+ }
+ if(!filename) return 0;
+ /* A font size of e.g. 9 means the font will be scaled down by
+ 1024 and scaled up by 9. So to have a maximum error of 1/20px,
+ we have to divide 0.05 by (fontsize/1024)
+ */
+ double quality = (1024 * 0.05) / maxSize;
+ msg("<verbose> Loading %s...", filename);
+ font = gfxfont_load(id, filename, quality);
+ if(!font) {
+ msg("<verbose> Couldn't load Font %s (%s)", filename, id);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ msg("<verbose> Font %s (%s) loaded successfully", filename, id);
+ l = new fontlist_t;
+ l->font = font;
+ l->filename = strdup(filename);
+ l->next = 0;
+ current_gfxfont = l->font;
+ if(last) {
+ last->next = l;
+ } else {
+ this->fontlist = l;
+ }
+ device->addfont(device, current_gfxfont);
+ return 1;
+void GFXOutputDev::updateFont(GfxState *state)
+ GfxFont*gfxFont = state->getFont();
+ if (!gfxFont) {
+ return;
+ }
+ char * fontid = getFontID(gfxFont);
+ char * fontname = getFontName(gfxFont);
+ double maxSize = 1.0;
+ if(this->info) {
+ maxSize = this->info->getMaximumFontSize(fontid);
+ }
+ int t;
+ /* first, look if we substituted this font before-
+ this way, we don't initialize the T1 Fonts
+ too often */
+ for(t=0;t<substitutepos;t++) {
+ if(!strcmp(fontid, substitutesource[t])) {
+ free(fontid);fontid=0;
+ fontid = strdup(substitutetarget[t]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* second, see if this is a font which was used before-
+ if so, we are done */
+ if(setGfxFont(fontid, fontname, 0, 0)) {
+ free(fontid);
+ free(fontname);
+ return;
+ }
+/* if(swfoutput_queryfont(&device, fontid))
+ swfoutput_setfont(&device, fontid, 0);
+ msg("<debug> updateFont(%s) [cached]", fontid);
+ return;
+ }*/
+ // look for Type 3 font
+ if (gfxFont->getType() == fontType3) {
+ if(!type3Warning) {
+ type3Warning = gTrue;
+ showFontError(gfxFont, 2);
+ }
+ free(fontid);
+ free(fontname);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* now either load the font, or find a substitution */
+ Ref embRef;
+ GBool embedded = gfxFont->getEmbeddedFontID(&embRef);
+ char*fileName = 0;
+ int del = 0;
+ if(embedded &&
+ (gfxFont->getType() == fontType1 ||
+ gfxFont->getType() == fontType1C ||
+ (gfxFont->getType() == fontCIDType0C && forceType0Fonts) ||
+ gfxFont->getType() == fontTrueType ||
+ gfxFont->getType() == fontCIDType2
+ ))
+ {
+ fileName = writeEmbeddedFontToFile(xref, gfxFont);
+ if(!fileName) showFontError(gfxFont,0);
+ else del = 1;
+ } else {
+ fileName = searchFont(fontname);
+ if(!fileName) showFontError(gfxFont,0);
+ }
+ if(!fileName) {
+ char * fontname = getFontName(gfxFont);
+ msg("<warning> Font %s %scould not be loaded.", fontname, embedded?"":"(not embedded) ");
+ if(lastfontdir)
+ msg("<warning> Try putting a TTF version of that font (named \"%s.ttf\") into %s", fontname, lastfontdir);
+ else
+ msg("<warning> Try specifying one or more font directories");
+ fileName = substituteFont(gfxFont, fontid);
+ if(!fileName)
+ exit(1);
+ if(fontid) { free(fontid);fontid = strdup(substitutetarget[substitutepos-1]); /*ugly hack*/};
+ msg("<notice> Font is now %s (%s)", fontid, fileName);
+ }
+ if(!fileName) {
+ msg("<error> Couldn't set font %s\n", fontid);
+ free(fontid);
+ free(fontname);
+ return;
+ }
+ msg("<verbose> updateFont(%s) -> %s (max size: %f)", fontid, fileName, maxSize);
+ dumpFontInfo("<verbose>", gfxFont);
+ //swfoutput_setfont(&device, fontid, fileName);
+ if(!setGfxFont(fontid, fontname, 0, 0)) {
+ setGfxFont(fontid, fontname, fileName, maxSize);
+ }
+ if(fileName && del)
+ unlinkfont(fileName);
+ if(fileName)
+ free(fileName);
+ free(fontid);
+ free(fontname);
+ msg("<verbose> |");
+#define SQR(x) ((x)*(x))
+unsigned char* antialize(unsigned char*data, int width, int height, int newwidth, int newheight, int palettesize)
+ if((newwidth<2 || newheight<2) ||
+ (width<=newwidth || height<=newheight))
+ return 0;
+ unsigned char*newdata;
+ int x,y;
+ newdata= (unsigned char*)malloc(newwidth*newheight);
+ int t;
+ double fx = (double)(width)/newwidth;
+ double fy = (double)(height)/newheight;
+ double px = 0;
+ int blocksize = (int)(8192/(fx*fy));
+ int r = 8192*256/palettesize;
+ for(x=0;x<newwidth;x++) {
+ double ex = px + fx;
+ int fromx = (int)px;
+ int tox = (int)ex;
+ int xweight1 = (int)(((fromx+1)-px)*256);
+ int xweight2 = (int)((ex-tox)*256);
+ double py =0;
+ for(y=0;y<newheight;y++) {
+ double ey = py + fy;
+ int fromy = (int)py;
+ int toy = (int)ey;
+ int yweight1 = (int)(((fromy+1)-py)*256);
+ int yweight2 = (int)((ey-toy)*256);
+ int a = 0;
+ int xx,yy;
+ for(xx=fromx;xx<=tox;xx++)
+ for(yy=fromy;yy<=toy;yy++) {
+ int b = 1-data[width*yy+xx];
+ int weight=256;
+ if(xx==fromx) weight = (weight*xweight1)/256;
+ if(xx==tox) weight = (weight*xweight2)/256;
+ if(yy==fromy) weight = (weight*yweight1)/256;
+ if(yy==toy) weight = (weight*yweight2)/256;
+ a+=b*weight;
+ }
+ //if(a) a=(palettesize-1)*r/blocksize;
+ newdata[y*newwidth+x] = (a*blocksize)/r;
+ py = ey;
+ }
+ px = ex;
+ }
+ return newdata;
+#define IMAGE_TYPE_JPEG 0
+static void drawimage(gfxdevice_t*dev, gfxcolor_t* data, int sizex,int sizey,
+ double x1,double y1,
+ double x2,double y2,
+ double x3,double y3,
+ double x4,double y4, int type)
+ gfxcolor_t*newpic=0;
+ double l1 = sqrt((x4-x1)*(x4-x1) + (y4-y1)*(y4-y1));
+ double l2 = sqrt((x2-x1)*(x2-x1) + (y2-y1)*(y2-y1));
+ gfxline_t p1,p2,p3,p4,p5;
+ p1.type=gfx_moveTo;p1.x=x1; p1.y=y1;p1.next=&p2;
+ p2.type=gfx_lineTo;p2.x=x2; p2.y=y2;p2.next=&p3;
+ p3.type=gfx_lineTo;p3.x=x3; p3.y=y3;p3.next=&p4;
+ p4.type=gfx_lineTo;p4.x=x4; p4.y=y4;p4.next=&p5;
+ p5.type=gfx_lineTo;p5.x=x1; p5.y=y1;p5.next=0;
+ {p1.x = (int)(p1.x*20)/20.0;
+ p1.y = (int)(p1.y*20)/20.0;
+ p2.x = (int)(p2.x*20)/20.0;
+ p2.y = (int)(p2.y*20)/20.0;
+ p3.x = (int)(p3.x*20)/20.0;
+ p3.y = (int)(p3.y*20)/20.0;
+ p4.x = (int)(p4.x*20)/20.0;
+ p4.y = (int)(p4.y*20)/20.0;
+ p5.x = (int)(p5.x*20)/20.0;
+ p5.y = (int)(p5.y*20)/20.0;
+ }
+ float m00,m10,tx;
+ float m01,m11,ty;
+ gfxmatrix_t m;
+ m.m00 = (p4.x-p1.x)/sizex; m.m10 = (p2.x-p1.x)/sizey;
+ m.m01 = (p4.y-p1.y)/sizex; m.m11 = (p2.y-p1.y)/sizey;
+ m.tx = p1.x - 0.5;
+ m.ty = p1.y - 0.5;
+ gfximage_t img;
+ img.data = (gfxcolor_t*)data;
+ img.width = sizex;
+ img.height = sizey;
+ if(type == IMAGE_TYPE_JPEG)
+ /* TODO: pass image_dpi to device instead */
+ dev->setparameter(dev, "next_bitmap_is_jpeg", "1");
+ dev->fillbitmap(dev, &p1, &img, &m, 0);
+void drawimagejpeg(gfxdevice_t*dev, gfxcolor_t*mem, int sizex,int sizey,
+ double x1,double y1, double x2,double y2, double x3,double y3, double x4,double y4)
+ drawimage(dev,mem,sizex,sizey,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4, IMAGE_TYPE_JPEG);
+void drawimagelossless(gfxdevice_t*dev, gfxcolor_t*mem, int sizex,int sizey,
+ double x1,double y1, double x2,double y2, double x3,double y3, double x4,double y4)
+ drawimage(dev,mem,sizex,sizey,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4, IMAGE_TYPE_LOSSLESS);
+void GFXOutputDev::drawGeneralImage(GfxState *state, Object *ref, Stream *str,
+ int width, int height, GfxImageColorMap*colorMap, GBool invert,
+ GBool inlineImg, int mask, int*maskColors,
+ Stream *maskStr, int maskWidth, int maskHeight, GBool maskInvert, GfxImageColorMap*maskColorMap)
+ double x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4;
+ ImageStream *imgStr;
+ Guchar pixBuf[4];
+ GfxRGB rgb;
+ int ncomps = 1;
+ int bits = 1;
+ unsigned char* maskbitmap = 0;
+ if(colorMap) {
+ ncomps = colorMap->getNumPixelComps();
+ bits = colorMap->getBits();
+ }
+ if(maskStr) {
+ int x,y;
+ unsigned char buf[8];
+ maskbitmap = (unsigned char*)malloc(maskHeight*maskWidth);
+ if(maskColorMap) {
+ ImageStream*imgMaskStr = new ImageStream(maskStr, maskWidth, maskColorMap->getNumPixelComps(), maskColorMap->getBits());
+ imgMaskStr->reset();
+ unsigned char pal[256];
+ int n = 1 << colorMap->getBits();
+ int t;
+ for(t=0;t<n;t++) {
+ GfxGray gray;
+ pixBuf[0] = t;
+ maskColorMap->getGray(pixBuf, &gray);
+ pal[t] = colToByte(gray);
+ }
+ for (y = 0; y < maskHeight; y++) {
+ for (x = 0; x < maskWidth; x++) {
+ imgMaskStr->getPixel(buf);
+ maskbitmap[y*maskWidth+x] = pal[buf[0]];
+ }
+ }
+ delete imgMaskStr;
+ } else {
+ ImageStream*imgMaskStr = new ImageStream(maskStr, maskWidth, 1, 1);
+ imgMaskStr->reset();
+ for (y = 0; y < maskHeight; y++) {
+ for (x = 0; x < maskWidth; x++) {
+ imgMaskStr->getPixel(buf);
+ buf[0]^=maskInvert;
+ maskbitmap[y*maskWidth+x] = (buf[0]^1)*255;
+ }
+ }
+ delete imgMaskStr;
+ }
+ maskStr->close();
+ }
+ imgStr = new ImageStream(str, width, ncomps,bits);
+ imgStr->reset();
+ if(!width || !height || (height<=1 && width<=1))
+ {
+ msg("<verbose> Ignoring %d by %d image", width, height);
+ unsigned char buf[8];
+ int x,y;
+ for (y = 0; y < height; ++y)
+ for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
+ imgStr->getPixel(buf);
+ }
+ delete imgStr;
+ if(maskbitmap)
+ free(maskbitmap);
+ return;
+ }
+ state->transform(0, 1, &x1, &y1); x1 += user_movex + clipmovex; y1 += user_movey + clipmovey;
+ state->transform(0, 0, &x2, &y2); x2 += user_movex + clipmovex; y2 += user_movey + clipmovey;
+ state->transform(1, 0, &x3, &y3); x3 += user_movex + clipmovex; y3 += user_movey + clipmovey;
+ state->transform(1, 1, &x4, &y4); x4 += user_movex + clipmovex; y4 += user_movey + clipmovey;
+ if(!pbminfo && !(str->getKind()==strDCT)) {
+ if(!type3active) {
+ msg("<notice> file contains pbm pictures %s",mask?"(masked)":"");
+ pbminfo = 1;
+ }
+ if(mask)
+ msg("<verbose> drawing %d by %d masked picture\n", width, height);
+ }
+ if(!jpeginfo && (str->getKind()==strDCT)) {
+ msg("<notice> file contains jpeg pictures");
+ jpeginfo = 1;
+ }
+ if(mask) {
+ int i,j;
+ unsigned char buf[8];
+ int x,y;
+ unsigned char*pic = new unsigned char[width*height];
+ gfxcolor_t pal[256];
+ GfxRGB rgb;
+ state->getFillRGB(&rgb);
+ memset(pal,255,sizeof(pal));
+ pal[0].r = (int)(colToByte(rgb.r)); pal[1].r = 0;
+ pal[0].g = (int)(colToByte(rgb.g)); pal[1].g = 0;
+ pal[0].b = (int)(colToByte(rgb.b)); pal[1].b = 0;
+ pal[0].a = 255; pal[1].a = 0;
+ int numpalette = 2;
+ int realwidth = (int)sqrt(SQR(x2-x3) + SQR(y2-y3));
+ int realheight = (int)sqrt(SQR(x1-x2) + SQR(y1-y2));
+ for (y = 0; y < height; ++y)
+ for (x = 0; x < width; ++x)
+ {
+ imgStr->getPixel(buf);
+ if(invert)
+ buf[0]=1-buf[0];
+ pic[width*y+x] = buf[0];
+ }
+ /* the size of the drawn image is added to the identifier
+ as the same image may require different bitmaps if displayed
+ at different sizes (due to antialiasing): */
+ int t,found = -1;
+ if(type3active) {
+ unsigned char*pic2 = 0;
+ numpalette = 16;
+ pic2 = antialize(pic,width,height,realwidth,realheight,numpalette);
+ if(!pic2) {
+ delete pic;
+ delete imgStr;
+ return;
+ }
+ width = realwidth;
+ height = realheight;
+ free(pic);
+ pic = pic2;
+ /* make a black/white palette */
+ float r = 255/(numpalette-1);
+ int t;
+ for(t=0;t<numpalette;t++) {
+ pal[t].r = colToByte(rgb.r);
+ pal[t].g = colToByte(rgb.g);
+ pal[t].b = colToByte(rgb.b);
+ pal[t].a = (unsigned char)(t*r);
+ }
+ }
+ gfxcolor_t*pic2 = new gfxcolor_t[width*height];
+ for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+ for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
+ pic2[width*y+x] = pal[pic[y*width+x]];
+ }
+ }
+ drawimagelossless(device, pic2, width, height, x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4);
+ free(pic2);
+ free(pic);
+ delete imgStr;
+ if(maskbitmap) free(maskbitmap);
+ return;
+ }
+ int x,y;
+ if(colorMap->getNumPixelComps()!=1 || str->getKind()==strDCT) {
+ gfxcolor_t*pic=new gfxcolor_t[width*height];
+ for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+ for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
+ imgStr->getPixel(pixBuf);
+ colorMap->getRGB(pixBuf, &rgb);
+ pic[width*y+x].r = (unsigned char)(colToByte(rgb.r));
+ pic[width*y+x].g = (unsigned char)(colToByte(rgb.g));
+ pic[width*y+x].b = (unsigned char)(colToByte(rgb.b));
+ pic[width*y+x].a = 255;//(U8)(rgb.a * 255 + 0.5);
+ if(maskbitmap) {
+ pic[width*y+x].a = maskbitmap[(y*maskHeight/height)*maskWidth+(x*maskWidth/width)];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(str->getKind()==strDCT)
+ drawimagejpeg(device, pic, width, height, x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4);
+ else
+ drawimagelossless(device, pic, width, height, x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4);
+ delete pic;
+ delete imgStr;
+ if(maskbitmap) free(maskbitmap);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ gfxcolor_t*pic=new gfxcolor_t[width*height];
+ gfxcolor_t pal[256];
+ int n = 1 << colorMap->getBits();
+ int t;
+ for(t=0;t<256;t++) {
+ pixBuf[0] = t;
+ colorMap->getRGB(pixBuf, &rgb);
+ {/*if(maskColors && *maskColors==t) {
+ msg("<notice> Color %d is transparent", t);
+ if (imgData->maskColors) {
+ *alpha = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < imgData->colorMap->getNumPixelComps(); ++i) {
+ if (pix[i] < imgData->maskColors[2*i] ||
+ pix[i] > imgData->maskColors[2*i+1]) {
+ *alpha = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ *alpha = 1;
+ }
+ if(!*alpha) {
+ pal[t].r = 0;
+ pal[t].g = 0;
+ pal[t].b = 0;
+ pal[t].a = 0;
+ }
+ } else {*/
+ pal[t].r = (unsigned char)(colToByte(rgb.r));
+ pal[t].g = (unsigned char)(colToByte(rgb.g));
+ pal[t].b = (unsigned char)(colToByte(rgb.b));
+ pal[t].a = 255;//(U8)(rgb.b * 255 + 0.5);
+ }
+ }
+ for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+ for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
+ imgStr->getPixel(pixBuf);
+ pic[width*y+x] = pal[pixBuf[0]];
+ if(maskbitmap) {
+ pic[width*y+x].a = maskbitmap[(y*maskHeight/height)*maskWidth+(x*maskWidth/width)];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ drawimagelossless(device, pic, width, height, x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4);
+ delete pic;
+ delete imgStr;
+ if(maskbitmap) free(maskbitmap);
+ return;
+ }
+void GFXOutputDev::drawImageMask(GfxState *state, Object *ref, Stream *str,
+ int width, int height, GBool invert,
+ GBool inlineImg)
+ if(createsoftmask)
+ return;
+ msg("<verbose> drawImageMask %dx%d, invert=%d inline=%d", width, height, invert, inlineImg);
+ drawGeneralImage(state,ref,str,width,height,0,invert,inlineImg,1, 0, 0,0,0,0, 0);
+void GFXOutputDev::drawImage(GfxState *state, Object *ref, Stream *str,
+ int width, int height, GfxImageColorMap *colorMap,
+ int *maskColors, GBool inlineImg)
+ if(createsoftmask)
+ return;
+ msg("<verbose> drawImage %dx%d, %s, %s, inline=%d", width, height,
+ colorMap?"colorMap":"no colorMap",
+ maskColors?"maskColors":"no maskColors",
+ inlineImg);
+ if(colorMap)
+ msg("<verbose> colorMap pixcomps:%d bits:%d mode:%d\n", colorMap->getNumPixelComps(),
+ colorMap->getBits(),colorMap->getColorSpace()->getMode());
+ drawGeneralImage(state,ref,str,width,height,colorMap,0,inlineImg,0,maskColors, 0,0,0,0, 0);
+void GFXOutputDev::drawMaskedImage(GfxState *state, Object *ref, Stream *str,
+ int width, int height,
+ GfxImageColorMap *colorMap,
+ Stream *maskStr, int maskWidth, int maskHeight,
+ GBool maskInvert)
+ if(createsoftmask)
+ return;
+ msg("<verbose> drawMaskedImage %dx%d, %s, %dx%d mask", width, height,
+ colorMap?"colorMap":"no colorMap",
+ maskWidth, maskHeight);
+ if(colorMap)
+ msg("<verbose> colorMap pixcomps:%d bits:%d mode:%d\n", colorMap->getNumPixelComps(),
+ colorMap->getBits(),colorMap->getColorSpace()->getMode());
+ drawGeneralImage(state,ref,str,width,height,colorMap,0,0,0,0, maskStr, maskWidth, maskHeight, maskInvert, 0);
+void GFXOutputDev::drawSoftMaskedImage(GfxState *state, Object *ref, Stream *str,
+ int width, int height,
+ GfxImageColorMap *colorMap,
+ Stream *maskStr,
+ int maskWidth, int maskHeight,
+ GfxImageColorMap *maskColorMap)
+ if(createsoftmask)
+ return;
+ msg("<verbose> drawSoftMaskedImage %dx%d, %s, %dx%d mask", width, height,
+ colorMap?"colorMap":"no colorMap",
+ maskWidth, maskHeight);
+ if(colorMap)
+ msg("<verbose> colorMap pixcomps:%d bits:%d mode:%d\n", colorMap->getNumPixelComps(),
+ colorMap->getBits(),colorMap->getColorSpace()->getMode());
+ drawGeneralImage(state,ref,str,width,height,colorMap,0,0,0,0, maskStr, maskWidth, maskHeight, 0, maskColorMap);
+void GFXOutputDev::stroke(GfxState *state)
+ if(createsoftmask)
+ return;
+ GfxPath * path = state->getPath();
+ gfxline_t*line= gfxPath_to_gfxline(state, path, 0, user_movex + clipmovex, user_movey + clipmovey);
+ strokeGfxline(state, line);
+ gfxline_free(line);
+void GFXOutputDev::fill(GfxState *state)
+ GfxPath * path = state->getPath();
+ gfxline_t*line= gfxPath_to_gfxline(state, path, 1, user_movex + clipmovex, user_movey + clipmovey);
+ fillGfxLine(state, line);
+ gfxline_free(line);
+void GFXOutputDev::eoFill(GfxState *state)
+ GfxPath * path = state->getPath();
+ gfxcolor_t col = getFillColor(state);
+ gfxline_t*line= gfxPath_to_gfxline(state, path, 1, user_movex + clipmovex, user_movey + clipmovey);
+ if(getLogLevel() >= LOGLEVEL_TRACE) {
+ msg("<trace> eofill\n");
+ dump_outline(line);
+ }
+ device->fill(device, line, &col);
+ gfxline_free(line);
+static char* dirseparator()
+#ifdef WIN32
+ return "\\";
+ return "/";
+void addGlobalFont(char*filename)
+ fontfile_t f;
+ memset(&f, 0, sizeof(fontfile_t));
+ f.filename = filename;
+ if(fontnum < sizeof(fonts)/sizeof(fonts[0])) {
+ msg("<verbose> Adding font \"%s\".", filename);
+ fonts[fontnum++] = f;
+ } else {
+ msg("<error> Too many external fonts. Not adding font file \"%s\".", filename);
+ }
+void addGlobalLanguageDir(char*dir)
+ if(!globalParams)
+ globalParams = new GlobalParams("");
+ msg("<notice> Adding %s to language pack directories", dir);
+ int l;
+ FILE*fi = 0;
+ char* config_file = (char*)malloc(strlen(dir) + 1 + sizeof("add-to-xpdfrc") + 1);
+ strcpy(config_file, dir);
+ strcat(config_file, dirseparator());
+ strcat(config_file, "add-to-xpdfrc");
+ fi = fopen(config_file, "rb");
+ if(!fi) {
+ msg("<error> Could not open %s", config_file);
+ return;
+ }
+ globalParams->parseFile(new GString(config_file), fi);
+ fclose(fi);
+void addGlobalFontDir(char*dirname)
+ msg("<notice> Adding %s to font directories", dirname);
+ lastfontdir = strdup(dirname);
+ DIR*dir = opendir(dirname);
+ if(!dir) {
+ msg("<warning> Couldn't open directory %s\n", dirname);
+ return;
+ }
+ struct dirent*ent;
+ while(1) {
+ ent = readdir (dir);
+ if (!ent)
+ break;
+ int l;
+ char*name = ent->d_name;
+ char type = 0;
+ if(!name) continue;
+ l=strlen(name);
+ if(l<4)
+ continue;
+ if(!strncasecmp(&name[l-4], ".pfa", 4))
+ type=1;
+ if(!strncasecmp(&name[l-4], ".pfb", 4))
+ type=3;
+ if(!strncasecmp(&name[l-4], ".ttf", 4))
+ type=2;
+ if(type)
+ {
+ char*fontname = (char*)malloc(strlen(dirname)+strlen(name)+2);
+ strcpy(fontname, dirname);
+ strcat(fontname, dirseparator());
+ strcat(fontname, name);
+ addGlobalFont(fontname);
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+ msg("<warning> No dirent.h- unable to add font dir %s", dir);
+void GFXOutputDev::preparePage(int pdfpage, int outputpage)
+ if(pdfpage < 0)
+ return;
+ if(!this->pages) {
+ this->pagebuflen = 1024;
+ this->pages = (int*)malloc(this->pagebuflen*sizeof(int));
+ memset(this->pages, -1, this->pagebuflen*sizeof(int));
+ } else {
+ while(pdfpage >= this->pagebuflen)
+ {
+ int oldlen = this->pagebuflen;
+ this->pagebuflen+=1024;
+ this->pages = (int*)realloc(this->pages, this->pagebuflen*sizeof(int));
+ memset(&this->pages[oldlen], -1, (this->pagebuflen-oldlen)*sizeof(int));
+ }
+ }
+ this->pages[pdfpage] = outputpage;
+ if(pdfpage>this->pagepos)
+ this->pagepos = pdfpage;
+void GFXOutputDev::beginTransparencyGroup(GfxState *state, double *bbox,
+ GfxColorSpace *blendingColorSpace,
+ GBool isolated, GBool knockout,
+ GBool forSoftMask)
+ char*colormodename = GfxColorSpace::getColorSpaceModeName(blendingColorSpace->getMode());
+ msg("<verbose> beginTransparencyGroup %f/%f/%f/%f %s isolated=%d knockout=%d forsoftmask=%d", bbox[0],bbox[1],bbox[2],bbox[3], colormodename, isolated, knockout, forSoftMask);
+ createsoftmask = forSoftMask;
+ transparencyGroup = !forSoftMask;
+ if(transparencyGroup) {
+ state->setFillOpacity(0.0);
+ clip(state);
+ }
+void GFXOutputDev::endTransparencyGroup(GfxState *state)
+ msg("<verbose> endTransparencyGroup");
+ createsoftmask = 0;
+ transparencyGroup = 0;
+void GFXOutputDev::paintTransparencyGroup(GfxState *state, double *bbox)
+ msg("<verbose> paintTransparencyGroup");
+ createsoftmask = 0;
+void GFXOutputDev::setSoftMask(GfxState *state, double *bbox, GBool alpha, Function *transferFunc, GfxColor *rgb)
+ msg("<verbose> setSoftMask %f/%f/%f/%f alpha=%d backdrop=%02x%02x%02x",
+ bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3], alpha, colToByte(rgb->c[0]), colToByte(rgb->c[1]), colToByte(rgb->c[2]));
+void GFXOutputDev::clearSoftMask(GfxState *state)
+ msg("<verbose> clearSoftMask");
+/*class MemCheck
+ public: ~MemCheck()
+ {
+ delete globalParams;globalParams=0;
+ Object::memCheck(stderr);
+ gMemReport(stderr);
+ }
+} myMemCheck;*/