--- /dev/null
+/* v2swf.c
+ part of swftools
+ Copyright (C) 2003 Matthias Kramm <kramm@quiss.org>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include "v2swf.h"
+#include "../lib/rfxswf.h"
+#include "ringbuffer.c"
+typedef struct _v2swf_internal_t
+ TAG*tag;
+ int filesize;
+ int headersize;
+ int frames;
+ int myframes;
+ struct writer_t out;
+ struct writer_t out2;
+ ringbuffer_t r;
+ videoreader_t* video;
+ int width;
+ int height;
+ unsigned char* vrbuffer;
+ unsigned char* buffer;
+ unsigned char* lastbitmap;
+ int id;
+ int lastid;
+ int quality;
+ int blockdiff;
+ int keyframe_interval;
+ int diffmode;
+ float framerate;
+ float fpsratio;
+ float fpspos;
+ int bitrate;
+ int finished;
+ int keyframe;
+ int showframe;
+ float samplepos;
+ float framesamplepos;
+ int samplewritepos;
+ double soundframepos;
+ int soundstreamhead;
+ int seek;
+ double audio_fix;
+ int fixheader;
+ int prescale;
+ int scale;
+ int domotion;
+ int head_done;
+ int version;
+} v2swf_internal_t;
+static int verbose = 0;
+static int filelog = 0;
+static void logf(char*format, ...)
+ char buf[1024];
+ int l;
+ va_list arglist;
+ if(!verbose)
+ return;
+ va_start(arglist, format);
+ vsprintf(buf, format, arglist);
+ va_end(arglist);
+ l = strlen(buf);
+ while(l && buf[l-1]=='\n') {
+ buf[l-1] = 0;
+ l--;
+ }
+ if(filelog)
+ {
+ FILE*fi = fopen("debug.log", "ab+");
+ fprintf(fi, "(v2swf) %s\n", buf);
+ fflush(fi);
+ fclose(fi);
+ }
+ printf("(v2swf) %s\n", buf);
+ fflush(stdout);
+static void writeShape(v2swf_internal_t*i, int id, int gfxid, int width, int height)
+ RGBA rgb;
+ SHAPE*shape;
+ SRECT r;
+ int lines = 0;
+ int ls,fs;
+ swf_ResetTag(i->tag, ST_DEFINESHAPE);
+ swf_ShapeNew(&shape);
+ rgb.b = rgb.g = rgb.r = 0xff;
+ if(lines)
+ ls = swf_ShapeAddLineStyle(shape,20,&rgb);
+ swf_GetMatrix(NULL,&m);
+ m.sx = 20*65536;
+ m.sy = 20*65536;
+ fs = swf_ShapeAddBitmapFillStyle(shape,&m,gfxid,0);
+ swf_SetU16(i->tag,id); // ID
+ r.xmin = 0;
+ r.ymin = 0;
+ r.xmax = width*20;
+ r.ymax = height*20;
+ swf_SetRect(i->tag,&r);
+ swf_SetShapeStyles(i->tag,shape);
+ swf_ShapeCountBits(shape,NULL,NULL);
+ swf_SetShapeBits(i->tag,shape);
+ swf_ShapeSetAll(i->tag,shape,0,0,lines?ls:0,fs,0);
+ swf_ShapeSetLine(i->tag,shape,width*20,0);
+ swf_ShapeSetLine(i->tag,shape,0,height*20);
+ swf_ShapeSetLine(i->tag,shape,-width*20,0);
+ swf_ShapeSetLine(i->tag,shape,0,-height*20);
+ swf_ShapeSetEnd(i->tag);
+ i->filesize += swf_WriteTag2(&i->out, i->tag);
+ swf_ShapeFree(shape);
+static int getSamples(videoreader_t*video, S16*data, int len, double speedup)
+ double pos = 0;
+ double ratio = video->rate * speedup / 44100.0;
+ int rlen = (int)(len * ratio);
+ int t;
+ S16 tmp[576*32];
+ int r = /*resampled len */ rlen *
+ /* s16_le */ 2 *
+ video->channels;
+ if(videoreader_getsamples(video, tmp, r) < r)
+ return 0;
+ /* convert to 1 channel */
+ for(t=0;t<rlen;t++) {
+ int s;
+ int a=0;
+ for(s=0;s<video->channels;s++)
+ a += tmp[t*video->channels+s];
+ tmp[t] = a/video->channels;
+ }
+ /* down/up-sample to 44khz */
+ for(t=0;t<len;t++) {
+ data[t] = tmp[(int)pos];
+ pos+=ratio;
+ }
+ return 1;
+extern int swf_mp3_channels;
+extern int swf_mp3_bitrate;
+extern int swf_mp3_samplerate;
+static void writeAudioForOneFrame(v2swf_internal_t* i)
+ int blocksize;
+ double blockspersecond;
+ double framespersecond, framesperblock, samplesperframe, samplesperblock;
+ int seek;
+ int s;
+ double speedup = i->audio_fix;
+ int num = 0;
+ int pos = 0;
+ S16 block1[576*4 * 2];
+ logf("writeAudioForOneFrame()");
+ if(i->video->channels<=0 || i->video->rate<=0)
+ return; /* no sound in video */
+ blocksize = 576; /* 11khz samples per mp3 block */
+ blockspersecond = 11025.0/blocksize;
+ /* notice: for framerates greater than about 35, audio starts getting choppy. */
+ framespersecond = i->framerate;
+ framesperblock = framespersecond / blockspersecond;
+ samplesperframe = (blocksize * blockspersecond) / framespersecond; /* 11khz-samples per frame */
+ samplesperblock = samplesperframe * framesperblock;
+ logf("samplesperblock: %f", samplesperblock);
+ if(!i->soundstreamhead) {
+ /* first run - initialize */
+ swf_mp3_channels = 1;//i->video->channels;
+ swf_mp3_bitrate = i->bitrate;
+ swf_ResetTag(i->tag, ST_SOUNDSTREAMHEAD);
+ /* samplesperframe overrides the movie framerate: */
+ logf("swf_SetSoundStreamHead(): %08x %d", i->tag, samplesperframe);
+ swf_SetSoundStreamHead(i->tag, samplesperframe);
+ logf("swf_SetSoundStreamHead() done");
+ i->filesize += swf_WriteTag2(&i->out, i->tag);
+ i->soundstreamhead = 1;
+ }
+ /* for framerates greater than 19.14, every now and then a frame
+ hasn't a soundstreamblock. Determine whether this is the case.
+ */
+ if(i->frames < i->soundframepos) {
+ i->samplepos += samplesperframe;
+ return;
+ }
+ seek = i->seek;
+ //while(i->samplewritepos + num * blocksize < i->samplepos + blocksize) {
+ while(i->samplewritepos < i->samplepos + blocksize) {
+ i->samplewritepos += blocksize;
+ i->soundframepos += framesperblock;
+ num++;
+ }
+ if(!num) {
+ logf("num is zero");
+ printf(" num is zero\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, " num is zero\n");
+ }
+ logf("num: %d", num);
+ /* write num frames, max 1 block */
+ for(pos=0;pos<num;pos++) {
+ logf("pos: %d- getsamples", pos);
+ if(!getSamples(i->video, block1, 576*4, speedup)) { /* 4 = 44100/11025 */
+ i->video->rate = i->video->channels = 0; //end of soundtrack
+ return;
+ }
+ logf("pos: %d- encode mp3", pos);
+ if(!pos) {
+ swf_ResetTag(i->tag, ST_SOUNDSTREAMBLOCK);
+ swf_SetSoundStreamBlock(i->tag, block1, seek, num);
+ } else {
+ swf_SetSoundStreamBlock(i->tag, block1, seek, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ i->filesize += swf_WriteTag2(&i->out, i->tag);
+ i->seek = i->samplewritepos - (i->samplepos + blocksize);
+ i->samplepos += samplesperframe;
+ logf("writeSamplesForOneFrame(): done");
+static void writeShowFrame(v2swf_internal_t* i)
+ do {
+ writeAudioForOneFrame(i);
+ swf_ResetTag(i->tag, ST_SHOWFRAME);
+ i->filesize += swf_WriteTag2(&i->out, i->tag);
+ i->fpspos -= 1.0;
+ i->frames ++;
+ }
+ while(i->fpspos >= 1.0);
+ i->showframe = 0;
+static void writeShowTags(v2swf_internal_t* i, int shapeid, int bmid, int width, int height)
+ writeShape(i, shapeid, bmid, width, height);
+ swf_ResetTag(i->tag, ST_PLACEOBJECT2);
+ if(!i->prescale) {
+ swf_GetMatrix(0, &m);
+ m.sx = m.sy = i->scale;
+ swf_ObjectPlace(i->tag,shapeid,shapeid,&m,0,0);
+ } else {
+ swf_ObjectPlace(i->tag,shapeid,shapeid,0,0,0);
+ }
+ i->filesize += swf_WriteTag2(&i->out, i->tag);
+ i->showframe = 1;
+static int wwrite(struct writer_t*w, void*data, int len)
+ v2swf_internal_t* i = (v2swf_internal_t*)w->internal;
+ ringbuffer_put(&i->r, data, len);
+ return len;
+static void wfinish(struct writer_t*w)
+ v2swf_internal_t* i = (v2swf_internal_t*)w->internal;
+static void writehead(v2swf_internal_t*i)
+ char header[]="FWS\6\0\0\0\4";
+ SWF swf;
+ int ret;
+ int id;
+ header[3] = i->version;
+ if(i->version >= 6) { //MX
+ header[0] = 'C';
+ i->out2.write = wwrite;
+ i->out2.finish = wfinish;
+ i->out2.internal = i;
+ i->out2.type = 77;
+ i->out2.bitpos = 0;
+ i->out2.mybyte = 0;
+ i->out2.pos = 0;
+ writer_init_zlibdeflate(&i->out, &i->out2);
+ } else {
+ i->out.write = wwrite;
+ i->out.finish = wfinish;
+ i->out.internal = i;
+ i->out.type = 77;
+ i->out.bitpos = 0;
+ i->out.mybyte = 0;
+ i->out.pos = 0;
+ i->out2 = i->out;
+ }
+ if(i->prescale) {
+ i->width = (int)(i->video->width*(i->scale/65536.0));
+ i->height = (int)(i->video->height*(i->scale/65536.0));
+ } else {
+ i->width = i->video->width;
+ i->height = i->video->height;
+ }
+ if(!i->width)
+ i->width = 1;
+ if(!i->height)
+ i->height = 1;
+ i->buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(i->width*i->height*4);
+ i->vrbuffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(i->video->width*i->video->height*4);
+ memset(&swf, 0, sizeof(SWF));
+ swf.fileVersion=i->version;
+ swf.fileSize = 0;
+ swf.frameCount = 65535;
+ swf.movieSize.xmax=i->width*20;
+ swf.movieSize.ymax=i->height*20;
+ swf.compressed = 8; /* 8 = compression done by caller (us) */
+ swf.frameRate = (int)(i->framerate*0x100);//25*0x100;
+ /* write the first 8 bytes to out */
+ i->out2.write(&i->out2, header, 8);
+ i->filesize += swf_WriteHeader2(&i->out, &swf);
+ i->headersize = i->filesize;
+ i->tag = swf_InsertTag(NULL, ST_SETBACKGROUNDCOLOR);
+ swf_SetU8(i->tag, 0); //black
+ swf_SetU8(i->tag, 0);
+ swf_SetU8(i->tag, 0);
+ i->filesize += swf_WriteTag2(&i->out, i->tag);
+static void finish(v2swf_internal_t*i)
+ logf("finish(): i->finished=%d\n", i->finished);
+ if(!i->finished) {
+ logf("write endtag\n", i->finished);
+ swf_ResetTag(i->tag, ST_END);
+ i->filesize += swf_WriteTag2(&i->out, i->tag);
+ i->out.finish(&i->out);
+ if(i->version>=6) {
+ swf_VideoStreamClear(&i->stream);
+ }
+ if(i->buffer) {
+ free(i->buffer);i->buffer = 0;
+ }
+ if(i->vrbuffer) {
+ free(i->vrbuffer);i->vrbuffer = 0;
+ }
+ if(i->lastbitmap) {
+ free(i->lastbitmap);i->lastbitmap = 0;
+ }
+ /* FIXME: we shouldn't be doing this. the caller should */
+ logf("call videoreader_close(%08x)\n", i->video);
+ videoreader_close(i->video);
+ i->finished = 1;
+ }
+ logf("finishing done\n");
+static void cleanup(v2swf_internal_t*i)
+ int t;
+ for(t=i->lastid;t<i->id;t++) {
+ if(!(t&1)) {
+ swf_ResetTag(i->tag, ST_REMOVEOBJECT2);
+ swf_SetU16(i->tag, t);
+ i->filesize += swf_WriteTag2(&i->out, i->tag);
+ }
+ swf_ResetTag(i->tag, ST_FREECHARACTER);
+ swf_SetU16(i->tag, t);
+ i->filesize += swf_WriteTag2(&i->out, i->tag);
+ }
+ i->lastid = i->id;
+#define DIFFMODE_MAX 1
+#define DIFFMODE_MEAN 2
+static int blockdiff_max(U8*d1,U8*d2,int yadd, int maxdiff, int xl, int yl)
+ int x,y;
+ for(y=0;y<yl;y++) {
+ for(x=0;x<xl;x++) {
+ int rd = d1[1] - d2[1];
+ int gd = d1[2] - d2[2];
+ int bd = d1[3] - d2[3];
+ if(rd < 0) rd = -rd;
+ if(gd < 0) gd = -gd;
+ if(bd < 0) bd = -bd;
+ if(rd+gd+bd>maxdiff)
+ return 1;
+ d1+=4; d2+=4;
+ }
+ d1 += yadd; d2 += yadd;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int blockdiff_mean(U8*d1,U8*d2,int yadd, int maxdiff, int xl, int yl)
+ int mean = 0;
+ int x,y;
+ for(y=0;y<yl;y++) {
+ for(x=0;x<xl;x++) {
+ int rd = d1[1] - d2[1];
+ int gd = d1[2] - d2[2];
+ int bd = d1[3] - d2[3];
+ if(rd < 0) rd = -rd;
+ if(gd < 0) gd = -gd;
+ if(bd < 0) bd = -bd;
+ mean += rd+gd+bd;
+ d1+=4; d2+=4;
+ }
+ d1 += yadd; d2 += yadd;
+ }
+ if(mean/(xl*yl) > maxdiff)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+static int blockdiff_qmean(U8*d1,U8*d2,int yadd, int maxdiff, int xl, int yl)
+ int mean = 0;
+ int x,y;
+ for(y=0;y<yl;y++) {
+ for(x=0;x<xl;x++) {
+ int rd = d1[1] - d2[1];
+ int gd = d1[2] - d2[2];
+ int bd = d1[3] - d2[3];
+ int q;
+ if(rd < 0) rd = -rd;
+ if(gd < 0) gd = -gd;
+ if(bd < 0) bd = -bd;
+ q = rd+gd+bd;
+ mean += q*q;
+ d1+=4; d2+=4;
+ }
+ d1 += yadd; d2 += yadd;
+ }
+ if(mean/(xl*yl) > maxdiff*maxdiff)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+static int blockdiff_exact(U8*d1,U8*d2,int yadd, int xl, int yl)
+ int x,y;
+ for(y=0;y<yl;y++) {
+ for(x=0;x<xl;x++) {
+ if((*(U32*)d1^*(U32*)d2)&0xffffff00) { //bits [RGB_] of [RGBA] differ
+ return 1;
+ }
+ d1+=4; d2+=4;
+ }
+ d1 += yadd; d2 += yadd;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ /*U32 r = (*(U32*)d1^-(U32*)d2)&0xffffff00;
+ U32 g = ((r << 3) ^ r)&0x80808080;
+ if(g)
+ goto differ;*/
+static void checkInit(v2swf_internal_t*i)
+ if(!i->head_done) {
+ writehead(i);
+ if(i->version>=6) {
+ swf_ResetTag(i->tag, ST_DEFINEVIDEOSTREAM);
+ swf_SetU16(i->tag, 99);
+ swf_SetVideoStreamDefine(i->tag, &i->stream, 65535, i->width, i->height);
+ i->filesize += swf_WriteTag2(&i->out, i->tag);
+ if(i->domotion) {
+ i->stream.do_motion = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ i->head_done = 1;
+ }
+static void scaleimage(v2swf_internal_t*i)
+ int x,y;
+ int xv,yv;
+ int xm = (i->video->width*65536)/i->width;
+ int ym = (i->video->height*65536)/i->height;
+ memset(i->buffer, 255, i->width*i->height*4);
+ for(y=0,yv=0;y<i->height;y++,yv+=ym) {
+ int*src = &((int*)i->vrbuffer)[(yv>>16)*i->video->width];
+ int*dest = &((int*)i->buffer)[y*i->width];
+ for(x=0,xv=0;x<i->width;x++,xv+=xm) {
+ dest[x] = src[xv>>16];
+ }
+ }
+ //memcpy(i->buffer, i->vrbuffer, i->width*i->height*4);
+static int encodeoneframe(v2swf_internal_t*i)
+ videoreader_t*video = i->video;
+ int ret;
+ checkInit(i);
+ if(videoreader_eof(i->video) || !videoreader_getimage(i->video, i->vrbuffer))
+ {
+ logf("videoreader returned eof\n");
+ finish(i);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ i->fpspos += i->fpsratio;
+ /* skip frames */
+ if(i->fpspos<1.0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ logf("encoding image for frame %d\n", i->frames);
+ if(i->showframe)
+ writeShowFrame(i);
+ logf("scaling\n");
+ scaleimage(i);
+ logf("version is %d\n", i->version);
+ if(i->version <= 4) {
+ int bmid = i->id++;
+ int shapeid = i->id++;
+ int width2 = i->width * 4;
+ if(i->id>=4) {
+ swf_ResetTag(i->tag, ST_REMOVEOBJECT2);
+ swf_SetU16(i->tag, i->id-3);
+ i->filesize += swf_WriteTag2(&i->out, i->tag);
+ swf_ResetTag(i->tag, ST_FREECHARACTER);
+ swf_SetU16(i->tag, i->id-4);
+ i->filesize += swf_WriteTag2(&i->out, i->tag);
+ }
+ swf_ResetTag(i->tag, ST_DEFINEBITSJPEG2);
+ swf_SetU16(i->tag, bmid);
+ swf_SetJPEGBits2(i->tag, i->width, i->height, (RGBA*)i->buffer, i->quality);
+ i->filesize += swf_WriteTag2(&i->out, i->tag);
+ writeShowTags(i, shapeid, bmid, i->width, i->height);
+ } else if(i->version == 5) {
+ int width2 = i->width * 4;
+ int width8 = (i->width+7)/8;
+ int height8 = (i->height+7)/8;
+ /* the idea is here to only update those jpeg 8x8 blocks
+ which actually have changed. This means that we have to keep
+ the bitmap from the last frame for the comparison. */
+ (i->keyframe)--;
+ if(!i->lastbitmap || !i->keyframe) {
+ int t, bmid,shapeid;
+ cleanup(i);
+ if(!i->lastbitmap) {
+ logf("Creating bitmap buffer for %dx%d (%dx%d), (%dx%d)\n", i->width, i->height, width2, i->height, width8, height8);
+ i->lastbitmap = (U8*)malloc(width2*i->height);
+ }
+ memcpy(i->lastbitmap, i->buffer, width2*i->height);
+ i->keyframe = i->keyframe_interval;
+ bmid = i->id++;
+ shapeid = i->id++;
+ width2 = i->width * 4;
+ swf_ResetTag(i->tag, ST_DEFINEBITSJPEG2);
+ swf_SetU16(i->tag, bmid);
+ swf_SetJPEGBits2(i->tag, i->width, i->height, (RGBA*)i->buffer, i->quality);
+ i->filesize += swf_WriteTag2(&i->out, i->tag);
+ writeShowTags(i, shapeid, bmid, i->width, i->height);
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ /* The following looks so ugly because it's somewhat optimized.
+ What it does is walk through all the 8x8 blocks, find those
+ which have changed too much and set all others to (R,G,B,A)=(0,0,0,0).
+ It also set's alpha to 255 in those who haven't changed, and
+ copies them to lastbitmap.
+ */
+ int x8, y8;
+ //int maxdiff = ((100 - i->quality)*256)/100;
+ int maxdiff = i->blockdiff*3;
+ for(y8=0;y8<height8;y8++)
+ for(x8=0;x8<width8;x8++) {
+ int x,y;
+ int xl=8,yl=8;
+ int yadd;
+ U8*d1,*d1b,*d2,*d2b;
+ if(x8*8+xl > i->width)
+ xl = i->width - x8*8;
+ if(y8*8+yl > i->height)
+ yl = i->height - y8*8;
+ d1 = &i->buffer[width2*y8*8+x8*8*4];
+ d1b = d1;
+ d2 = &i->lastbitmap[width2*y8*8+x8*8*4];
+ d2b = d2;
+ yadd = width2 - (xl*4);
+ if(i->diffmode == DIFFMODE_MAX) {
+ if(blockdiff_max(d1, d2, yadd, maxdiff, xl, yl))
+ goto differ;
+ } else if(i->diffmode == DIFFMODE_MEAN) {
+ if(blockdiff_mean(d1, d2, yadd, maxdiff, xl, yl))
+ goto differ;
+ } else if(i->diffmode == DIFFMODE_EXACT) {
+ if(blockdiff_exact(d1, d2, yadd, xl, yl))
+ goto differ;
+ } else if(i->diffmode == DIFFMODE_QMEAN) {
+ if(blockdiff_qmean(d1, d2, yadd, maxdiff, xl, yl))
+ goto differ;
+ }
+ for(y=0;y<yl;y++) {
+ for(x=0;x<xl;x++) {
+ *(U32*)d1b = 0;
+ d1b+=4;
+ }
+ d1b += yadd;
+ }
+ continue;
+ differ:
+ for(y=0;y<yl;y++) {
+ for(x=0;x<xl;x++) {
+ *(U32*)d2b = *(U32*)d1b;
+ d1b[0] = 255;
+ d1b+=4;d2b+=4;
+ }
+ d1b += yadd; d2b += yadd;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ok, done. Now a) data is zeroed out in regions which haven't changed
+ b) lastbitmap equals the bitmap we were called with
+ c) data's alpha value is set to 255 in regions which did change */
+ }
+ {
+ int bmid = i->id++;
+ int shapeid = i->id++;
+ swf_ResetTag(i->tag, ST_DEFINEBITSJPEG3);
+ swf_SetU16(i->tag, bmid);
+ swf_SetJPEGBits3(i->tag, i->width, i->height, (RGBA*)i->buffer, i->quality);
+ i->filesize += swf_WriteTag2(&i->out, i->tag);
+ writeShowTags(i, shapeid, bmid, i->width, i->height);
+ }
+ } else {
+ int quant = 1+(30-(30*i->quality)/100);
+ swf_GetPlaceObject(0, &obj);
+ if(!i->prescale) {
+ obj.matrix.sx = obj.matrix.sy = i->scale;
+ }
+ if(i->stream.frame==0) {
+ obj.depth = 1;
+ obj.id = 99;
+ } else {
+ obj.move = 1;
+ obj.depth = 1;
+ obj.ratio = i->stream.frame;
+ }
+ swf_ResetTag(i->tag, ST_VIDEOFRAME);
+ swf_SetU16(i->tag, 99);
+ if(!(--i->keyframe)) {
+ logf("setting video I-frame, ratio=%d\n", i->stream.frame);
+ swf_SetVideoStreamIFrame(i->tag, &i->stream, (RGBA*)i->buffer, quant);
+ i->keyframe = i->keyframe_interval;
+ } else {
+ logf("setting video P-frame, ratio=%d\n", i->stream.frame);
+ swf_SetVideoStreamPFrame(i->tag, &i->stream, (RGBA*)i->buffer, quant);
+ }
+ i->filesize += swf_WriteTag2(&i->out, i->tag);
+ swf_ResetTag(i->tag, ST_PLACEOBJECT2);
+ swf_SetPlaceObject(i->tag,&obj);
+ i->filesize += swf_WriteTag2(&i->out, i->tag);
+ i->showframe = 1;
+ }
+ return 1;
+int v2swf_init(v2swf_t*v2swf, videoreader_t * video)
+ int ret = 0;
+ int t=0;
+ v2swf_internal_t* i;
+ logf("v2swf_init()\n");
+ memset(v2swf, 0, sizeof(v2swf_t));
+ i = (v2swf_internal_t*)malloc(sizeof(v2swf_internal_t));
+ memset(i, 0, sizeof(v2swf_internal_t));
+ v2swf->internal = i;
+ ringbuffer_init(&i->r);
+ logf("video: %dx%d, fps %f\n", video->width, video->height, video->fps);
+ i->video = video;
+ i->blockdiff = 64;
+ i->keyframe_interval = 8;
+ i->quality = 20;
+ i->scale = 65536;
+ i->prescale = 0;
+ i->head_done = 0;
+ i->diffmode = DIFFMODE_QMEAN;
+ i->audio_fix = 1.0;
+ i->fixheader = 0;
+ i->framerate = video->fps;
+ i->fpsratio = 1.00000000;
+ i->fpspos = 0.0;
+ i->bitrate = 32;
+ i->version = 6;
+ i->buffer = 0;
+ i->lastbitmap = 0;
+ i->filesize = 8;
+ i->frames = 0;
+ i->id = 1;
+ i->lastid = 1;
+ i->keyframe = 1;
+ i->showframe = 0;
+ memset(&i->out, 0, sizeof(struct writer_t));
+ memset(&i->out2, 0, sizeof(struct writer_t));
+ return 0;
+int v2swf_read(v2swf_t*v2swf, void*buffer, int len)
+ v2swf_internal_t* i;
+ int l;
+ logf("v2swf_read(%d)\n", len);
+ i = (v2swf_internal_t*)v2swf->internal;
+ while(!i->finished && i->r.available < len) {
+ if(!encodeoneframe(i)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ logf("v2swf_read() done: %d bytes available in ringbuffer\n", i->r.available);
+ l = ringbuffer_read(&i->r, buffer, len);
+ return l;
+void v2swf_close(v2swf_t*v2swf)
+ v2swf_internal_t* i = (v2swf_internal_t*)v2swf->internal;
+ logf("close(): i->finished=%d\n", i->finished);
+ /* needed only if aborting: */
+ finish(i);
+ logf("freeing memory\n");
+ free(v2swf->internal);
+ memset(v2swf, 0, sizeof(v2swf_t));
+ logf("close() done\n");
+static int mp3_bitrates[] =
+{ 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 0};
+void v2swf_setparameter(v2swf_t*v2swf, char*name, char*value)
+ v2swf_internal_t* i;
+ logf("set parameters %s to %s\n", name, value);
+ if(!strcmp(name, "verbose")) {
+ verbose = 1;
+ logf("set parameters %s to %s\n", name, value);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!v2swf || !v2swf->internal) {
+ printf("error- couldn't set parameter %s: not initialized yet\n", name);fflush(stdout);
+ return;
+ }
+ i = (v2swf_internal_t*)v2swf->internal;
+ if(!strcmp(name, "flash_version")) {
+ i->version = atoi(value);
+ } else if(!strcmp(name, "audiosync")) {
+ i->audio_fix = (int)(atof(value));
+ } else if(!strcmp(name, "scale")) {
+ i->scale = (int)(atof(value)*65536);
+ } else if(!strcmp(name, "scale65536")) {
+ i->scale = atoi(value);
+ } else if(!strcmp(name, "quality")) {
+ i->quality = atoi(value);
+ } else if(!strcmp(name, "motioncompensation")) {
+ i->domotion = atoi(value);
+ } else if(!strcmp(name, "prescale")) {
+ i->prescale = atoi(value);
+ } else if(!strcmp(name, "blockdiff")) {
+ i->blockdiff = atoi(value);
+ } else if(!strcmp(name, "fixheader")) {
+ i->fixheader = atoi(value);
+ } else if(!strcmp(name, "framerate")) {
+ i->framerate = atof(value);
+ i->fpsratio = i->framerate / i->video->fps;
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(name, "mp3_bitrate")) {
+ int t=0,o;
+ i->bitrate = o = atoi(value);
+ if(i->bitrate>160)
+ i->bitrate = 160;
+ while(mp3_bitrates[t]) {
+ if(i->bitrate <= mp3_bitrates[t]) {
+ i->bitrate = mp3_bitrates[t];
+ break;
+ }
+ t++;
+ }
+ logf("bitrate %d requested, setting to %d", o, i->bitrate);
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(name, "blockdiff_mode")) {
+ if(!strcmp(value, "max")) i->diffmode = DIFFMODE_MAX;
+ else if(!strcmp(value, "mean")) i->diffmode = DIFFMODE_MEAN;
+ else if(!strcmp(value, "qmean")) i->diffmode = DIFFMODE_QMEAN;
+ else if(!strcmp(value, "exact")) i->diffmode = DIFFMODE_EXACT;
+ else {
+ printf("diffmode %s not recognized\n", value);
+ printf("valid diffmodes are: %s\n", "max, mean, qmean, exact");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(name, "keyframe_interval")
+ || !strcmp(name, "keyframe")) {
+ int k = atoi(value);if(k<=0) k=1;
+ i->keyframe_interval = k;
+ }
+ else {
+ printf("Setting encoder.%s not recognized!\n", name);fflush(stdout);
+ return;
+ }
+void v2swf_backpatch(v2swf_t*v2swf, char*filename)
+ FILE* fi;
+ unsigned char f;
+ v2swf_internal_t* i = (v2swf_internal_t*)v2swf->internal;
+ logf("v2swf_backpatch %s\n", filename);
+ if(!i) {
+ printf("call backpatch before close\n");fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ fi = fopen(filename, "rb+");
+ if(!fi) {
+ printf("can't open %s\n", filename);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ fseek(fi, 4, SEEK_SET);
+ f = i->filesize ;fwrite(&f,1,1,fi);
+ f = i->filesize >> 8 ;fwrite(&f,1,1,fi);
+ f = i->filesize >> 16;fwrite(&f,1,1,fi);
+ f = i->filesize >> 24;fwrite(&f,1,1,fi);
+ if(i->version<6) {
+ /* no compression- we can backpatch the frames too */
+ fseek(fi, i->headersize-2, SEEK_SET);
+ f = i->frames ;fwrite(&f,1,1,fi);
+ f = i->frames >> 8 ;fwrite(&f,1,1,fi);
+ }
+ fclose(fi);
+ if(i->fixheader) {
+ SWF tmp;
+ int fi;
+ logf("v2swf_backpatch %s - fix header\n", filename);
+ memset(&tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
+ fi = open(filename, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY);
+ if(fi>=0) {
+ if(swf_ReadSWF(fi, &tmp)>=0) {
+ close(fi);
+ fi = open(filename, O_WRONLY|O_BINARY|O_TRUNC|O_CREAT, 0666);
+ if(fi>=0) {
+ swf_WriteSWC(fi, &tmp);
+ close(fi);
+ logf("v2swf_backpatch %s - fix header: success\n", filename);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+float v2swf_getprogress(v2swf_t*v2swf)
+ float* p;
+ v2swf_internal_t* i;
+ logf("v2swf_getprogress()");
+ if(!v2swf || !v2swf->internal) {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ i = (v2swf_internal_t*)v2swf->internal;
+ p = (float*)videoreader_getinfo(i->video, "position");
+ if(p) {
+ return *p;
+ } else {
+ float f = i->frames/1500.0; /*fake*/
+ if(f>1.0)
+ return 1.0;
+ else
+ return f;
+ }
+void v2swf_setvideoparameter(videoreader_t*v, char*name, char*value)
+ logf("v2swf_setvideoparameter()");
+ videoreader_setparameter(v, name, value);