-struct _TagObject;
-typedef struct _tag_internals
- int size;
- int (*parse)(struct _TagObject*);
- int (*fillTAG)(struct _TagObject*);
- void (*dealloc)(struct _TagObject*);
- void*data;
- PyMethodDef* tagfunctions;
-} tag_internals_t;
typedef struct _TagObject {
- PyObject* tagmap;
- TAG*tag;
tag_internals_t internals;
} TagObject;
-PyObject* tag_new(tag_internals_t*tag_internals);
-typedef struct _font_internal
- SWFFONT* font;
-} font_internal_t;
-staticforward tag_internals_t font_tag;
-static int font_parse(TagObject*self)
- font_internal_t*font = (font_internal_t*)self->internals.data;
- /* TODO */
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, setError("Font parsing not implemented yet"));
- return 0;
-static void font_dealloc(TagObject*self)
- font_internal_t*font = (font_internal_t*)self->internals.data;
- if(font->font) {
- swf_FontFree(font->font);
- font->font = 0;
- }
-static int font_fillTAG(TagObject*self)
- font_internal_t*fi = (font_internal_t*)self->internals.data;
- if(self->tag)
- return 1;
- self->tag = swf_InsertTag(0, ST_DEFINEFONT2);
- swf_FontSetDefine2(self->tag, fi->font);
- return 1;
-static PyObject* f_DefineFont(PyObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs)
- static char *kwlist[] = {"filename", NULL};
- char*filename = 0;
- TagObject*tag;
- SWFFONT* font;
- if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "|s", kwlist, &filename))
- return NULL;
- font = swf_LoadFont(filename);
- if(!font) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, setError("Could not load %s", filename));
- return NULL;
- }
- tag = (TagObject*)tag_new(&font_tag);
- font_internal_t*fi = (font_internal_t*)tag->internals.data;
- font->id = 0;
- fi->font = font;
- return (PyObject*)tag;
-static SWFFONT* font_getSWFFONT(PyObject*self)
- PY_ASSERT_TYPE(self, &TagClass);
- TagObject*tag = (TagObject*)self;
- font_internal_t*fi = (font_internal_t*)tag->internals.data;
- return fi->font;
-static tag_internals_t font_tag =
- size: sizeof(font_internal_t),
- parse: font_parse,
- fillTAG: font_fillTAG,
- dealloc: font_dealloc,
- tagfunctions: 0
-typedef struct _placeobject_internal
-} placeobject_internal_t;
-staticforward tag_internals_t placeobject_tag;
-static void po_dealloc(TagObject*self)
- placeobject_internal_t*pi = (placeobject_internal_t*)self->internals.data;
- if(pi->po) {
- swf_PlaceObjectFree(pi->po);
- pi->po = 0;
- }
-static int po_parse(TagObject*self)
- placeobject_internal_t*pi = (placeobject_internal_t*)self->internals.data;
- /* TODO */
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, setError("Font parsing not implemented yet"));
- return 0;
-static int po_fillTAG(TagObject*self)
- placeobject_internal_t*pi = (placeobject_internal_t*)self->internals.data;
- self->tag = swf_InsertTag(0, ST_PLACEOBJECT2);
- swf_SetPlaceObject(self->tag, pi->po);
- return 1;
-static PyObject* f_PlaceObject(PyObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs)
- static char *kwlist[] = {"character", "depth", "matrix", "colortransform", "ratio", "name", "clipdepth", "action", NULL};
- TagObject*tag;
- TagObject*character = 0;
- int depth;
- int clipdepth = 0;
- PyObject*matrix = 0;
- PyObject*cxform = 0;
- PyObject*action = 0;
- int ratio = 0;
- char* name = 0;
- po = malloc(sizeof(SWFPLACEOBJECT));
- memset(po, 0, sizeof(SWFPLACEOBJECT));
- swf_GetPlaceObject(0, po);
- if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "O!i|O!O!isiO!", kwlist,
- &TagClass, &character,
- &depth,
- &MatrixClass, &matrix,
- &CXFormClass, &cxform,
- &ratio,
- &name,
- &clipdepth,
- &ActionClass, &action
- ))
- return NULL;
- po->depth = depth;
- po->id = /*ID*/ 0;
- po->clipdepth = clipdepth;
- po->ratio = ratio;
- po->name = name;
- if(clipdepth) po->clipdepth = clipdepth;
- if(matrix) po->matrix = matrix_getMatrix(matrix);
- if(cxform) po->cxform = colortransform_getCXForm(cxform);
- if(action) po->actions = action_getAction(action);
- tag = (TagObject*)tag_new(&placeobject_tag);
- placeobject_internal_t*pi = (placeobject_internal_t*)tag->internals.data;
- pi->po = po;
- pi->po->id = tagmap_add(tag->tagmap,(PyObject*)character);
- mylog("+%08x(%d) PlaceObject %08x(%d)\n", (int)tag, tag->ob_refcnt, character, character->ob_refcnt);
- return (PyObject*)tag;
-static tag_internals_t placeobject_tag =
- size: sizeof(placeobject_internal_t),
- parse: po_parse,
- fillTAG: po_fillTAG,
- dealloc: po_dealloc,
- tagfunctions: 0
-staticforward tag_internals_t bgcolor_tag;
-static PyObject* tag_setbackgroundcolor_getrgb(PyObject * self, PyObject*other)
- TagObject*tag = (TagObject*)self;
- int r,g,b;
- r = tag->tag->data[0];
- g = tag->tag->data[1];
- b = tag->tag->data[2];
- return Py_BuildValue("(iii)", r,g,b);
-static PyMethodDef setbgcolor_methods[] =
-{{"getRGB", tag_setbackgroundcolor_getrgb, METH_VARARGS, "get's the color set by this tag"},
-static PyObject* f_SetBackgroundColor(PyObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs)
- static char *kwlist[] = {"color", NULL};
- int r=0,g=0,b=0;
- TagObject*tag;
- PyObject*color;
- tag = (TagObject*)tag_new(&bgcolor_tag);
- /* 1st try- copy constructor */
- if(!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "O!", kwlist, &ColorClass, &color)) {
- /* 2nd try- color's contructor */
- color = f_Color(NULL, args, kwargs);
- }
- if(!color)
- return NULL;
- tag->tag = swf_InsertTag(0, ST_SETBACKGROUNDCOLOR);
- RGBA rgba = color_getRGBA(color);
- swf_SetU8(tag->tag, rgba.r);
- swf_SetU8(tag->tag, rgba.g);
- swf_SetU8(tag->tag, rgba.b);
- mylog(" %08x(%d) SetBackgroundColor(%02x,%02x,%02x) (colorobj=%08x(%d))\n", (int)tag, tag->ob_refcnt, rgba.r, rgba.g, rgba.b, color, color->ob_refcnt);
- return (PyObject*)tag;
-static tag_internals_t bgcolor_tag =
- size: 0,
- parse: 0,
- fillTAG: 0,
- dealloc: 0,
- tagfunctions: setbgcolor_methods
-staticforward tag_internals_t protect_tag;
-static PyObject* f_Protect(PyObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs)
- static char *kwlist[] = {"password", NULL};
- char*password = 0;
- if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "|s", kwlist, &password))
- return NULL;
- TagObject*tag = (TagObject*)tag_new(&protect_tag);
- tag->tag = swf_InsertTag(0, ST_PROTECT);
- if(password) {
- swf_SetPassword(tag->tag, password);
- }
- mylog("+%08x(%d) f_Protect", (int)tag, tag->ob_refcnt);
- return (PyObject*)tag;
-static tag_internals_t protect_tag =
- size: 0,
- parse: 0,
- fillTAG: 0,
- dealloc: 0,
- tagfunctions: 0
-staticforward tag_internals_t text_tag;
-typedef struct _text_internal // not used yet
- int font_id;
- char*text;
- SWFFONT* swffont;
- RGBA rgba;
- int size;
-} text_internal_t;
-staticforward tag_internals_t placeobject_tag;
-static int text_fillTAG(TagObject*self) //not used yet
- text_internal_t*ti = (text_internal_t*)self->internals.data;
- self->tag= swf_InsertTag(0, ST_DEFINETEXT2);
- swf_SetU16(self->tag, /*ID*/0);
- SRECT r = swf_SetDefineText(self->tag, ti->swffont, &ti->rgba, ti->text, ti->size);
- return 0;
-static PyObject* f_DefineText(PyObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs)
- static char *kwlist[] = {"font", "text", "size", "color", NULL};
- TagObject*tag = 0;
- char*text = 0;
- int textlen = 0;
- PyObject*unicode16;
- PyObject*unicode8;
- int size = 0;
- RGBA rgba = {255,0,0,0};
- PyObject*color = 0;
- PyObject*font = 0;
- SRECT r;
- if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "O!u#i|O!", kwlist, &TagClass, &font, &text, &textlen, &size, &ColorClass, &color))
- return NULL;
- unicode16 = PyUnicode_DecodeUTF16(text, textlen*2, NULL, NULL);
- unicode8 = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(unicode16);
- text = PyString_AS_STRING(unicode8);
- if(color)
- rgba = color_getRGBA(color);
- mylog("DefineText: text = %s", text);
- tag = (TagObject*)tag_new(&text_tag);
- text_internal_t*ti = (text_internal_t*)tag->internals.data;
- SWFFONT* swffont = font_getSWFFONT(font);
- int font_id = tagmap_add(tag->tagmap, font); // add dependency on font
- swffont->id = font_id; // for swf_SetDefineText
- /* todo: remove, store data in ti */
- tag->tag= swf_InsertTag(0, ST_DEFINETEXT2);
- swf_SetU16(tag->tag, /*ID*/0);
- r = swf_SetDefineText(tag->tag, swffont, &rgba, text, size);
- mylog("+%08x(%d) DefineText tag=%08x \n", (int)tag, tag->ob_refcnt);
- //Py_DECREF(unicode16);
- //Py_DECREF(unicode8);
- //free(text);
- return (PyObject*)tag;
-static tag_internals_t text_tag =
- size: sizeof(text_internal_t),
- parse: 0,
- fillTAG: text_fillTAG,
- dealloc: 0,
- tagfunctions: 0
static PyMethodDef generic_methods[] =
static tag_internals_t generic_tag =
- size: 0,
parse: 0,
dealloc: 0,
fillTAG: 0,
- tagfunctions: generic_methods
+ tagfunctions: generic_methods,
+ datasize: 0,
-struct tag_parser {
+static struct tag_parser {
int id;
-} tag_parsers[] = {
- {ST_PLACEOBJECT,&placeobject_tag},
- {ST_PLACEOBJECT2,&placeobject_tag},
- {ST_DEFINEFONT,&font_tag},
- {ST_PROTECT,&protect_tag},
- {ST_DEFINETEXT,&text_tag},
- {-1,0}
+ struct tag_parser* next;
+} tag_parsers[1024];
+static char parsers_initialized = 0;
+void register_tag(int id, tag_internals_t*spec)
+ assert(id>=0 && id<1024);
+ if(!parsers_initialized) {
+ memset(tag_parsers, 0, sizeof(tag_parsers));
+ parsers_initialized = 1;
+ }
+ tag_parsers[id].id = id;
+ tag_parsers[id].spec = spec;
+static tag_internals_t* get_parser(int id)
+ if(parsers_initialized<2) {
+ int t;
+ struct tag_parser*last = &tag_parsers[0];
+ for(t=0;t<1024;t++) {
+ if(tag_parsers[t].spec) {
+ last->next = &tag_parsers[t];
+ last = &tag_parsers[t];
+ }
+ }
+ parsers_initialized = 2;
+ }
+ assert(id>=0 && id<1024);
+ return tag_parsers[id].spec;
static void tag_dealloc(PyObject * self)
TagObject*tag = (TagObject*)self;
- if(tag->tag)
- mylog("-%08x(%d) tag_dealoc [%s]\n", (int)self, self->ob_refcnt, swf_TagGetName(tag->tag));
+ if(tag->internals.tag)
+ mylog("-%08x(%d) tag_dealoc [%s]\n", (int)self, self->ob_refcnt, swf_TagGetName(tag->internals.tag));
mylog("-%08x(%d) tag_dealoc [?]\n", (int)self, self->ob_refcnt);
if(tag->internals.dealloc) {
mylog("-%08x(%d) tag_dealoc: Warning: calling dealloc without any data(?)\n", (int)self, self->ob_refcnt);
- tag->internals.dealloc(tag);
+ tag->internals.dealloc(&tag->internals);
if(tag->internals.data) {
tag->internals.data = 0;
- if(tag->tag) {
- swf_DeleteTag(tag->tag);
- tag->tag = 0;
+ if(tag->internals.tag) {
+ swf_DeleteTag(tag->internals.tag);
+ tag->internals.tag = 0;
- Py_DECREF(tag->tagmap);
- tag->tagmap = 0;
+ Py_DECREF(tag->internals.tagmap);
+ tag->internals.tagmap = 0;
static int fillTAG(PyObject*self)
TagObject*tag = (TagObject*)self;
- if(tag->tag)
+ if(tag->internals.tag)
return 1;
if(!tag->internals.fillTAG) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, setError("No way to fill TAG with data"));
return 0;
- if(!tag->internals.fillTAG(tag)) {
+ if(!tag->internals.fillTAG(&tag->internals)) {
return 0; // pass through exception
- if(!tag->tag) {
+ if(!tag->internals.tag) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, setError("Couldn't fill tag"));
return 0;
int t;
/* -- fields -- */
- if(!strcmp(a, "id")) {
+ if(!strcmp(a, "tagid")) {
return 0;
- return Py_BuildValue("i", tag->tag->id);
+ return Py_BuildValue("i", tag->internals.tag->id);
if(!strcmp(a, "name")) {
return 0;
- char* name = swf_TagGetName(tag->tag);
+ char* name = swf_TagGetName(tag->internals.tag);
return Py_BuildValue("s", name);
TagObject*tag = PyObject_New(TagObject, &TagClass);
mylog("+%08x(%d) tag_new\n", (int)tag, tag->ob_refcnt);
memcpy(&tag->internals, tag_internals, sizeof(tag_internals_t));
- if(tag->internals.size) {
- tag->internals.data = malloc(tag->internals.size);
- memset(tag->internals.data , 0, tag->internals.size);
+ if(tag->internals.datasize) {
+ tag->internals.data = malloc(tag->internals.datasize);
+ memset(tag->internals.data , 0, tag->internals.datasize);
} else {
tag->internals.data = 0;
- tag->tag = 0;
- tag->tagmap = tagmap_new();
+ tag->internals.tag = 0;
+ tag->internals.tagmap = tagmap_new();
return (PyObject*)tag;
TagObject*tag = PyObject_New(TagObject, &TagClass);
mylog("+%08x(%d) tag_new2 tag=%08x id=%d (%s)\n", (int)tag, tag->ob_refcnt, t, t->id, swf_TagGetName(t));
- tag->tagmap = tagmap_new();
+ PyObject*mytagmap = tagmap_new();
int num = swf_GetNumUsedIDs(t);
if(num) { // tag has dependencies
//mylog("+%08x(%d) tag_new2 handling id %d at %d/%d\n", (int)tag, tag->ob_refcnt, id, positions[i], t->len);
//mylog("+%08x(%d) tag_new2 add dependency %d to id %d, object %08x(%d)\n", (int)tag, tag->ob_refcnt, i, id, obj, obj->ob_refcnt);
- tagmap_addMapping(tag->tagmap, id, obj);
+ tagmap_addMapping(mytagmap, id, obj);
- tag->tag = swf_InsertTag(0, t->id);
- swf_SetBlock(tag->tag, t->data, t->len);
- int i=0,found=0;
- while(tag_parsers[i].id>=0) {
- if(tag_parsers[i].id == t->id) {
- memcpy(&tag->internals, tag_parsers[i].spec, sizeof(tag_internals_t));
- found=1;
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- if(!found) {
+ tag_internals_t*spec = get_parser(t->id);
+ if(spec) {
+ memcpy(&tag->internals, spec, sizeof(tag_internals_t));
+ } else {
memcpy(&tag->internals, &generic_tag, sizeof(tag_internals_t));
- if(tag->internals.size) {
- tag->internals.data = malloc(tag->internals.size);
- memset(tag->internals.data, 0, tag->internals.size);
+ if(tag->internals.datasize) {
+ tag->internals.data = malloc(tag->internals.datasize);
+ memset(tag->internals.data, 0, tag->internals.datasize);
} else {
tag->internals.data = 0;
+ tag->internals.tag = swf_InsertTag(0, t->id);
+ swf_SetBlock(tag->internals.tag, t->data, t->len);
+ tag->internals.tagmap = mytagmap;
+ // call tag->internals.init()?
return (PyObject*)tag;
return 0;
- mylog(" %08x(%d) tag_getTAG: tag=%08x id=%d (%s)", (int)self, self->ob_refcnt, tag->tag, tag->tag->id, swf_TagGetName(tag->tag));
+ mylog(" %08x(%d) tag_getTAG: tag=%08x id=%d (%s)", (int)self, self->ob_refcnt, tag->internals.tag, tag->internals.tag->id, swf_TagGetName(tag->internals.tag));
- TAG* t = swf_InsertTag(prevTag, tag->tag->id);
- swf_SetBlock(t, tag->tag->data, tag->tag->len);
+ TAG* t = swf_InsertTag(prevTag, tag->internals.tag->id);
+ swf_SetBlock(t, tag->internals.tag->data, tag->internals.tag->len);
if(swf_isDefiningTag(t)) {
int newid = tagmap_add(tagmap, self);
int i;
for(i=0;i<num;i++) {
int id = GET16(&t->data[positions[i]]);
- PyObject* obj = tagmap_id2obj(tag->tagmap, id);
+ PyObject* obj = tagmap_id2obj(tag->internals.tagmap, id);
if(obj==NULL) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, setError("Internal error: id %d not known in taglist:"));
return 0;
- int newid = tagmap_obj2id(tagmap, obj);
+ int newid = tagmap_obj2id(tag->internals.tagmap, obj);
PUT16(&t->data[positions[i]], newid);
return t;
+tag_internals_t* tag_getinternals(PyObject*self)
+ TagObject*tag = (TagObject*)self;
+ mylog(" %08x(%d) tag_getInternals\n", (int)self, self->ob_refcnt);
+ return &tag->internals;
PyObject* tag_getDependencies(PyObject*self)
TagObject*tag = (TagObject*)self;
mylog(" %08x(%d) tag_getDependencies\n", (int)self, self->ob_refcnt);
- return tagmap_getObjectList(tag->tagmap);
+ return tagmap_getObjectList(tag->internals.tagmap);
int tag_print(PyObject * self, FILE * fi, int flags)
TagObject*tag = (TagObject*)self;
mylog(" %08x(%d) tag_print flags=%08x\n", (int)self, self->ob_refcnt, flags);
return -1;
- fprintf(fi, "tag-%08x-%d-%s", (int)tag->tag, tag->tag->id, swf_TagGetName(tag->tag));
+ fprintf(fi, "tag-%08x-%d-%s", (int)tag->internals.tag, tag->internals.tag->id, swf_TagGetName(tag->internals.tag));
return 0;
PyTypeObject TagClass =
tp_print: tag_print,
tp_getattr: tag_getattr,
-static PyMethodDef TagMethods[] =
- /* TAGS */
- {"SetBackgroundColor", (PyCFunction)f_SetBackgroundColor, METH_KEYWORDS, "Create a SetBackGroundColor Tag."},
- {"Protect", (PyCFunction)f_Protect, METH_KEYWORDS, "Create a Protect Tag."},
- {"DefineFont", (PyCFunction)f_DefineFont, METH_KEYWORDS, "Create a DefineFont Tag."},
- {"DefineText", (PyCFunction)f_DefineText, METH_KEYWORDS, "Create a DefineText Tag."},
- {"PlaceObject", (PyCFunction)f_PlaceObject, METH_KEYWORDS, "Create a PlaceObject Tag."},
-PyMethodDef* tag_getMethods()
- TagClass.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
- return TagMethods;
--- /dev/null
+#include "pyutils.h"
+#include "primitives.h"
+#include "action.h"
+#include "tag.h"
+#include "tags.h"
+typedef struct _font_internal
+ SWFFONT* font;
+} font_internal_t;
+staticforward tag_internals_t font_tag;
+static int font_parse(tag_internals_t*self)
+ font_internal_t*font = (font_internal_t*)self->data;
+ /* TODO */
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, setError("Font parsing not implemented yet"));
+ return 0;
+static void font_dealloc(tag_internals_t*self)
+ font_internal_t*font = (font_internal_t*)self->data;
+ if(font->font) {
+ swf_FontFree(font->font);
+ font->font = 0;
+ }
+static int font_fillTAG(tag_internals_t*self)
+ font_internal_t*fi = (font_internal_t*)self->data;
+ if(self->tag)
+ return 1;
+ self->tag = swf_InsertTag(0, ST_DEFINEFONT2);
+ swf_FontSetDefine2(self->tag, fi->font);
+ return 1;
+static PyObject* f_DefineFont(PyObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs)
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"filename", NULL};
+ char*filename = 0;
+ PyObject*tag;
+ SWFFONT* font;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "|s", kwlist, &filename))
+ return NULL;
+ font = swf_LoadFont(filename);
+ if(!font) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, setError("Could not load %s", filename));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ tag = tag_new(&font_tag);
+ tag_internals_t*itag = tag_getinternals(tag);
+ font_internal_t*fi = (font_internal_t*)itag->data;
+ font->id = 0;
+ fi->font = font;
+ return (PyObject*)tag;
+static SWFFONT* font_getSWFFONT(PyObject*self)
+ PY_ASSERT_TYPE(self, &TagClass);
+ tag_internals_t*itag = tag_getinternals(self);
+ font_internal_t*fi = (font_internal_t*)itag->data;
+ return fi->font;
+static tag_internals_t font_tag =
+ parse: font_parse,
+ fillTAG: font_fillTAG,
+ dealloc: font_dealloc,
+ tagfunctions: 0,
+ datasize: sizeof(font_internal_t),
+typedef struct _placeobject_internal
+} placeobject_internal_t;
+staticforward tag_internals_t placeobject_tag;
+static void po_dealloc(tag_internals_t*self)
+ placeobject_internal_t*pi = (placeobject_internal_t*)self->data;
+ if(pi->po) {
+ swf_PlaceObjectFree(pi->po);
+ pi->po = 0;
+ }
+static int po_parse(tag_internals_t*self)
+ placeobject_internal_t*pi = (placeobject_internal_t*)self->data;
+ /* TODO */
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, setError("Font parsing not implemented yet"));
+ return 0;
+static int po_fillTAG(tag_internals_t*self)
+ placeobject_internal_t*pi = (placeobject_internal_t*)self->data;
+ self->tag = swf_InsertTag(0, ST_PLACEOBJECT2);
+ swf_SetPlaceObject(self->tag, pi->po);
+ return 1;
+static PyObject* f_PlaceObject(PyObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs)
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"character", "depth", "matrix", "colortransform", "ratio", "name", "clipdepth", "action", NULL};
+ PyObject*character = 0;
+ int depth;
+ int clipdepth = 0;
+ PyObject*matrix = 0;
+ PyObject*cxform = 0;
+ PyObject*action = 0;
+ int ratio = 0;
+ char* name = 0;
+ po = malloc(sizeof(SWFPLACEOBJECT));
+ memset(po, 0, sizeof(SWFPLACEOBJECT));
+ swf_GetPlaceObject(0, po);
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "Oi|O!O!isiO!", kwlist,
+ &character,
+ &depth,
+ &MatrixClass, &matrix,
+ &CXFormClass, &cxform,
+ &ratio,
+ &name,
+ &clipdepth,
+ &ActionClass, &action
+ ))
+ return NULL;
+ po->depth = depth;
+ po->id = /*ID*/ 0;
+ po->clipdepth = clipdepth;
+ po->ratio = ratio;
+ po->name = name;
+ if(clipdepth) po->clipdepth = clipdepth;
+ if(matrix) po->matrix = matrix_getMatrix(matrix);
+ if(cxform) po->cxform = colortransform_getCXForm(cxform);
+ if(action) po->actions = action_getAction(action);
+ PyObject*tag;
+ tag = tag_new(&placeobject_tag);
+ tag_internals_t*itag = tag_getinternals(tag);
+ placeobject_internal_t*pi = (placeobject_internal_t*)itag->data;
+ pi->po = po;
+ pi->po->id = tagmap_add(itag->tagmap,(PyObject*)character);
+ mylog("+%08x(%d) PlaceObject %08x(%d)\n", (int)tag, tag->ob_refcnt, character, character->ob_refcnt);
+ return (PyObject*)tag;
+static tag_internals_t placeobject_tag =
+ parse: po_parse,
+ fillTAG: po_fillTAG,
+ dealloc: po_dealloc,
+ tagfunctions: 0,
+ datasize: sizeof(placeobject_internal_t),
+staticforward tag_internals_t bgcolor_tag;
+static PyObject* tag_setbackgroundcolor_getrgb(PyObject * self, PyObject*other)
+ tag_internals_t*itag = tag_getinternals(self);
+ int r,g,b;
+ r = itag->tag->data[0];
+ g = itag->tag->data[1];
+ b = itag->tag->data[2];
+ return Py_BuildValue("(iii)", r,g,b);
+static PyMethodDef setbgcolor_methods[] =
+{{"getRGB", tag_setbackgroundcolor_getrgb, METH_VARARGS, "get's the color set by this tag"},
+static PyObject* f_SetBackgroundColor(PyObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs)
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"color", NULL};
+ int r=0,g=0,b=0;
+ PyObject*tag;
+ PyObject*color;
+ tag = tag_new(&bgcolor_tag);
+ tag_internals_t*itag = tag_getinternals(tag);
+ /* 1st try- copy constructor */
+ if(!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "O!", kwlist, &ColorClass, &color)) {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ /* 2nd try- color's contructor */
+ color = f_Color(NULL, args, kwargs);
+ }
+ if(!color)
+ return NULL;
+ itag->tag = swf_InsertTag(0, ST_SETBACKGROUNDCOLOR);
+ RGBA rgba = color_getRGBA(color);
+ swf_SetU8(itag->tag, rgba.r);
+ swf_SetU8(itag->tag, rgba.g);
+ swf_SetU8(itag->tag, rgba.b);
+ mylog(" %08x(%d) SetBackgroundColor(%02x,%02x,%02x) (colorobj=%08x(%d))\n", (int)tag, tag->ob_refcnt, rgba.r, rgba.g, rgba.b, color, color->ob_refcnt);
+ Py_DECREF(color);
+ return (PyObject*)tag;
+static tag_internals_t bgcolor_tag =
+ parse: 0,
+ fillTAG: 0,
+ dealloc: 0,
+ tagfunctions: setbgcolor_methods,
+ datasize: 0,
+staticforward tag_internals_t protect_tag;
+static PyObject* f_Protect(PyObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs)
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"password", NULL};
+ char*password = 0;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "|s", kwlist, &password))
+ return NULL;
+ PyObject*tag = tag_new(&protect_tag);
+ tag_internals_t*itag = tag_getinternals(tag);
+ itag->tag = swf_InsertTag(0, ST_PROTECT);
+ if(password) {
+ swf_SetPassword(itag->tag, password);
+ }
+ mylog("+%08x(%d) f_Protect", (int)tag, tag->ob_refcnt);
+ return (PyObject*)tag;
+static tag_internals_t protect_tag =
+ parse: 0,
+ fillTAG: 0,
+ dealloc: 0,
+ tagfunctions: 0,
+ datasize: 0,
+staticforward tag_internals_t end_tag;
+static tag_internals_t end_tag =
+ parse: 0,
+ fillTAG: 0,
+ dealloc: 0,
+ tagfunctions: 0,
+ datasize: 0,
+staticforward tag_internals_t text_tag;
+typedef struct _text_internal
+ char*text;
+ SWFFONT* swffont;
+ RGBA rgba;
+ int size;
+} text_internal_t;
+staticforward tag_internals_t placeobject_tag;
+static int text_fillTAG(tag_internals_t*self)
+ text_internal_t*ti = (text_internal_t*)self->data;
+ self->tag= swf_InsertTag(0, ST_DEFINETEXT2);
+ swf_SetU16(self->tag, /*ID*/0);
+ SRECT r = swf_SetDefineText(self->tag, ti->swffont, &ti->rgba, ti->text, ti->size);
+ return 1;
+static PyObject* f_DefineText(PyObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs)
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"font", "text", "size", "color", NULL};
+ PyObject*tag = 0;
+ char*text = 0;
+ int textlen = 0;
+ PyObject*unicode16;
+ PyObject*unicode8;
+ int size = 0;
+ RGBA rgba = {255,0,0,0};
+ PyObject*color = 0;
+ PyObject*font = 0;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "O!u#i|O!", kwlist, &TagClass, &font, &text, &textlen, &size, &ColorClass, &color))
+ return NULL;
+ unicode16 = PyUnicode_DecodeUTF16(text, textlen*2, NULL, NULL);
+ unicode8 = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(unicode16);
+ text = PyString_AS_STRING(unicode8);
+ if(color)
+ rgba = color_getRGBA(color);
+ mylog("DefineText: text = %s", text);
+ tag = tag_new(&text_tag);
+ tag_internals_t* itag = tag_getinternals(tag);
+ text_internal_t*ti = (text_internal_t*)itag->data;
+ ti->swffont = font_getSWFFONT(font);
+ int font_id = tagmap_add(itag->tagmap, font); // add dependency on font
+ ti->swffont->id = font_id; // for swf_SetDefineTexts
+ ti->text = strdup(text);
+ ti->rgba = rgba;
+ ti->size = size;
+ return (PyObject*)tag;
+static tag_internals_t text_tag =
+ parse: 0,
+ fillTAG: text_fillTAG,
+ dealloc: 0,
+ tagfunctions: 0,
+ datasize: sizeof(text_internal_t),
+typedef struct _videostream_internal
+ VIDEOSTREAM* stream;
+} videostream_internal_t;
+staticforward tag_internals_t videostream_tag;
+static int videostream_parse(tag_internals_t*self)
+ videostream_internal_t*videostream = (videostream_internal_t*)self->data;
+ /* TODO */
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, setError("videostream parsing not implemented yet"));
+ return 0;
+static void videostream_dealloc(tag_internals_t*self)
+ videostream_internal_t*videostream = (videostream_internal_t*)self->data;
+ if(videostream->stream) {
+ swf_VideoStreamClear(videostream->stream);
+ free(videostream->stream);
+ videostream->stream = 0;
+ }
+static int videostream_fillTAG(tag_internals_t*self)
+ videostream_internal_t*fi = (videostream_internal_t*)self->data;
+ if(self->tag)
+ return 1;
+ /* TODO */
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, setError("videostream filling not implemented yet"));return 0;
+ return 1;
+static PyObject* f_DefineVideoStream(PyObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs)
+ PyObject*tag = tag_new(&videostream_tag);
+ int width=0,height=0,quant=7,frames=65535;
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"width", "height", "quant", "frames", NULL};
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "ii|ii", kwlist, &TagClass, &width, &height, &quant, &frames))
+ return NULL;
+ tag_internals_t*itag = tag_getinternals(tag);
+ videostream_internal_t*fi = (videostream_internal_t*)itag->data;
+ fi->stream = malloc(sizeof(VIDEOSTREAM));
+ memset(fi->stream, 0, sizeof(VIDEOSTREAM));
+ TAG*t = swf_InsertTag(0, ST_DEFINEVIDEOSTREAM);
+ swf_SetVideoStreamDefine(t, fi->stream, frames, width, height);
+ return (PyObject*)tag;
+static VIDEOSTREAM* videostream_getVIDEOSTREAM(PyObject*self)
+ PY_ASSERT_TYPE(self, &TagClass);
+ tag_internals_t*itag = tag_getinternals(self);
+ videostream_internal_t*fi = (videostream_internal_t*)itag->data;
+ return fi->stream;
+static PyObject* videostream_getbwidth(PyObject*self, PyObject*args)
+ tag_internals_t*itag = tag_getinternals(self);
+ videostream_internal_t*fi = (videostream_internal_t*)itag->data;
+ int width = fi->stream->bbx;
+ return Py_BuildValue("i", width);
+static PyObject* videostream_getbheight(PyObject*self, PyObject*args)
+ tag_internals_t*itag = tag_getinternals(self);
+ videostream_internal_t*fi = (videostream_internal_t*)itag->data;
+ int height = fi->stream->bby;
+ return Py_BuildValue("i", height);
+static PyObject* videostream_addIFrame(PyObject*self, PyObject*args)
+ tag_internals_t*itag = tag_getinternals(self);
+ videostream_internal_t*fi = (videostream_internal_t*)itag->data;
+ /* TODO */
+ return Py_BuildValue("s", 0);
+static PyObject* videostream_addPFrame(PyObject*self, PyObject*args)
+ tag_internals_t*itag = tag_getinternals(self);
+ videostream_internal_t*fi = (videostream_internal_t*)itag->data;
+ /* TODO */
+ return Py_BuildValue("s", 0);
+static PyObject* videostream_addDistortionFrame(PyObject*self, PyObject*args)
+ tag_internals_t*itag = tag_getinternals(self);
+ videostream_internal_t*fi = (videostream_internal_t*)itag->data;
+ /* TODO */
+ return Py_BuildValue("s", 0);
+static PyMethodDef videostream_methods[] =
+{{"xblocks", videostream_getbwidth, METH_VARARGS, "get's the number of horizontal blocks"},
+ {"yblocks", videostream_getbheight, METH_VARARGS, "get's the number of vertical blocks"},
+ {"addIFrame", videostream_addIFrame, METH_VARARGS, "add a I Video Frame"},
+ {"addPFrame", videostream_addPFrame, METH_VARARGS, "add a P Video Frame"},
+ {"addDistortionFrame", videostream_addDistortionFrame, METH_VARARGS, "add a MVD frame"},
+static tag_internals_t videostream_tag =
+ parse: videostream_parse,
+ fillTAG: videostream_fillTAG,
+ dealloc: videostream_dealloc,
+ tagfunctions: videostream_methods,
+ datasize: sizeof(videostream_internal_t),
+static PyMethodDef TagMethods[] =
+ /* TAGS */
+ {"BackgroundColor", (PyCFunction)f_SetBackgroundColor, METH_KEYWORDS, "Create a SetBackGroundColor Tag."},
+ {"Protect", (PyCFunction)f_Protect, METH_KEYWORDS, "Create a Protect Tag."},
+ {"Font", (PyCFunction)f_DefineFont, METH_KEYWORDS, "Create a DefineFont Tag."},
+ {"Text", (PyCFunction)f_DefineText, METH_KEYWORDS, "Create a DefineText Tag."},
+ {"PlaceObject", (PyCFunction)f_PlaceObject, METH_KEYWORDS, "Create a PlaceObject Tag."},
+ {"VideoStream", (PyCFunction)f_DefineVideoStream, METH_KEYWORDS, "Create a Videostream."},
+PyMethodDef* tags_getMethods()
+ TagClass.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
+ register_tag(ST_PLACEOBJECT,&placeobject_tag);
+ register_tag(ST_PLACEOBJECT2,&placeobject_tag);
+ register_tag(ST_SETBACKGROUNDCOLOR,&bgcolor_tag);
+ register_tag(ST_DEFINEFONT,&font_tag);
+ register_tag(ST_PROTECT,&protect_tag);
+ register_tag(ST_DEFINETEXT,&text_tag);
+ register_tag(ST_END,&end_tag);
+ return TagMethods;