If we set it to low, however, the char positions will be inaccurate */
#define GLYPH_SCALE 1
-/* process a character. */
-static int drawchar(gfxdevice_t*dev, SWFFONT *swffont, int charid, float x, float y, gfxcolor_t*col)
- swfoutput_internal*i = (swfoutput_internal*)dev->internal;
- if(!swffont) {
- msg("<warning> Font is NULL");
- return 0;
- }
- if(charid<0 || charid>=swffont->numchars) {
- msg("<warning> No character %d in font %s (%d chars)", charid, FIXNULL((char*)swffont->name), swffont->numchars);
- return 0;
- }
- /*if(swffont->glyph[charid].shape->bitlen <= 16) {
- msg("<warning> Glyph %d in current charset (%s, %d characters) is empty",
- charid, FIXNULL((char*)swffont->name), swffont->numchars);
- return 1;
- }*/
- if(i->shapeid>=0)
- endshape(dev);
- if(i->textid<0)
- starttext(dev);
- double det = i->fontmatrix.sx/65536.0 * i->fontmatrix.sy/65536.0 -
- i->fontmatrix.r0/65536.0 * i->fontmatrix.r1/65536.0;
- if(fabs(det) < 0.0005) {
- /* x direction equals y direction- the text is invisible */
- return 1;
- }
- det = 20 * GLYPH_SCALE / det;
- p.x = (SCOORD)(( x * i->fontmatrix.sy/65536.0 - y * i->fontmatrix.r1/65536.0)*det);
- p.y = (SCOORD)((- x * i->fontmatrix.r0/65536.0 + y * i->fontmatrix.sx/65536.0)*det);
- RGBA rgba = *(RGBA*)col;
- msg("<trace> Drawing char %d in font %d at %d,%d in color %02x%02x%02x%02x",
- charid, swffont->id, p.x,p.y, rgba.r, rgba.g, rgba.b, rgba.a);
- putcharacter(dev, swffont->id, charid,p.x,p.y,i->current_font_size, rgba);
- swf_FontUseGlyph(swffont, charid);
- return 1;
static void endtext(gfxdevice_t*dev)
swfoutput_internal*i = (swfoutput_internal*)dev->internal;
/* set's the matrix which is to be applied to characters drawn by swfoutput_drawchar() */
-static void setfontscale(gfxdevice_t*dev,double m11,double m12, double m21,double m22)
+static void setfontscale(gfxdevice_t*dev,double m11,double m12, double m21,double m22,double x, double y, char force)
m11 *= 1024;
m12 *= 1024;
if(i->lastfontm11 == m11 &&
i->lastfontm12 == m12 &&
i->lastfontm21 == m21 &&
- i->lastfontm22 == m22)
+ i->lastfontm22 == m22 && !force)
m.sx = (U32)((m11*ifs)*65536); m.r1 = (U32)((m21*ifs)*65536);
m.r0 = (U32)((m12*ifs)*65536); m.sy = (U32)((m22*ifs)*65536);
- m.tx = 0;
- m.ty = 0;
+ /* this is the position of the first char to set a new fontmatrix-
+ we hope that it's close enough to all other characters using the
+ font, so we use its position as origin for the matrix */
+ m.tx = x*20;
+ m.ty = y*20;
i->fontmatrix = m;
msg("<error> swf_drawchar called (glyph %d) without font", glyph);
if(!i->swffont || !i->swffont->name || strcmp((char*)i->swffont->name,font->id)) // not equal to current font
/* TODO: remove the need for this (enhance getcharacterbbox so that it can cope
with multiple fonts */
swf_switchfont(dev, font->id); // set the current font
- setfontscale(dev, matrix->m00, matrix->m01, matrix->m10, matrix->m11);
+ if(!i->swffont) {
+ msg("<warning> Font is NULL");
+ return;
+ }
+ if(glyph<0 || glyph>=i->swffont->numchars) {
+ msg("<warning> No character %d in font %s (%d chars)", glyph, FIXNULL((char*)i->swffont->name), i->swffont->numchars);
+ return;
+ }
+ setfontscale(dev, matrix->m00, matrix->m01, matrix->m10, matrix->m11, matrix->tx, matrix->ty, 0);
+ double det = i->fontmatrix.sx/65536.0 * i->fontmatrix.sy/65536.0 -
+ i->fontmatrix.r0/65536.0 * i->fontmatrix.r1/65536.0;
+ if(fabs(det) < 0.0005) {
+ /* x direction equals y direction- the text is invisible */
+ msg("<verbose> Not drawing invisible character character %d (det=%f, m=[%f %f;%f %f]\n", glyph,
+ i->fontmatrix.sx/65536.0, i->fontmatrix.r1/65536.0,
+ i->fontmatrix.r0/65536.0, i->fontmatrix.sy/65536.0);
+ return;
+ }
-/* printf("%f %f\n", m.m31, m.m32);
- {
- static int xpos = 40;
- static int ypos = 200;
- m.m31 = xpos;
- m.m32 = ypos;
- xpos += 10;
+ /*if(i->swffont->glyph[glyph].shape->bitlen <= 16) {
+ msg("<warning> Glyph %d in current charset (%s, %d characters) is empty",
+ glyph, FIXNULL((char*)i->swffont->name), i->swffont->numchars);
+ return 1;
+ /* calculate character position with respect to the current font matrix */
+ double s = 20 * GLYPH_SCALE / det;
+ double px = matrix->tx - i->fontmatrix.tx/20.0;
+ double py = matrix->ty - i->fontmatrix.ty/20.0;
+ int x = (SCOORD)(( px * i->fontmatrix.sy/65536.0 - py * i->fontmatrix.r1/65536.0)*s);
+ int y = (SCOORD)((- px * i->fontmatrix.r0/65536.0 + py * i->fontmatrix.sx/65536.0)*s);
+ if(x>32767 || x<-32768 || y>32767 || y<-32768) {
+ msg("<verbose> Moving character origin to %f %f\n", matrix->tx, matrix->ty);
+ endtext(dev);
+ setfontscale(dev, matrix->m00, matrix->m01, matrix->m10, matrix->m11, matrix->tx, matrix->ty, 1);
+ }
+ if(i->shapeid>=0)
+ endshape(dev);
+ if(i->textid<0)
+ starttext(dev);
- drawchar(dev, i->swffont, glyph, matrix->tx, matrix->ty, color);
+ msg("<trace> Drawing char %d in font %d at %d,%d in color %02x%02x%02x%02x",
+ glyph, i->swffont->id, x, y, color->r, color->g, color->b, color->a);
+ putcharacter(dev, i->swffont->id, glyph, x, y, i->current_font_size, *(RGBA*)color);
+ swf_FontUseGlyph(i->swffont, glyph);
+ return;