#define OUTBUFFER_SIZE 0x8000
typedef struct _JPEGDESTMGR
{ struct jpeg_destination_mgr mgr;
TAG * t;
return 0;
+// Lossless compression texture based on zlib
+int swf_deflate_wraper(TAG * t,z_stream * zs,U8 * data,boolean finish)
+{ while (1)
+ { int status = deflate(zs,Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
+ if (zs->avail_out == 0)
+ { SetBlock(t,data,zs->next_out-data);
+ zs->next_out = data;
+ zs->avail_out = OUTBUFFER_SIZE;
+ }
+ if (zs->avail_in==0)
+ { if (finish) deflate(zs,Z_FINISH);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (status!=Z_OK)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"rfxswf: zlib compression error (%i)\n",status);
+ return status;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int SetLosslessBits(TAG * t,U16 width,U16 height,void * bitmap,U8 bitmap_flags)
+{ int res = 0;
+ int bps;
+ U8 * data;
+ switch (bitmap_flags)
+ { case BMF_8BIT:
+ return SetLosslessBitsIndexed(t,width,height,bitmap,NULL,256);
+ case BMF_16BIT:
+ bps = BYTES_PER_SCANLINE(sizeof(U16)*width);
+ break;
+ case BMF_32BIT:
+ bps = width*4;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return -1;
+ }
+ SetU8(t,bitmap_flags);
+ SetU16(t,width);
+ SetU16(t,height);
+ if (data=malloc(OUTBUFFER_SIZE))
+ { z_stream zs;
+ memset(&zs,0x00,sizeof(z_stream));
+ zs.zalloc = Z_NULL;
+ zs.zfree = Z_NULL;
+ if (deflateInit(&zs,Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION)==Z_OK)
+ { zs.avail_in = bps*height;
+ zs.next_in = bitmap;
+ zs.next_out = data;
+ zs.avail_out = OUTBUFFER_SIZE;
+ if (swf_deflate_wraper(t,&zs,data,TRUE)<0) res = -3;
+ if (zs.next_out>data) SetBlock(t,data,zs.next_out-data);
+ deflateEnd(&zs);
+ } else res = -3; // zlib error
+ free(data);
+ } else res = -2; // memory error
+ return res;
+int SetLosslessBitsIndexed(TAG * t,U16 width,U16 height,U8 * bitmap,RGBA * palette,U16 ncolors)
+{ RGBA * pal = palette;
+ int bps = BYTES_PER_SCANLINE(width);
+ U8 * data;
+ int res = 0;
+ if (!pal) // create default palette for grayscale images
+ { int i;
+ pal = malloc(256*sizeof(RGBA));
+ for (i=0;i<256;i++) { pal[i].r = pal[i].g = pal[i].b = i; pal[i].a = 0xff;}
+ ncolors = 256;
+ }
+ if ((ncolors<2)||(ncolors>256)||(!t)) return -1; // parameter error
+ SetU8(t,BMF_8BIT);
+ SetU16(t,width);
+ SetU16(t,height);
+ SetU8(t,ncolors-1); // number of pal entries
+ if (data=malloc(OUTBUFFER_SIZE))
+ { z_stream zs;
+ memset(&zs,0x00,sizeof(z_stream));
+ zs.zalloc = Z_NULL;
+ zs.zfree = Z_NULL;
+ if (deflateInit(&zs,Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION)==Z_OK)
+ { U8 * zpal; // compress palette
+ if (zpal = malloc(ncolors*4))
+ { U8 * pp = zpal;
+ int i;
+ /* be careful with ST_DEFINEBITSLOSSLESS2, because
+ the Flash player produces great bugs if you use too many
+ alpha colors in your palette. The only sensible result that
+ can be archeived is setting one color to r=0,b=0,g=0,a=0 to
+ make transparent parts in sprites. That's the cause why alpha
+ handling is implemented in lossless routines of rfxswf.
+ Indeed: I haven't understood yet how flash player handles
+ alpha values different from 0 and 0xff in lossless bitmaps...
+ */
+ if (GetTagID(t)==ST_DEFINEBITSLOSSLESS2) // have alpha channel?
+ { for (i=0;i<ncolors;i++)
+ { pp[0] = pal[i].r;
+ pp[1] = pal[i].g;
+ pp[2] = pal[i].b;
+ pp[3] = pal[i].a;
+ pp+=4;
+ }
+ zs.avail_in = 4*ncolors;
+ }
+ else
+ { for (i=0;i<ncolors;i++) // pack RGBA structures to RGB
+ { pp[0] = pal[i].r;
+ pp[1] = pal[i].g;
+ pp[2] = pal[i].b;
+ pp+=3;
+ }
+ zs.avail_in = 3*ncolors;
+ }
+ zs.next_in = zpal;
+ zs.next_out = data;
+ zs.avail_out = OUTBUFFER_SIZE;
+ if (swf_deflate_wraper(t,&zs,data,FALSE)<0) res = -3;
+ // compress bitmap
+ zs.next_in = bitmap;
+ zs.avail_in = (bps*height*sizeof(U8));
+ if (swf_deflate_wraper(t,&zs,data,TRUE)<0) res = -3;
+ deflateEnd(&zs);
+ if (zs.next_out>data) SetBlock(t,data,zs.next_out-data);
+ free(zpal);
+ } else res = -2; // memory error
+ } else res = -3; // zlib error
+ free(data);
+ } else res = -2;
+ if (!palette) free(pal);
+ return res;
+int SetLosslessBitsGrayscale(TAG * t,U16 width,U16 height,U8 * bitmap)
+{ return SetLosslessBitsIndexed(t,width,height,bitmap,NULL,256);
+#endif // _ZLIB_INCLUDED_
-// insert zlib/PNG functions here