/* set this to 0.777777 or something if the "both fillstyles set while not inside shape"
problem appears to often */
-#define CUT 0.5
+#define CUT 0.77887789
#define INT(x) ((int)((x)+16)-16)
if(f->type == FILL_SOLID) {
/* plain color fill */
fill_solid(line, zline, y, x1, x2, f->color, l->p->depth);
- } else if(f->type == FILL_TILED || f->type == FILL_CLIPPED) {
+ } else if(f->type == FILL_TILED || f->type == FILL_CLIPPED || f->type == (FILL_TILED|2) || f->type == (FILL_CLIPPED|2)) {
/* TODO: optimize (do this in add_pixel()?) */
bitmap_t* b = i->bitmaps;
while(b && b->id != f->id_bitmap) {
fprintf(stderr, "Shape references unknown bitmap %d\n", f->id_bitmap);
fill_solid(line, zline, y, x1, x2, color_red, l->p->depth);
} else {
- fill_bitmap(line, zline, y, x1, x2, &f->m, b, FILL_CLIPPED?1:0, l->p->depth, i->multiply);
+ fill_bitmap(line, zline, y, x1, x2, &f->m, b, /*clipped?*/f->type&1, l->p->depth, i->multiply);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Undefined fillmode: %02x\n", f->type);
we always get (0,32), (32, 33), (33, 0) in the right order if
they happen to fall on the same pixel.
(not: (0,32), (33, 0), (32, 33))
+ Notice: Weird fill styles appear if linestyles are involved, too.
fprintf(stderr, "<line %d: both fillstyles set while not inside shape>\n", y);
state_t fillstate;
memset(&fillstate, 0, sizeof(state_t));
qsort(points, num, sizeof(renderpoint_t), compare_renderpoints);
+ /* resort points */
+ /*if(y==884) {
+ for(n=0;n<num;n++) {
+ printf("%f (%d/%d) %d\n", points[n].x,
+ points[n].shapeline->fillstyle0,
+ points[n].shapeline->fillstyle1,
+ points[n].shapeline->linestyle);
+ }
+ }*/
if(i->lines[y].pending_clipdepth && !clipdepth) {
fill_clip(line, zline, y, 0, i->width2, i->lines[y].pending_clipdepth);
- enum {none_type, shape_type, image_type, text_type, font_type} type;
+ enum {none_type, shape_type, image_type, text_type, font_type, sprite_type} type;
union {
-void swf_RenderSWF(RENDERBUF*buf, SWF*swf)
+static void renderFromTag(RENDERBUF*buf, character_t*idtable, TAG*firstTag, MATRIX*m)
- TAG*tag;
- int t;
- int numplacements;
- RGBA color;
+ TAG*tag = 0;
+ int numplacements = 0;
- character_t* idtable = rfx_calloc(sizeof(character_t)*65536); // id to character mapping
- SWFPLACEOBJECT** depthtable = rfx_calloc(sizeof(SWFPLACEOBJECT*)*65536); // depth to placeobject mapping
- tag = swf->firstTag;
+ tag = firstTag;
numplacements = 0;
while(tag) {
if(tag->id == ST_PLACEOBJECT ||
tag->id == ST_PLACEOBJECT2) {
+ if(tag->id == ST_SHOWFRAME || tag->id == ST_END)
+ break;
tag = tag->next;
placements = rfx_calloc(sizeof(SWFPLACEOBJECT)*numplacements);
numplacements = 0;
+ tag = firstTag;
+ while(tag) {
+ if(swf_isPlaceTag(tag)) {
+ swf_GetPlaceObject(tag, &p);
+ /* TODO: add move and deletion */
+ placements[numplacements++] = p;
+ swf_PlaceObjectFree(&p); //dirty! but it only frees fields we don't use
+ }
+ if(tag->id == ST_SHOWFRAME || tag->id == ST_END)
+ break;
+ tag = tag->next;
+ }
+ qsort(placements, numplacements, sizeof(SWFPLACEOBJECT), compare_placements);
+ int t;
+ for(t=0;t<numplacements;t++) {
+ SWFPLACEOBJECT*p = &placements[t];
+ int id = p->id;
+ MATRIX m2;
+ swf_MatrixJoin(&m2, m, &p->matrix);
+ if(!idtable[id].tag) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "rfxswf: Id %d is unknown\n", id);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(idtable[id].type == shape_type) {
+ //SRECT sbbox = swf_TurnRect(*idtable[id].bbox, &p->matrix);
+ swf_RenderShape(buf, idtable[id].obj.shape, &m2, &p->cxform, p->depth, p->clipdepth);
+ } else if(idtable[id].type == sprite_type) {
+ swf_UnFoldSprite(idtable[id].tag);
+ renderFromTag(buf, idtable, idtable[id].tag->next, &m2);
+ swf_FoldSprite(idtable[id].tag);
+ } else if(idtable[id].type == text_type) {
+ TAG* tag = idtable[id].tag;
+ textcallbackblock_t info;
+ MATRIX mt;
+ swf_SetTagPos(tag, 0);
+ swf_GetU16(tag);
+ swf_GetRect(tag,0);
+ swf_GetMatrix(tag,&mt);
+ swf_MatrixJoin(&info.m, &m2, &mt);
+ /*printf("Text matrix:\n");
+ swf_DumpMatrix(stdout, &m);
+ printf("Placement matrix:\n");
+ swf_DumpMatrix(stdout, &p->matrix);
+ printf("Final matrix:\n");
+ swf_DumpMatrix(stdout, &info.m);*/
+ info.idtable = idtable;
+ info.depth = p->depth;
+ info.cxform = &p->cxform;
+ info.clipdepth = p->clipdepth;
+ info.buf = buf;
+ swf_ParseDefineText(tag, textcallback, &info);
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unknown/Unsupported Object Type for id %d: %s\n", id, swf_TagGetName(idtable[id].tag));
+ }
+ }
+ free(placements);
+void swf_RenderSWF(RENDERBUF*buf, SWF*swf)
+ TAG*tag;
+ int t;
+ int numplacements;
+ RGBA color;
+ swf_FoldAll(swf);
+ character_t* idtable = rfx_calloc(sizeof(character_t)*65536); // id to character mapping
/* set background color */
color = swf_GetSWFBackgroundColor(swf);
swf_Render_SetBackgroundColor(buf, color);
} else if(tag->id == ST_DEFINETEXT ||
tag->id == ST_DEFINETEXT2) {
idtable[id].type = text_type;
- }
- } else if(tag->id == ST_PLACEOBJECT ||
- tag->id == ST_PLACEOBJECT2) {
- swf_GetPlaceObject(tag, &p);
- /* TODO: add move and deletion */
- placements[numplacements++] = p;
- swf_PlaceObjectFree(&p); //dirty! but it only frees fields we don't use
- }
- tag = tag->next;
- }
- qsort(placements, numplacements, sizeof(SWFPLACEOBJECT), compare_placements);
- for(t=0;t<numplacements;t++) {
- SWFPLACEOBJECT*p = &placements[t];
- int id = p->id;
- if(!idtable[id].tag) {
- fprintf(stderr, "rfxswf: Id %d is unknown\n", id);
- continue;
- }
- if(idtable[id].type == shape_type) {
- //SRECT sbbox = swf_TurnRect(*idtable[id].bbox, &p->matrix);
- swf_RenderShape(buf, idtable[id].obj.shape, &p->matrix, &p->cxform, p->depth, p->clipdepth);
- } else if(idtable[id].type == text_type) {
- TAG* tag = idtable[id].tag;
- textcallbackblock_t info;
- swf_SetTagPos(tag, 0);
- swf_GetU16(tag);
- swf_GetRect(tag,0);
- swf_GetMatrix(tag,&m);
- swf_MatrixJoin(&info.m, &p->matrix, &m);
- /*printf("Text matrix:\n");
- swf_DumpMatrix(stdout, &m);
- printf("Placement matrix:\n");
- swf_DumpMatrix(stdout, &p->matrix);
- printf("Final matrix:\n");
- swf_DumpMatrix(stdout, &info.m);*/
- info.idtable = idtable;
- info.depth = p->depth;
- info.cxform = &p->cxform;
- info.clipdepth = p->clipdepth;
- info.buf = buf;
- swf_ParseDefineText(tag, textcallback, &info);
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, "Unknown/Unsupported Object Type for id %d: %s\n", id, swf_TagGetName(idtable[id].tag));
+ } else if(tag->id == ST_DEFINESPRITE) {
+ idtable[id].type = sprite_type;
+ }
+ tag = tag->next;
+ swf_GetMatrix(0, &m);
+ renderFromTag(buf, idtable, swf->firstTag, &m);
/* free id and depth tables again */
for(t=0;t<65536;t++) {
if(idtable[t].bbox) {
- free(placements);
- free(depthtable);