--- /dev/null
+/* zlibtest.c\r
+ Little example for rfxswf's lossless bitmap functions.\r
+ This program gives swf cgi output of three zlib compressed\r
+ images: 8 bit indexed, 16 and 32 bit\r
+ Part of the swftools package.\r
+ Copyright (c) 2001 Rainer Böhme <rfxswf@reflex-studio.de>\r
+ \r
+ This file is distributed under the GPL, see file COPYING for details \r
+// There's no makefile so try to compile like this on linux/gcc:\r
+// cc zlibtest.c ../rfxswf.c -funsigned-char -o zlibtest -lm -ljpeg -lz; cp zlibtest /home/www/cgi-bin/zlibtest\r
+#include <stdio.h>\r
+#include <math.h>\r
+#include <zlib.h> \r
+#include "../rfxswf.h"\r
+#define WIDTH 256\r
+#define HEIGHT 256\r
+#define ID_BITS 1\r
+#define ID_SHAPE 16\r
+int main ( int argc, char ** argv)\r
+{ SWF swf;\r
+ LPTAG t;\r
+ RGBA rgb;\r
+ LPSHAPE s;\r
+ MATRIX m;\r
+ SRECT r;\r
+ LPJPEGBITS jpeg;\r
+ int i;\r
+ \r
+ int ls; // line style\r
+ int fs; // fill style\r
+ int dx = 256; // bitmap size\r
+ int dy = 256;\r
+ int bps8, bps16, bps32; // bytes per scanline\r
+ U8 * bitmap8;\r
+ U16 * bitmap16;\r
+ RGBA * bitmap32;\r
+ RGBA * pal;\r
+ // create test texture\r
+ bps8 = BYTES_PER_SCANLINE(dx*sizeof(U8));\r
+ bps16 = BYTES_PER_SCANLINE(dx*sizeof(U16));\r
+ bps32 = BYTES_PER_SCANLINE(dx*sizeof(U32));\r
+ \r
+ pal = malloc(256*sizeof(RGBA));\r
+ bitmap8 = malloc(bps8*dy);\r
+ bitmap16 = malloc(bps16*dy);\r
+ bitmap32 = malloc(bps32*dy);\r
+ \r
+ if ((bitmap8) && (pal) && (bitmap16))\r
+ { int x,y;\r
+ for (y=0;y<dy;y++)\r
+ for (x=0;x<dx;x++)\r
+ bitmap8[y*bps8+x] = (y/16)*16+(x/16);\r
+ for (x=0;x<256;x++)\r
+ { pal[x].r = (x&0xf)*16;\r
+ pal[x].g = (x*2)&0xff;\r
+ pal[x].b = x&0xf0;\r
+ pal[x].a = (x==0xff)?0:0xff;\r
+ }\r
+ for (y=0;y<dy;y++)\r
+ for (x=0;x<dx;x++)\r
+ bitmap16[y*(bps16>>1)+x] = ((x&0xf0)==(y&0xf0))?0xffff:(x&0x0f)<(y&0xf)?BM16_RED|BM16_GREEN:BM16_BLUE;\r
+ for (y=0;y<dy;y++)\r
+ for (x=0;x<dx;x++)\r
+ { bitmap32[y*(bps32>>2)+x].r = /*((x&0x10)==(y&0x10))?*/((x&4)==(y&4))?y:x;\r
+ bitmap32[y*(bps32>>2)+x].g = x;\r
+ bitmap32[y*(bps32>>2)+x].b = y;\r
+ }\r
+ } \r
+ \r
+ // put texture into flash movie\r
+ memset(&swf,0x00,sizeof(SWF));\r
+ swf.FileVersion = 4;\r
+ swf.FrameRate = 0x1800;\r
+ swf.MovieSize.xmax = 20*WIDTH;\r
+ swf.MovieSize.ymax = 20*HEIGHT;\r
+ swf.FirstTag = InsertTag(NULL,ST_SETBACKGROUNDCOLOR);\r
+ t = swf.FirstTag;\r
+ rgb.r = 0xff;\r
+ rgb.b = 0xff;\r
+ rgb.g = 0xff;\r
+ SetRGB(t,&rgb);\r
+ SetU16(t,ID_BITS);\r
+ SetLosslessBits(t,dx,dy,bitmap32,BMF_32BIT);\r
+ \r
+ t = InsertTag(t,ST_DEFINEBITSLOSSLESS2);\r
+ /* be careful with ST_DEFINEBITSLOSSLESS2, because\r
+ the Flash player produces great bugs if you use too many\r
+ alpha colors in your palette. The only sensible result that\r
+ can be archeived is setting one color to r=0,b=0,g=0,a=0 to\r
+ make transparent parts in sprites. That's the cause why alpha\r
+ handling is implemented in lossless routines of rfxswf.\r
+ */\r
+ SetU16(t,ID_BITS+1);\r
+ SetLosslessBitsIndexed(t,dx,dy,bitmap8,pal,256);\r
+ \r
+ SetU16(t,ID_BITS+2);\r
+ SetLosslessBits(t,dx,dy,bitmap16,BMF_16BIT);\r
+ /* By the way: ST_DEFINELOSSLESS2 produces stange output on\r
+ 16 and 32 bits image data, too.... it seems that the\r
+ ming developers deal with the same problem.\r
+ */\r
+ for (i=0;i<9;i++)\r
+ {\r
+ t = InsertTag(t,ST_DEFINESHAPE);\r
+ \r
+ NewShape(&s);\r
+ rgb.b = rgb.g = rgb.r = 0x00;\r
+ ls = ShapeAddLineStyle(s,10,&rgb); \r
+ GetMatrix(NULL,&m);\r
+ m.sx = (6*WIDTH/dx)<<16;\r
+ m.sy = (6*HEIGHT/dy)<<16;\r
+ fs = ShapeAddBitmapFillStyle(s,&m,ID_BITS+((i+(i/3))%3),0);\r
+ \r
+ SetU16(t,ID_SHAPE+i); // ID \r
+ r.xmin = 0;\r
+ r.ymin = 0;\r
+ r.xmax = 6*WIDTH;\r
+ r.ymax = 6*HEIGHT;\r
+ SetRect(t,&r);\r
+ SetShapeStyles(t,s);\r
+ ShapeCountBits(s,NULL,NULL);\r
+ SetShapeBits(t,s);\r
+ ShapeSetAll(t,s,0,0,ls,fs,0);\r
+ ShapeSetLine(t,s,6*WIDTH,0);\r
+ ShapeSetLine(t,s,0,6*HEIGHT);\r
+ ShapeSetLine(t,s,-6*WIDTH,0);\r
+ ShapeSetLine(t,s,0,-6*HEIGHT);\r
+ ShapeSetEnd(t);\r
+ GetMatrix(NULL,&m);\r
+ m.tx = (i%3) * (6*WIDTH+60);\r
+ m.ty = (i/3) * (6*HEIGHT+60);\r
+ t = InsertTag(t,ST_PLACEOBJECT2);\r
+ ObjectPlace(t,ID_SHAPE+i,1+i,&m,NULL,NULL);\r
+ }\r
+ t = InsertTag(t,ST_SHOWFRAME);\r
+ t = InsertTag(t,ST_END);\r
+ WriteCGI(&swf);\r
+ FreeTags(&swf);\r
+ free(pal);\r
+ free(bitmap8);\r
+ free(bitmap16);\r
+ free(bitmap32); \r
+ return 0;\r