--- /dev/null
+ graphcut- a graphcut implementation based on the Boykov Kolmogorov algorithm
+ Part of the swftools package.
+ Copyright (c) 2007,2008,2009 Matthias Kramm <kramm@quiss.org>
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <memory.h>
+#include "graphcut.h"
+#include "../mem.h"
+//#define DEBUG
+//#define CHECKS
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#define DBG
+#include <assert.h>
+#define DBG if(0)
+#define assert(x) (x)
+#define ACTIVE 0x10
+#define IN_TREE 0x20
+#define TWOTREES
+typedef struct _posqueue_entry {
+ node_t*pos;
+ struct _posqueue_entry*next;
+} posqueue_entry_t;
+typedef struct _posqueue {
+ posqueue_entry_t*list;
+} posqueue_t;
+typedef struct _graphcut_workspace {
+ unsigned char*flags1;
+ unsigned char*flags2;
+ halfedge_t**back;
+ graph_t*graph;
+ node_t*pos1;
+ node_t*pos2;
+ posqueue_t*queue1;
+ posqueue_t*queue2;
+ posqueue_t*tmpqueue;
+} graphcut_workspace_t;
+static posqueue_t*posqueue_new()
+ posqueue_t*m = (posqueue_t*)malloc(sizeof(posqueue_t));
+ memset(m, 0, sizeof(posqueue_t));
+ return m;
+static void posqueue_delete(posqueue_t*q)
+ posqueue_entry_t*l = q->list;
+ while(l) {
+ posqueue_entry_t*next = l->next;
+ free(l);
+ l = next;
+ }
+ free(q);
+static inline void posqueue_addpos(posqueue_t*queue, node_t*pos)
+ posqueue_entry_t*old = queue->list;
+ queue->list = malloc(sizeof(posqueue_entry_t));
+ queue->list->pos = pos;
+ queue->list->next = old;
+static inline node_t* posqueue_extract(posqueue_t*queue)
+ posqueue_entry_t*item = queue->list;
+ node_t*pos;
+ if(!item)
+ return 0;
+ pos = item->pos;
+ queue->list = queue->list->next;
+ free(item);
+ return pos;
+static inline int posqueue_notempty(posqueue_t*queue)
+ return (int)queue->list;
+#define NR(p) ((p)->nr)
+static void posqueue_print(graphcut_workspace_t*w, posqueue_t*queue)
+ posqueue_entry_t*e = queue->list;
+ while(e) {
+ halfedge_t*back = w->back[NR(e->pos)];
+ printf("%d(%d) ", NR(e->pos), back?NR(back->fwd->node):-1);
+ e = e->next;
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+static void posqueue_purge(posqueue_t*queue)
+ posqueue_entry_t*e = queue->list;
+ while(e) {
+ posqueue_entry_t*next = e->next;
+ e->next = 0;free(e);
+ e = next;
+ }
+ queue->list = 0;
+graph_t* graph_new(int num_nodes)
+ graph_t*graph = rfx_calloc(sizeof(graph_t));
+ graph->num_nodes = num_nodes;
+ graph->nodes = rfx_calloc(sizeof(node_t)*num_nodes);
+ int t;
+ for(t=0;t<num_nodes;t++) {
+ graph->nodes[t].nr = t;
+ }
+ return graph;
+void graph_delete(graph_t*graph)
+ int t;
+ for(t=0;t<graph->num_nodes;t++) {
+ halfedge_t*e = graph->nodes[t].edges;
+ while(e) {
+ halfedge_t*next = e->next;
+ free(e);
+ e = next;
+ }
+ }
+ free(graph->nodes);graph->nodes=0;
+ free(graph);
+static graphcut_workspace_t*graphcut_workspace_new(graph_t*graph, node_t*pos1, node_t*pos2)
+ graphcut_workspace_t*workspace = malloc(sizeof(graphcut_workspace_t));
+ workspace->flags1 = rfx_calloc(graph->num_nodes);
+ workspace->flags2 = rfx_calloc(graph->num_nodes);
+ workspace->back = rfx_calloc(graph->num_nodes*sizeof(halfedge_t*));
+ workspace->pos1 = pos1;
+ workspace->pos2 = pos2;
+ workspace->graph = graph;
+ workspace->queue1 = posqueue_new();
+ workspace->queue2 = posqueue_new();
+ workspace->tmpqueue = posqueue_new();
+ return workspace;
+static void graphcut_workspace_delete(graphcut_workspace_t*w)
+ posqueue_delete(w->queue1);w->queue1=0;
+ posqueue_delete(w->queue2);w->queue2=0;
+ posqueue_delete(w->tmpqueue);w->tmpqueue=0;
+ if(w->flags1) free(w->flags1);w->flags1=0;
+ if(w->flags2) free(w->flags2);w->flags2=0;
+ if(w->back) free(w->back);w->back=0;
+ free(w);
+typedef struct _path {
+ node_t**pos;
+ halfedge_t**dir;
+ unsigned char*firsthalf;
+ int length;
+} path_t;
+static path_t*path_new(int len)
+ path_t*p = malloc(sizeof(path_t));
+ p->pos = malloc(sizeof(node_t*)*len);
+ p->dir = malloc(sizeof(halfedge_t*)*len);
+ p->firsthalf = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*len);
+ p->length = len;
+ return p;
+static void path_delete(path_t*path)
+ free(path->pos);path->pos = 0;
+ free(path->dir);path->dir = 0;
+ free(path->firsthalf);path->firsthalf = 0;
+ free(path);
+static path_t*extract_path(graphcut_workspace_t*work, unsigned char*mytree, unsigned char*othertree, node_t*pos, node_t*newpos, halfedge_t*dir)
+ int t;
+ node_t*p = pos;
+ node_t*nodes = work->graph->nodes;
+ int len1 = 0;
+ /* walk up tree1 */
+ DBG printf("walk back up (1) to %d\n", NR(work->pos1));
+ while(p != work->pos1) {
+ halfedge_t*back = work->back[NR(p)];
+ DBG printf("walk backward (1): %d %d\n", NR(p), back?NR(back->fwd->node):-1);
+ node_t*old = p;
+ p = work->back[NR(p)]->fwd->node;
+ assert(p!=old);
+ len1++;
+ }
+ p = newpos;
+ int len2 = 0;
+ DBG printf("walk back up (2) to %d\n", NR(work->pos2));
+ /* walk up tree2 */
+ while(p != work->pos2) {
+ DBG printf("walk backward (2): %d\n", NR(p));
+ p = work->back[NR(p)]->fwd->node;
+ len2++;
+ }
+ path_t*path = path_new(len1+len2+2);
+ t = len1;
+ path->pos[t] = p = pos;
+ path->dir[t] = dir;
+ path->firsthalf[t] = 1;
+ while(p != work->pos1) {
+ assert(mytree[NR(p)]&IN_TREE);
+ halfedge_t*dir = work->back[NR(p)];
+ assert(dir->node == p);
+ p = dir->fwd->node;
+ t--;
+ path->pos[t] = p;
+ path->dir[t] = dir->fwd;
+ path->firsthalf[t] = 1;
+ }
+ assert(!t);
+ t = len1+1;
+ p = newpos;
+ while(p != work->pos2) {
+ assert(othertree[NR(p)]&IN_TREE);
+ halfedge_t*dir = work->back[NR(p)];
+ path->pos[t] = p;
+ path->dir[t] = dir;
+ path->firsthalf[t] = 0;
+ p = dir->fwd->node;
+ t++;
+ }
+ /* terminator */
+ path->pos[t] = p;
+ path->dir[t] = 0; // last node
+ path->firsthalf[t] = 0;
+ assert(t == len1+len2+1);
+ return path;
+static void path_print(path_t*path)
+ int t;
+ for(t=0;t<path->length;t++) {
+ node_t*n = path->pos[t];
+ printf("%d (firsthalf: %d)", NR(n), path->firsthalf[t]);
+ if(t<path->length-1) {
+ printf(" -(%d/%d)-> \n",
+ path->dir[t]->used,
+ path->dir[t]->fwd->used);
+ } else {
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ for(t=0;t<path->length-1;t++) {
+ if(path->firsthalf[t]==path->firsthalf[t+1]) {
+ assert(( path->firsthalf[t] && path->dir[t]->used) ||
+ (!path->firsthalf[t] && path->dir[t]->fwd->used));
+ }
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+static void workspace_print(graphcut_workspace_t*w)
+ printf("queue1: ");posqueue_print(w, w->queue1);
+ printf("queue2: ");posqueue_print(w, w->queue2);
+static void myassert(graphcut_workspace_t*w, char assertion, const char*file, int line, const char*func)
+ if(!assertion) {
+ printf("Assertion %s:%d (%s) failed:\n", file, line, func);
+ workspace_print(w);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+#define ASSERT(w,c) {myassert(w,c,__FILE__,__LINE__,__func__);}
+static path_t* expand_pos(graphcut_workspace_t*w, posqueue_t*queue, node_t*pos, char reverse, unsigned char*mytree, unsigned char*othertree)
+ graph_t*graph = w->graph;
+ int dir;
+ if((mytree[NR(pos)]&(IN_TREE|ACTIVE)) != (IN_TREE|ACTIVE)) {
+ /* this node got deleted or marked inactive in the meantime. ignore it */
+ DBG printf("node %d is deleted or inactive\n", NR(pos));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ halfedge_t*e = pos->edges;
+ for(;e;e=e->next) {
+ node_t*newpos = e->fwd->node;
+ weight_t weight = reverse?e->fwd->weight:e->weight;
+ if(mytree[NR(newpos)]) continue; // already known
+ if(weight) {
+ if(othertree[NR(newpos)]) {
+ DBG printf("found connection: %d connects to %d\n", NR(pos), NR(newpos));
+ posqueue_addpos(queue, pos); mytree[NR(pos)] |= ACTIVE; // re-add, this vertex might have other connections
+ path_t*path;
+ if(reverse) {
+ path = extract_path(w, othertree, mytree, newpos, pos, e->fwd);
+ } else {
+ path = extract_path(w, mytree, othertree, pos, newpos, e);
+ }
+ return path;
+ } else {
+ DBG printf("advance from %d to new pos %d\n", NR(pos), NR(newpos));
+ w->back[NR(newpos)] = e->fwd;
+ e->used = 1;
+ posqueue_addpos(queue, newpos); mytree[NR(newpos)] |= ACTIVE|IN_TREE; // add
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* if we can't expand this node anymore, it's now an inactive node */
+ mytree[NR(pos)] &= ~ACTIVE;
+ return 0;
+static int node_count_edges(node_t*node)
+ halfedge_t*e = node->edges;
+ int num = 0;
+ while(e) {
+ num++;
+ e = e->next;
+ }
+ return num;
+static void bool_op(graphcut_workspace_t*w, unsigned char*flags, node_t*pos, unsigned char and, unsigned char or)
+ posqueue_t*q = w->tmpqueue;
+ posqueue_purge(q);
+ posqueue_addpos(q, pos);
+ while(posqueue_notempty(q)) {
+ node_t*p = posqueue_extract(q);
+ flags[NR(p)] = (flags[NR(p)]&and)|or;
+ halfedge_t*e = p->edges;
+ while(e) {
+ if(e->used) {
+ posqueue_addpos(q, e->fwd->node);
+ }
+ e = e->next;
+ }
+ }
+static weight_t decrease_weights(graph_t*map, path_t*path)
+ int t;
+ assert(path->length);
+ weight_t min = path->dir[0]->weight;
+ for(t=0;t<path->length-1;t++) {
+ int w = path->dir[t]->weight;
+ DBG printf("%d->%d (%d)\n", NR(path->dir[t]->node), NR(path->dir[t]->fwd->node), w);
+ if(t==0 || w < min) min = w;
+ }
+ assert(min);
+ if(min<=0)
+ return;
+ for(t=0;t<path->length-1;t++) {
+ path->dir[t]->weight-=min;
+ path->dir[t]->fwd->weight+=min;
+ }
+ return min;
+static int reconnect(graphcut_workspace_t*w, unsigned char*flags, node_t*pos, char reverse)
+ graph_t*graph = w->graph;
+ halfedge_t*e = pos->edges;
+ for(;e;e=e->next) {
+ node_t*newpos = e->fwd->node;
+ int weight;
+ if(!reverse) {
+ weight = e->fwd->weight;
+ } else {
+ weight = e->weight;
+ }
+ if(weight && (flags[NR(newpos)]&IN_TREE)) {
+ DBG printf("successfully reconnected node %d to %d (%d->%d) (reverse:%d)\n",
+ NR(pos), NR(newpos), NR(e->node), NR(e->fwd->node), reverse);
+ w->back[NR(pos)] = e;
+ e->fwd->used = 1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static void clear_node(graphcut_workspace_t*w, node_t*n)
+ w->flags1[NR(n)] = 0;
+ w->flags2[NR(n)] = 0;
+ w->back[NR(n)] = 0;
+ halfedge_t*e = n->edges;
+ while(e) {e->used = 0;e=e->next;}
+static void destroy_subtree(graphcut_workspace_t*w, unsigned char*flags, node_t*pos, posqueue_t*posqueue)
+ DBG printf("destroying subtree starting with %d\n", NR(pos));
+ posqueue_t*q = w->tmpqueue;
+ posqueue_purge(q);
+ posqueue_addpos(q, pos);
+ while(posqueue_notempty(q)) {
+ node_t*p = posqueue_extract(q);
+ halfedge_t*e = p->edges;
+ while(e) {
+ node_t*newpos = e->fwd->node;
+ if(e->used) {
+ posqueue_addpos(q, newpos);
+ } else if((flags[NR(newpos)]&(ACTIVE|IN_TREE)) == IN_TREE) {
+ // re-activate all nodes that surround our subtree.
+ // TODO: we should check the weight of the edge from that other
+ // node to our node. if it's zero, we don't need to activate that node.
+ posqueue_addpos(posqueue, newpos);
+ flags[NR(newpos)]|=ACTIVE;
+ }
+ e = e->next;
+ }
+ clear_node(w, p);
+ DBG printf("removed pos %d\n", NR(p));
+ }
+static void combust_tree(graphcut_workspace_t*w, posqueue_t*q1, posqueue_t*q2, path_t*path)
+ graph_t*graph = w->graph;
+ int t;
+ for(t=0;t<path->length-1 && path->firsthalf[t+1];t++) {
+ node_t*pos = path->pos[t];
+ halfedge_t*dir = path->dir[t];
+ node_t*newpos = dir->fwd->node;
+ if(!dir->weight) {
+ /* disconnect node */
+ DBG printf("remove link %d -> %d from tree 1\n", NR(pos), NR(newpos));
+ dir->used = 0;
+ w->flags1[NR(newpos)] &= ACTIVE;
+ bool_op(w, w->flags1, newpos, ~IN_TREE, 0);
+ /* try to reconnect the path to some other tree part */
+ if(reconnect(w, w->flags1, newpos, 0)) {
+ bool_op(w, w->flags1, newpos, ~0, IN_TREE);
+ } else {
+ destroy_subtree(w, w->flags1, newpos, q1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(t=path->length-1;t>0 && !path->firsthalf[t-1];t--) {
+ node_t*pos = path->pos[t];
+ node_t*newpos = path->pos[t-1];
+ halfedge_t*dir = path->dir[t-1]->fwd;
+ node_t*newpos2 = dir->fwd->node;
+ assert(newpos == newpos2);
+ if(!dir->fwd->weight) {
+ /* disconnect node */
+ DBG printf("remove link %d->%d from tree 2\n", NR(pos), NR(newpos));
+ dir->used = 0;
+ w->flags2[NR(newpos)] &= ACTIVE;
+ bool_op(w, w->flags2, newpos, ~IN_TREE, 0);
+ /* try to reconnect the path to some other tree part */
+ if(reconnect(w, w->flags2, newpos, 1)) {
+ bool_op(w, w->flags2, newpos, ~0, IN_TREE);
+ } else {
+ destroy_subtree(w, w->flags2, newpos, q2);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void check_graph(graph_t*g)
+ int t;
+ for(t=0;t<g->num_nodes;t++) {
+ assert(g->nodes[t].nr==t);
+ halfedge_t*e = g->nodes[t].edges;
+ while(e) {
+ assert(!e->used || !e->fwd->used);
+ e = e->next;
+ }
+ }
+weight_t graph_maxflow(graph_t*graph, node_t*pos1, node_t*pos2)
+ int max_flow = 0;
+ graphcut_workspace_t* w = graphcut_workspace_new(graph, pos1, pos2);
+ check_graph(graph);
+ posqueue_addpos(w->queue1, pos1); w->flags1[pos1->nr] |= ACTIVE|IN_TREE;
+ posqueue_addpos(w->queue2, pos2); w->flags2[pos2->nr] |= ACTIVE|IN_TREE;
+ DBG workspace_print(w);
+ while(1) {
+ path_t*path;
+ while(1) {
+ char done1=0,done2=0;
+ node_t* p1 = posqueue_extract(w->queue1);
+ if(!p1) {
+ graphcut_workspace_delete(w);
+ return max_flow;
+ }
+ DBG printf("extend 1 from %d (%d edges)\n", NR(p1), node_count_edges(p1));
+ path = expand_pos(w, w->queue1, p1, 0, w->flags1, w->flags2);
+ if(path)
+ break;
+ DBG workspace_print(w);
+#ifdef TWOTREES
+ node_t* p2 = posqueue_extract(w->queue2);
+ if(!p2) {
+ graphcut_workspace_delete(w);
+ return max_flow;
+ }
+ DBG printf("extend 2 from %d (%d edges)\n", NR(p2), node_count_edges(p2));
+ path = expand_pos(w, w->queue2, p2, 1, w->flags2, w->flags1);
+ if(path)
+ break;
+ DBG workspace_print(w);
+ }
+ DBG printf("found connection between tree1 and tree2\n");
+ DBG path_print(path);
+ DBG printf("decreasing weights\n");
+ max_flow += decrease_weights(graph, path);
+ DBG workspace_print(w);
+ DBG printf("destroying trees\n");
+ combust_tree(w, w->queue1, w->queue2, path);
+ DBG workspace_print(w);
+ DBG check_graph(w->graph);
+ path_delete(path);
+ }
+ graphcut_workspace_delete(w);
+ return max_flow;
+halfedge_t*edge_new(node_t*from, node_t*to, weight_t forward_weight, weight_t backward_weight)
+ halfedge_t*e1 = (halfedge_t*)rfx_calloc(sizeof(halfedge_t));
+ halfedge_t*e2 = (halfedge_t*)rfx_calloc(sizeof(halfedge_t));
+ e1->fwd = e2;
+ e2->fwd = e1;
+ e1->node = from;
+ e2->node = to;
+ e1->weight = forward_weight;
+ e2->weight = backward_weight;
+ e1->next = from->edges;
+ from->edges = e1;
+ e2->next = to->edges;
+ to->edges = e2;
+ return e1;
+#ifdef MAIN
+int main()
+ int t;
+ int s;
+ for(s=0;s<10;s++) {
+ int width = (lrand48()%8)+1;
+ graph_t*g = graph_new(width*width);
+ for(t=0;t<width*width;t++) {
+ int x = t%width;
+ int y = t/width;
+ int w = 1;
+#define R (lrand48()%32)
+ if(x>0) edge_new(&g->nodes[t], &g->nodes[t-1], R, R);
+ if(x<width-1) edge_new(&g->nodes[t], &g->nodes[t+1], R, R);
+ if(y>0) edge_new(&g->nodes[t], &g->nodes[t-width], R, R);
+ if(y<width-1) edge_new(&g->nodes[t], &g->nodes[t+width], R, R);
+ }
+ int x = graph_maxflow(g, &g->nodes[0], &g->nodes[width*width-1]);
+ printf("max flow: %d\n", x);
+ graph_delete(g);
+ }