to detect errors in the file. (i.e. ids which are defined more than
once */
char idtab[65536];
int action = 0;
+int html = 0;
+int xy = 0;
struct options_t options[] =
+ {"XY","size"},
+ {"e","html"},
action = 1;
return 0;
+ else if(name[0]=='e') {
+ html = 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if(name[0]=='X') {
+ xy |= 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if(name[0]=='Y') {
+ xy |= 2;
+ return 0;
+ }
else {
printf("Unknown option: -%s\n", name);
printf("Usage: %s [-a] file.swf\n", name);
printf("-h , --help\t\t\t Print help and exit\n");
+ printf("-e , --html\t\t\t Create a html embedding the file (simple, but useful)\n");
+ printf("-X , --width\t\t\t Prints out a string of the form \"-X width\"\n");
+ printf("-Y , --height\t\t\t Prints out a string of the form \"-Y height\"\n");
printf("-a , --action\t\t\t Disassemble action tags\n");
printf("-V , --version\t\t\t Print program version and exit\n");
struct stat statbuf;
int f;
+ int xsize,ysize;
char prefix[128];
prefix[0] = 0;
+ xsize = (swf.movieSize.xmax-swf.movieSize.xmin)/20;
+ ysize = (swf.movieSize.ymax-swf.movieSize.ymin)/20;
+ if(xy)
+ {
+ if(xy&1)
+ printf("-X %d", xsize);
+ if(xy==3)
+ printf(" ");
+ if(xy&2)
+ printf("-Y %d", ysize);
+ printf("\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(html)
+ {
+ printf("<OBJECT CLASSID=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\"\n"
+ " WIDTH=\"%d\"\n"
+ " HEIGHT=\"%d\"\n"
+ " CODEBASE=\",0,0,0\">\n"
+ " <PARAM NAME=\"MOVIE\" VALUE=\"%s\">\n"
+ " <PARAM NAME=\"PLAY\" VALUE=\"true\">\n"
+ " <PARAM NAME=\"LOOP\" VALUE=\"true\">\n"
+ " <PARAM NAME=\"QUALITY\" VALUE=\"high\">\n"
+ " <EMBED SRC=\"%s\" WIDTH=\"%d\" HEIGHT=\"%d\"\n"
+ " PLAY=\"true\" LOOP=\"true\" QUALITY=\"high\"\n"
+ " PLUGINSPAGE=\"\">\n"
+ " </EMBED>\n"
+ "</OBJECT>\n", xsize, ysize, filename, filename, xsize, ysize);
+ return 0;
+ }
printf("[HEADER] File version: %d\n", swf.fileVersion);
printf("[HEADER] File size: %ld\n", swf.fileSize);
printf("[HEADER] Frame rate: %f\n",swf.frameRate/256.0);