return s;
+int swf_GetS30(TAG*tag)
+ U32 shift = 0;
+ U32 s = 0;
+ while(1) {
+ U8 b = swf_GetU8(tag);
+ s|=(b&127)<<shift;
+ shift+=7;
+ if(!(b&128)) {
+ if(b&64) {
+ s|=0xffffffff<<shift;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return s;
+double swf_GetD64(TAG*tag)
+ U32 b[2];
+ b[0] = swf_GetU32(tag);
+ b[1] = swf_GetU32(tag);
+ return 0.0;
typedef struct _abc_method {
/* from method signature: */
const char*name;
+ dict_t*namespace_sets;
s = short
c = class
s = string
+ S = switch
int abc_RegisterNameSpace(abc_file_t*file, char*name);
{0x41, "call", "n"},
{0x43, "callmethod", "mn"},
{0x4c, "callproplex", "2n"},
+{0x46, "callproperty", "2n"},
{0x4f, "callpropvoid", "2n"},
{0x44, "callstatic", "in"},
{0x45, "callsuper", "2n"},
{0x77, "convert_o", ""},
{0x74, "convert_u", ""},
{0x70, "convert_s", ""},
+{0xef, "debug", "bsbu"},
+{0xf1, "debugfile", "s"},
+{0xf0, "debugline", "u"},
+{0x94, "declocal", "u"},
+{0xc3, "declocal_i", "u"},
+{0x93, "decrement", ""},
+{0xc1, "decrement_i", ""},
+{0x6a, "deleteproperty", "2"},
+{0xa3, "divide", ""},
+{0x2a, "dup", ""},
+{0x06, "dxns", "s"},
+{0x07, "dxnslate", ""},
+{0xab, "equals", ""},
+{0x72, "esc_xattr", ""},
+{0x71, "esc_xelem", ""},
+{0x5e, "findproperty", "2"},
+{0x5d, "findpropstrict", "2"},
+{0x59, "getdescendants", "2"},
+{0x64, "getglobalscope", ""},
+{0x6e, "getglobalslot", "u"},
+{0x60, "getlex", "2"},
+{0x62, "getlocal", "u"},
{0xd0, "getlocal_0", ""},
{0xd1, "getlocal_1", ""},
{0xd2, "getlocal_2", ""},
{0xd3, "getlocal_3", ""},
-{0x30, "pushscope", ""},
-{0x47, "returnvoid", ""},
-{0x5d, "findpropstrict", "2"},
-{0x60, "getlex", "2"},
-{0x65, "getscopeobject", "u"},
-{0x2c, "pushstring", "s"},
{0x66, "getproperty", "2"},
-{0x24, "pushbyte", "b"},
-{0x58, "newclass", "c"},
-{0x1d, "popscope", ""},
+{0x65, "getscopeobject", "u"},
+{0x6c, "getslot", "u"},
+{0x04, "getsuper", "2"},
+{0xaf, "greaterequals", ""},
+{0x1f, "hasnext", ""},
+{0x32, "hasnext2", "uu"},
+{0x13, "ifeq", "j"},
+{0x12, "iffalse", "j"},
+{0x18, "ifge", "j"},
+{0x17, "ifgt", "j"},
+{0x16, "ifle", "j"},
+{0x15, "iflt", "j"},
+{0x0f, "ifnge", "j"},
+{0x0e, "ifngt", "j"},
+{0x0d, "ifnle", "j"},
+{0x0c, "ifnlt", "j"},
+{0x14, "ifne", "j"},
+{0x14, "ifne", "j"},
+{0x19, "ifstricteq", "j"},
+{0x1a, "ifstrictne", "j"},
+{0x11, "iftrue", "j"},
+{0xb4, "in", ""},
+{0x92, "inclocal", "u"},
+{0xc2, "inclocal_i", "u"},
+{0x91, "increment", ""},
+{0xc0, "increment_i", ""},
{0x68, "initproperty", "2"},
-{0x26, "pushtrue", ""},
-{0x25, "pushshort", "u"},
+{0xb1, "instanceof", ""},
+{0xb2, "istype", "2"},
+{0xb3, "istypelate", ""},
+{0x10, "jump", "j"},
+{0x08, "kill", "u"},
+{0x09, "label", ""},
+{0xae, "lessequals", ""},
+{0xad, "lessthan", ""},
+{0x1b, "lookupswitch", "S"},
+{0xa5, "lshift", ""},
+{0xa4, "modulo", ""},
+{0xa2, "multiply", ""},
+{0xc7, "multiply_i", ""},
+{0x90, "negate", ""},
+{0xc4, "negate_i", ""},
+{0x57, "newactivation", ""},
+{0x56, "newarray", "u"},
+{0x5a, "newcatch", "u"}, //index into exception_info
+{0x58, "newclass", "c"}, //index into class_info
+{0x40, "newfunction", "u"}, //index into method_info
+{0x55, "newobject", "u"},
+{0x1e, "nextname", ""},
+{0x23, "nextvalue", ""},
{0x02, "nop", ""},
+{0x96, "not", ""},
+{0x29, "pop", ""},
+{0x1d, "popscope", ""},
+{0x24, "pushbyte", "b"},
+{0x2f, "pushdouble", "u"}, //index into floats
+{0x27, "pushtrue", ""},
+{0x2d, "pushint", "u"}, //index into ints
+{0x31, "pushnamespace", "u"}, //index into namespace
+{0x28, "pushnan", ""},
+{0x20, "pushnull", ""},
+{0x30, "pushscope", ""},
+{0x25, "pushshort", "u"},
+{0x2c, "pushstring", "s"},
+{0x26, "pushtrue", ""},
+{0x2e, "pushuint", "u"}, //index into uints
+{0x21, "pushundefined", ""},
+{0x1c, "pushwith", ""},
+{0x48, "returnvalue", ""},
+{0x47, "returnvoid", ""},
+{0xa6, "rshift", ""},
+{0x63, "setlocal", "u"},
+{0xd4, "setlocal_0", ""},
+{0xd5, "setlocal_1", ""},
+{0xd6, "setlocal_2", ""},
+{0xd7, "setlocal_3", ""},
+{0x6f, "setglobalshot", "u"},
+{0x61, "setproperty", "2"},
+{0x6d, "setslot", "u"},
+{0x05, "setsuper", "2"},
+{0xac, "strictequals", ""},
+{0xa1, "subtract", ""},
+{0xc6, "subtract_i", ""},
+{0x2b, "swap", ""},
+{0x03, "throw", ""},
+{0x95, "typeof", ""},
+{0xa7, "urshift", ""},
+{0xb0, "xxx", ""},
+int swf_GetU24(TAG*tag)
+ int b1 = swf_GetU8(tag);
+ int b2 = swf_GetU8(tag);
+ int b3 = swf_GetU8(tag);
+ return b3<<16|b2<<8|b1;
static int parse_code(TAG*tag, int len, abc_file_t*pool, char*prefix)
int end=tag->pos+len;
} else if(*p == 'b') {
int b = swf_GetU8(tag);
printf("%02x", b);
+ } else if(*p == 'j') {
+ printf("%d", swf_GetU24(tag));
} else if(*p == 's') {
const char*s = dict_getstr(pool->strings, swf_GetU30(tag));
printf("\"%s\"", s);
- }
+ } else if(*p == 'S') {
+ swf_GetU24(tag); //default
+ int num = swf_GetU30(tag)+1;
+ int t;
+ for(t=0;t<num;t++)
+ swf_GetU24(tag);
+ } else {
+ printf("Can't parse opcode param type \"%c\"\n", *p);
+ return 0;
+ }
first = 0;
//#define DEBUG
#define DEBUG if(0)
+static void parse_metadata(TAG*tag, abc_file_t*pool)
+ int t;
+ int num_metadata = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ DEBUG printf("%d metadata\n");
+ for(t=0;t<num_metadata;t++) {
+ const char*name = dict_getstr(pool->strings, swf_GetU30(tag));
+ int num = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ int s;
+ DEBUG printf(" %s\n", name);
+ for(s=0;s<num;s++) {
+ const char*key = dict_getstr(pool->strings, swf_GetU30(tag));
+ const char*value = dict_getstr(pool->strings, swf_GetU30(tag));
+ DEBUG printf(" %s=%s\n", key, value);
+ }
+ }
#define TRAIT_SLOT 0
#define TRAIT_METHOD 1
#define TRAIT_GETTER 2
int num_traits = swf_GetU30(tag);
dict_t*traits = dict_new();
int t;
+ if(num_traits) {
+ DEBUG printf("%d traits\n", num_traits);
+ }
for(t=0;t<num_traits;t++) {
abc_trait_t*trait = malloc(sizeof(abc_trait_t));
memset(trait, 0, sizeof(abc_trait_t));
int name_index = swf_GetU30(tag);
const char*name = dict_getstr(pool->multinames, name_index);
U8 kind = swf_GetU8(tag);
- DEBUG printf("trait %d) %s type=%02x\n", t, name, kind);
+ U8 attributes = kind&0xf0;
+ kind&=0x0f;
+ DEBUG printf(" trait %d) %s type=%02x\n", t, name, kind);
if(kind == 1 || kind == 2 || kind == 3) { // method / getter / setter
int disp_id = swf_GetU30(tag);
int nr = swf_GetU30(tag);
- DEBUG printf("%smethod %d %d %s\n", prefix, nr, disp_id, ((abc_method_t*)dict_getdata(pool->methods, nr))->paramstr);
+ DEBUG printf(" %smethod %d %d %s\n", prefix, nr, disp_id, ((abc_method_t*)dict_getdata(pool->methods, nr))->paramstr);
if(print) dump_method(prefix, kind==1?"method":(kind==2?"getter":"setter"), name, nr, pool);
} else if(kind == 5) { // function
int slot_id = swf_GetU30(tag);
} else if(kind == 4) { // class
int slot_id = swf_GetU30(tag);
int cls = swf_GetU30(tag);
- if(print) printf("%sclass %s %d %d\n", prefix, name, slot_id, cls);
- } else if(kind == 0) { // slot
+ if(print) printf(" %sclass %s %d %d\n", prefix, name, slot_id, cls);
+ } else if(kind == 0 || kind == 6) { // slot, const
int slot_id = swf_GetU30(tag);
const char*type_name = dict_getstr(pool->multinames, swf_GetU30(tag));
int vindex = swf_GetU30(tag);
if(vindex) {
U8 vkind = swf_GetU8(tag);
- if(print) printf("%sslot %s %d %s (vindex=%d)\n", prefix, name, slot_id, type_name, vindex);
+ if(print) printf(" %sslot %s %d %s (vindex=%d)\n", prefix, name, slot_id, type_name, vindex);
} else {
printf(" can't parse trait type %d\n", kind);
return 0;
+ if(attributes&0x40) {
+ int num = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ int s;
+ for(s=0;s<num;s++) {
+ swf_GetU30(tag); //index into metadata array
+ }
+ }
return traits;
memset(f, 0, sizeof(abc_file_t));
f->ints = dict_new();
- f->ints = dict_new();
+ dict_append(f->ints, 0, (void*)0);
f->uints = dict_new();
+ dict_append(f->uints, 0, (void*)0);
f->floats = dict_new();
+ dict_append(f->floats, 0, 0);
f->strings = dict_new();
dict_append(f->strings, "--<UNDEFINED>--", 0);
f->namespaces = dict_new();
dict_append(f->namespaces, "--<UNDEFINED>--", 0);
+ f->namespace_sets = dict_new();
+ dict_append(f->namespace_sets, "--<UNDEFINED>--", 0);
f->sets = dict_new();
dict_append(f->sets, "--<UNDEFINED>--", 0);
f->multinames = dict_new();
swf_SetTagPos(tag, 0);
U32 flags = swf_GetU32(tag);
+ int t;
DEBUG printf("flags=%08x\n", flags);
char*classname = swf_GetString(tag);
U32 version = swf_GetU32(tag);
+ if(version!=0x002e0010) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: unknown AVM2 version %08x\n", version);
+ }
- pool->ints->num = swf_GetU30(tag)-1;
- if(pool->ints->num>0) {
- printf("can't parse ints yet\n");
- return;
+ int num_ints = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ DEBUG printf("%d ints\n", num_ints);
+ for(t=1;t<num_ints;t++) {
+ S32 v = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ DEBUG printf("int %d) %d\n", t, v);
+ dict_append(pool->ints, 0, (void*)v);
- pool->uints->num = swf_GetU30(tag)-1;
- if(pool->uints->num>0) {
- printf("can't parse uints yet\n");
- return;
+ int num_uints = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ DEBUG printf("%d uints\n", num_uints);
+ for(t=1;t<num_uints;t++) {
+ U32 v = swf_GetS30(tag);
+ DEBUG printf("uint %d) %d\n", t, v);
+ dict_append(pool->uints, 0, (void*)v);
- pool->floats->num = swf_GetU30(tag)-1;
- if(pool->floats->num>0) {
- printf("can't parse floats yet\n");
- return;
+ int num_floats = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ DEBUG printf("%d floats\n", num_floats);
+ for(t=1;t<num_floats;t++) {
+ double d = swf_GetD64(tag);
+ DEBUG printf("float %d) %f\n", t, d);
+ dict_append(pool->floats, 0, 0);
int num_strings = swf_GetU30(tag);
- int t;
DEBUG printf("%d strings\n", num_strings);
for(t=1;t<num_strings;t++) {
int len = swf_GetU30(tag);
int num_sets = swf_GetU30(tag);
- if(num_sets>0) {
- printf("can't parse namespace sets yet\n");
- return;
+ DEBUG printf("%d namespace sets\n", num_namespaces);
+ for(t=1;t<num_sets;t++) {
+ int count = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ int s;
+ const char**name = malloc(sizeof(const char*)*count);
+ int l = 0;
+ for(s=0;s<count;s++) {
+ int nsnr = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ name[s] = dict_getstr(pool->namespaces, nsnr);
+ l += strlen(name[s])+1;
+ }
+ char*desc = malloc(l+16);
+ strcpy(desc, "{");
+ for(s=0;s<count;s++) {
+ strcat(desc, name[s]);
+ strcat(desc, ",");
+ }
+ strcat(desc, "}");
+ dict_append(pool->namespace_sets, desc, 0);
+ DEBUG printf("set %d) %s\n", t, desc);
int num_multinames = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ DEBUG printf("%d multinames\n", num_multinames);
for(t=1;t<num_multinames;t++) {
U8 type = swf_GetU8(tag);
char*mname = 0;
mname = strdup(methodname);
} else if(type==0x11 || type==0x12) {
mname = strdup("");
- } else if(type==0x09 || type==0x0e || type==0x1b || type==0x1c) {
- printf("no support for namespace sets yet\n", type);
- return;
+ } else if(type==0x09 || type==0x0e) {
+ const char*methodname = dict_getstr(pool->strings, swf_GetU30(tag));
+ const char*namespace = dict_getstr(pool->namespace_sets, swf_GetU30(tag));
+ DEBUG printf("multiname %d) %s:%s\n", t, namespace, methodname);
+ mname = malloc(strlen(namespace)+strlen(methodname)+16);
+ strcpy(mname, namespace);
+ strcat(mname, ":");
+ strcat(mname, methodname);
+ } else if(type==0x1b || type==0x1c) {
+ const char*nsset = dict_getstr(pool->namespace_sets, swf_GetU30(tag));
+ mname = strdup(nsset);
} else {
printf("can't parse type %d multinames yet\n", type);
int num_methods = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ DEBUG printf("%d methods\n", num_methods);
for(t=0;t<num_methods;t++) {
abc_method_t*m = malloc(sizeof(abc_method_t));
memset(m, 0, sizeof(*m));
m->return_type_index = swf_GetU30(tag);
m->index = t;
int s;
- char params[256];
+ int params_len = 256;
+ char* params = malloc(params_len);
for(s=0;s<m->param_count;s++) {
- if(s)
- strcat(params, ", ");
int typenr = swf_GetU30(tag);
if(s < sizeof(m->params)/sizeof(m->params[0]))
m->params[s] = typenr;
const char*type = dict_getstr(pool->multinames, typenr);
+ while(strlen(type)+strlen(params)>params_len-4) {
+ params_len+=256;
+ params = realloc(params, params_len);
+ }
+ if(s)
+ strcat(params, ", ");
strcat(params, type);
strcat(params, ")");
m->name = dict_getstr(pool->strings, namenr);
- DEBUG printf("method %d) %s\n", t, m->paramstr);
+ free(params);params = 0;
m->flags = swf_GetU8(tag);
- if(m->flags&0x88) {
- printf("can't parse optional or params names yet\n");
+ DEBUG printf("method %d) %s flags=%02x\n", t, m->paramstr, m->flags);
+ if(m->flags&0x08) {
+ /* optional parameters */
+ int num = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ int s;
+ for(s=0;s<num;s++) {
+ int val = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ U8 kind = swf_GetU8(tag); // specifies index type for "val"
+ }
+ }
+ if(m->flags&0x80) {
+ printf("can't parse param names yet\n");
dict_append(pool->methods, m->name, m);
- int num_metadata = swf_GetU30(tag);
- for(t=0;t<num_metadata;t++) {
- printf("can't parse metadata yet\n");
- return;
- }
+ parse_metadata(tag, pool);
/* skip classes, and scripts for now, and do the real parsing later */
int num_classes = swf_GetU30(tag);
int classes_pos = tag->pos;
DEBUG printf("%d classes\n", num_classes);
for(t=0;t<num_classes;t++) {
- swf_GetU30(tag);
- swf_GetU30(tag);
+ DEBUG printf("class %d\n", t);
+ swf_GetU30(tag); //classname
+ swf_GetU30(tag); //supername
U8 flags = swf_GetU8(tag);
- swf_GetU30(tag);
- swf_GetU30(tag);
- swf_GetU30(tag);
+ swf_GetU30(tag); //protectedNS
+ int inum = swf_GetU30(tag); //interface count
+ int s;
+ for(s=0;s<inum;s++) {
+ const char*interface = dict_getstr(pool->multinames, swf_GetU30(tag));
+ DEBUG printf(" class %d interface: %s\n", t, interface);
+ }
+ swf_GetU30(tag); //iinit
if(!parse_traits("", tag, pool, 0))
for(t=0;t<num_classes;t++) {
- swf_GetU30(tag);
+ swf_GetU30(tag); //cinit
if(!parse_traits("", tag, pool, 0))
swf_CopyData(c->tag, tag, code_length);
int exception_count = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ int s;
+ for(s=0;s<exception_count;s++) {
+ swf_GetU30(tag); //from
+ swf_GetU30(tag); //to
+ swf_GetU30(tag); //target
+ swf_GetU30(tag); //exc_type
+ swf_GetU30(tag); //var_name
+ }
c->traits = parse_traits("<method body trait>", tag, pool, 1);
if(!c->traits) {
printf("class %s extends %s, %s, flags=%02x\n", classname, supername, ns, flags);
- int num_interfaces = swf_GetU30(tag);
- if(num_interfaces>0) {
- printf("can't parse interfaces yet\n");
- return;
- }
+ int num_interfaces = swf_GetU30(tag); //interface count
+ int s;
+ for(s=0;s<num_interfaces;s++) {
+ swf_GetU30(tag); // multiname index TODO
+ }
cls->iinit = swf_GetU30(tag);
dump_method(" ","constructor", classname, cls->iinit, pool);
cls->traits = parse_traits(" ",tag, pool, 1);