//BEGIN(INITIAL); keep context
-string_t string_unescape(const char*in, int l)
- int len=0;
- const char*s = in;
- const char*end = &in[l];
- char*n = (char*)malloc(l);
- char*o = n;
- while(s<end) {
- if(*s!='\\') {
- o[len++] = *s;
- s++;
- continue;
- }
- s++; //skip past '\'
- if(s==end) syntaxerror("invalid \\ at end of string");
- /* handle the various line endings (mac, dos, unix) */
- if(*s=='\r') {
- s++;
- if(s==end) break;
- if(*s=='\n')
- s++;
- continue;
- }
- if(*s=='\n') {
- s++;
- continue;
- }
- switch(*s) {
- case '\\': o[len++] = '\\';s++; break;
- case '"': o[len++] = '"';s++; break;
- case 'b': o[len++] = '\b';s++; break;
- case 'f': o[len++] = '\f';s++; break;
- case 'n': o[len++] = '\n';s++; break;
- case 'r': o[len++] = '\r';s++; break;
- case 't': o[len++] = '\t';s++; break;
- case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': {
- unsigned int num=0;
- int nr = 0;
- while(strchr("01234567", *s) && nr<3 && s<end) {
- num <<= 3;
- num |= *s-'0';
- nr++;
- s++;
- }
- if(num>256)
- syntaxerror("octal number out of range (0-255): %d", num);
- o[len++] = num;
- continue;
- }
- case 'x': case 'u': {
- int max=2;
- char bracket = 0;
- char unicode = 0;
- if(*s == 'u') {
- max = 6;
- unicode = 1;
- }
- s++;
- if(s==end) syntaxerror("invalid \\u or \\x at end of string");
- if(*s == '{') {
- s++;
- if(s==end) syntaxerror("invalid \\u{ at end of string");
- bracket=1;
- }
- unsigned int num=0;
- int nr = 0;
- while(strchr("0123456789abcdefABCDEF", *s) && (bracket || nr < max) && s<end) {
- num <<= 4;
- if(*s>='0' && *s<='9') num |= *s - '0';
- if(*s>='a' && *s<='f') num |= *s - 'a' + 10;
- if(*s>='A' && *s<='F') num |= *s - 'A' + 10;
- nr++;
- s++;
- }
- if(bracket) {
- if(*s=='}' && s<end) {
- s++;
- } else {
- syntaxerror("missing terminating '}'");
- }
- }
- if(unicode) {
- char*utf8 = getUTF8(num);
- while(*utf8) {
- o[len++] = *utf8++;
- }
- } else {
- if(num>256)
- syntaxerror("byte out of range (0-255): %d", num);
- o[len++] = num;
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- syntaxerror("unknown escape sequence: \"\\%c\"", *s);
- }
- }
- string_t out = string_new(n, len);
- o[len]=0;
- return out;
static void handleString(char*s, int len)
if(s[0]=='"') {
else syntaxerror("String incorrectly terminated");
- avm2_lval.str = string_unescape(s, len);
+ s[len] = 0;
+ avm2_lval.string = s;
char start_of_expression;
-static inline int mkid(int type)
+static inline int m(int type)
char*s = malloc(yyleng+1);
memcpy(s, yytext, yyleng);
- avm2_lval.id = s;
- return type;
-static inline int m(int type)
- avm2_lval.token = type;
+ NEW(token_t,t);
+ t->type = type;
+ t->text = s;
+ avm2_lval.token = t;
return type;
static char numberbuf[64];
static inline int handlenumber()
STRING ["](\\[\x00-\xff]|[^\\"\n])*["]|['](\\[\x00-\xff]|[^\\'\n])*[']
S [ \n\r\t]
-MULTILINE_COMMENT [/][*]+([*][^/]|[^/*]|[^*][/]|[\x00-\x1f])*[*]+[/]
+MULTILINE_COMMENT [/][*]+([*][^/]|[^/*]|[\x00-\x1f])*[*]+[/]
REGEXP [/]([^/\n]|\\[/])*[/][a-zA-Z]*
[-][=] {c();return m(T_MINUSBY);}
[/][=] {c();return m(T_DIVBY);}
[%][=] {c();return m(T_MODBY);}
-[*][=] {c();return m(T_MULBY);}
[>][>][=] {c();return m(T_SHRBY);}
[<][<][=] {c();return m(T_SHLBY);}
[>][>][>][=] {c();return m(T_USHRBY);}
is {c();return m(KW_IS) ;}
if {c();return m(KW_IF) ;}
as {c();return m(KW_AS);}
-{NAME} {c();BEGIN(INITIAL);return mkid(T_IDENTIFIER);}
[+-\/*^~@$!%&\(=\[\]\{\}|?:;,.<>] {c();BEGIN(REGEXPOK);return m(yytext[0]);}
[\)\]] {c();BEGIN(INITIAL);return m(yytext[0]);}
static char mbuf[256];
-char*token2string(enum yytokentype nr)
+ int nr=t->type;
if(nr==T_STRING) return "<string>";
else if(nr==T_INT) return "<int>";
else if(nr==T_UINT) return "<uint>";
else if(nr==KW_VAR) return "var";
else if(nr==KW_IS) return "is";
else if(nr==KW_AS) return "as";
- else if(nr==T_IDENTIFIER) return "ID";
- else {
+ else if(nr==T_IDENTIFIER) {
+ if(strlen(t->text)>sizeof(mbuf)-1)
+ return "ID(...)";
+ sprintf(mbuf, "ID(%s)", t->text);
+ return mbuf;
+ } else {
sprintf(mbuf, "%d", nr);
return mbuf;