-Creating browseable SWFs from PDFs
+Step 1: Converting the documents
- Suppose you have an arbitrary pdf file, "document.pdf". Furthermore,
- you have downloaded [1]SimpleViewer.swf into the directory where
- document.pdf lies.
- Now call:
- pdf2swf -o tmp.swf document.pdf
- swfcombine -o flashfile.swf SimpleViewer.swf viewport=tmp.swf
- Now, flashfile.swf should be a browseable flash representation of
- document.pdf which can be embedded into your web page.
- If you don't know how to embed SWFs into html pages, it's explained at
- [2]http://www.macromedia.com/support/flash/ts/documents/tn4150.html .
- (Also, you can simply type
- swfdump --html flashfile.swf
- and insert the output into your html document)
+ Suppose you have an arbitrary pdf file, "document.pdf".
+ Call:
+ pdf2swf -o tmp.swf document.pdf
+ Now, tmp.swf is a Flash Movie generated from document.pdf. Movie means
+ that there are no navigation elements whatsoever. Just frames which
+ get displayed one by one, at a rate of approx. 1/2 frames/second. How
+ to make document browsable is explained below.
+ (You can do the same things described below with jpeg files. Simply
+ use
+ jpeg2swf -o tmp.swf pic1.jpeg pic2.jpeg ...
+ and read on)
-Creating JPEG Slideshows
+Step 2: Linking a viewer
- You can do the same thing described above with jpeg files. Simply use
- jpeg2swf -o tmp.swf pic1.jpeg pic2.jpeg ...
+ Just take a viewer of your choice (e.g. [1]SimpleViewer.swf ) and put
+ it in the same directory where you entered the commands above.
+ Now call:
swfcombine -o flashfile.swf SimpleViewer.swf viewport=tmp.swf
+ Now, 'flashfile.swf' is "browsable", i.e. there are some buttons in it
+ for turning pages.
-Linking a Preloader
+Step 3: Linking a Preloader
Depending on the size of your PDFs/SWFs, you may want to have some
kind of loading animation displayed while the browser is busy getting
the actual document. Assuming you have some file like flashfile.swf
- above, you furthermore need the file [3]PreLoader.swf and an arbirtary
- loading animation of your choice. (To get started, try [4]loading.swf,
+ above, you furthermore need the file [2]PreLoader.swf and an arbirtary
+ loading animation of your choice. (To get started, try [3]loading.swf,
or just convert a "Loading" JPEG picture to swf (jpeg2swf -o
loading.swf picture.jpg)) Now use
- swfcombine -o flashfilewithloader.swf PreLoader.swf loader=loading.swf
+ swfcombine -o flashfile.swf PreLoader.swf loader=loading.swf
+ (Most loaders are smaller than the document they load. They usually
+ need some centering so they appear in the middle of the page to be
+ displayed, not in the upper left corner. Replace the above command
+ with e.g.
+ swfcombine -o flashfile.swf PreLoader.swf -x 3000 -y 3000
+ loader=loading.swf movie=flashfile.swf
+ and try playing around with the values after -x and -y)
+Step 4: Correcting the size and framerate
+ Sometimes, the bounding box of the generated flash file is not
+ correct. This happens because when linking a viewer or preloader to
+ the SWFs, the new dimensions are those of the PreLoader and Viewer
+ templates, and not those of your pdf or jpeg files. To fix this, use
+ swfcombine --dummy `swfdump -XY tmp.swf` flashfile.swf -o
+ flashfile.swf
+ (tmp.swf is your 'original' swf, generated like above)
+ You may also want to adjust the framerate of the movie to that of the
+ preloader. (As the preloader is usually the only animated part of e.g.
+ pdf viewers)
+ Use:
+ swfcombine --dummy `swfdump -r loading.swf` flashfile.swf -o
+ flashfile.swf
+Step 5: Embedding the SWF into a html page
+ Usually, one wants to put the generated SWFs on his web page. To do
+ so, you have to embed the SWF file into html. If you don't know how to
+ embed SWFs into html pages, it's explained at
+ [4]http://www.macromedia.com/support/flash/ts/documents/tn4150.html .
+ Also, you can simply type
+ swfdump --html flashfile.swf
+ and insert the output into your html document
-Creating your own Viewers
+Appendix A: Creating your own Viewers
If you know about Flash, and you want to substitute SimpleViewer from
above with something more sophisticated, follow these rules:
1. http://www.quiss.org/swftools/SimpleViewer.swf
- 2. http://www.macromedia.com/support/flash/ts/documents/tn4150.html
- 3. http://www.quiss.org/swftools/PreLoader.swf
- 4. http://www.quiss.org/swftools/loading.swf
+ 2. http://www.quiss.org/swftools/PreLoader.swf
+ 3. http://www.quiss.org/swftools/loading.swf
+ 4. http://www.macromedia.com/support/flash/ts/documents/tn4150.html
5. http://www.quiss.org/swftools