--- /dev/null
+/* wav.c
+ Routines for handling .wav files
+ Part of the swftools package.
+ Copyright (c) 2001 Matthias Kramm <kramm@quiss.org>
+ This file is distributed under the GPL, see file COPYING for details */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "wav.h"
+struct WAVBlock {
+ char id[4];
+ unsigned int size;
+int getWAVBlock(FILE*fi, struct WAVBlock*block)
+ unsigned int size;
+ unsigned char b[4];
+ if(fread(block->id,1,4,fi)<4)
+ return 0;
+ if(fread(b,1,4,fi)<4)
+ return 0;
+ block->size = b[0]|b[1]<<8|b[2]<<16|b[3]<<24;
+ printf("Chunk: [%c%c%c%c] (%d bytes)\n",
+ block->id[0],block->id[1],
+ block->id[2],block->id[3],
+ block->size);
+ return 1;
+int readWAV(char* filename, struct WAV*wav)
+ FILE*fi = fopen(filename, "rb");
+ unsigned char b[16];
+ long int filesize;
+ struct WAVBlock block;
+ long int pos;
+ if(!fi)
+ return 0;
+ fseek(fi, 0, SEEK_END);
+ filesize = ftell(fi);
+ fseek(fi, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ printf("Filesize: %d\n", filesize);
+ if(!getWAVBlock (fi, &block))
+ return 0;
+ if(strncmp(block.id,"RIFF",4)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "readWAV: not a wav file\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(block.size + 8 < filesize)
+ fprintf(stderr, "readWAV: warning - more tags (%d extra bytes)\n",
+ filesize - block.size - 8);
+ if(block.size + 8 > filesize)
+ fprintf(stderr, "readWAV: warning - short file (%d bytes missing)\n",
+ block.size + 8 - filesize);
+ if(fread(b, 1, 4, fi) < 4) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(strncmp(b, "WAVE", 4)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "readWAV: not a WAV file (2)\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ do
+ {
+ getWAVBlock(fi, &block);
+ pos = ftell(fi);
+ if(!strncmp(block.id, "fmt ", 4)) {
+ if(fread(&b, 1, 16, fi)<16)
+ return 0;
+ wav->tag = b[0]|b[1]<<8;
+ wav->channels = b[2]|b[3]<<8;
+ wav->sampsPerSec = b[4]|b[5]<<8|b[6]<<16|b[7]<<24;
+ wav->bytesPerSec = b[8]|b[9]<<8|b[10]<<16|b[11]<<24;
+ wav->align = b[12]|b[13]<<8;
+ wav->bps = b[14]|b[15]<<8;
+ } else if (!strncmp(block.id, "LIST", 4)) {
+ // subchunk ICMT (comment) may exist
+ } else if (!strncmp(block.id, "data", 4)) {
+ wav->data = malloc(block.size);
+ if(!wav->data) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory (%d bytes needed)", block.size);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(fread(wav->data, 1, block.size, fi) < block.size)
+ return 0;
+ wav->size = block.size;
+ }
+ pos+=block.size;
+ fseek(fi, pos, SEEK_SET);
+ }
+ while (pos < filesize);
+ return 1;
+int writeWAV(char*filename, struct WAV*wav)
+ FILE*fi = fopen(filename, "wb");
+ char*b="RIFFWAVEfmt \x10\0\0\0data";
+ char c[16];
+ unsigned long int w32;
+ if(!fi)
+ return 0;
+ fwrite(b, 4, 1, fi);
+ w32=(/*fmt*/8+0x10+/*data*/8+wav->size);
+ c[0] = w32;
+ c[1] = w32>>8;
+ c[2] = w32>>16;
+ c[3] = w32>>24;
+ fwrite(c, 4, 1, fi);
+ fwrite(&b[4], 12, 1, fi);
+ c[0] = wav->tag;
+ c[1] = wav->tag>>8;
+ c[2] = wav->channels;
+ c[3] = wav->channels>>8;
+ c[4] = wav->sampsPerSec;
+ c[5] = wav->sampsPerSec>>8;
+ c[6] = wav->sampsPerSec>>16;
+ c[7] = wav->sampsPerSec>>24;
+ c[8] = wav->bytesPerSec;
+ c[9] = wav->bytesPerSec>>8;
+ c[10] = wav->bytesPerSec>>16;
+ c[11] = wav->bytesPerSec>>24;
+ c[12] = wav->align;
+ c[13] = wav->align>>8;
+ c[14] = wav->bps;
+ c[15] = wav->bps>>8;
+ fwrite(c, 16, 1, fi);
+ fwrite(&b[16], 4, 1, fi);
+ c[0] = wav->size;
+ c[1] = wav->size>>8;
+ c[2] = wav->size>>16;
+ c[3] = wav->size>>24;
+ fwrite(c,4,1,fi);
+ printf("writing %d converted bytes\n", wav->size);
+ fwrite(wav->data,wav->size,1,fi);
+ fclose(fi);
+ return 1;
+void printWAVInfo(struct WAV*wav)
+ printf("tag:%04x channels:%d samples/sec:%d bytes/sec:%d align:%d bits/sample:%d size:%d\n",
+ wav->tag, wav->channels, wav->sampsPerSec, wav->bytesPerSec,
+ wav->align, wav->bps, wav->size);
+int convertWAV2mono(struct WAV*src, struct WAV*dest, int rate)
+ int samplelen=src->size/src->align;
+ int bps=src->bps;
+ double ratio;
+ double pos = 0;
+ int pos2 = 0;
+ int channels=src->channels;
+ int i;
+ int fill;
+ dest->sampsPerSec = rate;
+ dest->bps = 16;
+ dest->channels = 1;
+ dest->align = 2;
+ dest->tag = src->tag;
+ dest->bytesPerSec = dest->sampsPerSec*dest->align;
+ ratio = (double)dest->sampsPerSec/(double)src->sampsPerSec;
+ fill = (int)(ratio+1)*2;
+ dest->data = (unsigned char*)malloc((int)(samplelen*ratio*2)+128);
+ if(!dest->data)
+ return 0;
+ dest->size = (int)(samplelen*ratio)*2;
+ if(bps == 8) {
+ if(ratio <= 1) {
+ for(i=0; i<src->size; i+=channels) {
+ int pos2 = ((int)pos)*2;
+ dest->data[pos2] = 0;
+ dest->data[pos2+1] = src->data[i]+128;
+ pos += ratio;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for(i=0; i<src->size; i+=channels) {
+ int j;
+ int pos2 = ((int)pos)*2;
+ for(j=0;j<fill;j+=2) {
+ dest->data[pos2+j+0] = 0;
+ dest->data[pos2+j+1] = src->data[i]+128;
+ }
+ pos += ratio;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if(bps == 16) {
+ if(ratio <= 1) {
+ for(i=0; i<src->size/2; i+=channels) {
+ int pos2 = ((int)pos)*2;
+ dest->data[pos2+0]=src->data[i*2];
+ dest->data[pos2+1]=src->data[i*2+1];
+ pos += ratio;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for(i=0; i<src->size/2; i+=channels) {
+ int j;
+ int pos2 = ((int)pos)*2;
+ for(j=0;j<fill;j+=2) {
+ dest->data[pos2+j+0] = src->data[i*2];
+ dest->data[pos2+j+1] = src->data[i*2+1];
+ }
+ pos += ratio;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if(bps == 32) {
+ if(ratio <= 1) {
+ for(i=0; i<src->size/4; i+=channels) {
+ int pos2 = ((int)pos)*2;
+ dest->data[pos2+0]=src->data[i*4+2];
+ dest->data[pos2+1]=src->data[i*4+3];
+ pos += ratio;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for(i=0; i<src->size/4; i+=channels) {
+ int j;
+ int pos2 = ((int)pos)*2;
+ for(j=0;j<fill;j+=2) {
+ dest->data[pos2+j+0] = src->data[i*4+2];
+ dest->data[pos2+j+1] = src->data[i*4+3];
+ }
+ pos += ratio;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
--- /dev/null
+/* swfextract.c
+ Allows to extract parts of the swf into a new file.
+ Part of the swftools package.
+ Copyright (c) 2001 Matthias Kramm <kramm@quiss.org>
+ This file is distributed under the GPL, see file COPYING for details */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "../lib/rfxswf.h"
+#include "../lib/args.h"
+#include "wav.h"
+char * filename = 0;
+char * outputname = "output.swf";
+int verbose = 2;
+struct options_t options[] =
+ {"o","output"},
+ {"v","verbose"},
+ {"V","version"},
+ {0,0}
+int args_callback_option(char*name,char*val)
+ if(!strcmp(name, "V")) {
+ printf("wav2swf - part of %s %s\n", PACKAGE, VERSION);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(name, "o")) {
+ outputname = val;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(name, "v")) {
+ verbose ++;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ printf("Unknown option: -%s\n", name);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ return 0;
+int args_callback_longoption(char*name,char*val)
+ return args_long2shortoption(options, name, val);
+void args_callback_usage(char*name)
+ printf("Usage: %s [-o filename] file.wav\n", name);
+ printf("\t-v , --verbose\t\t\t Be more verbose\n");
+ printf("\t-o , --output filename\t\t set output filename (default: output.swf)\n");
+ printf("\t-V , --version\t\t Print program version and exit\n");
+int args_callback_command(char*name,char*val)
+ if(filename) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Only one file allowed. You supplied at least two. (%s and %s)\n",
+ filename, name);
+ }
+ filename = name;
+ return 0;
+int main (int argc,char ** argv)
+{ SWF swf;
+ RGBA rgb;
+ SRECT r;
+ S32 width=300,height = 300;
+ TAG * tag;
+ int f,i,ls1,fs1;
+ int count;
+ int t;
+ struct WAV wav,wav2;
+ int blocksize = 1152;
+ U16* samples;
+ int numsamples;
+ processargs(argc, argv);
+ initLog(0,-1,0,0,-1,verbose);
+ if(!readWAV(filename, &wav))
+ {
+ logf("<fatal> Error reading %s", filename);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ convertWAV2mono(&wav,&wav2, 44100);
+ printWAVInfo(&wav);
+ printWAVInfo(&wav2);
+ samples = (U16*)wav2.data;
+ numsamples = wav2.size/2;
+ /* the following is a big hack to prevent against
+ periods of total silence- these get written as
+ blocks of length 0 by bladeenc, which causes
+ the flashplayer to crash */
+ for(t=0;t<wav2.size/2;t+=2)
+ wav2.data[t]^=(t&2)<<1;
+ memset(&swf,0x00,sizeof(SWF));
+ swf.fileVersion = 4;
+ swf.frameRate = 44100*256/(blocksize*2);
+ swf.movieSize.xmax = 20*width;
+ swf.movieSize.ymax = 20*height;
+ swf.firstTag = swf_InsertTag(NULL,ST_SETBACKGROUNDCOLOR);
+ tag = swf.firstTag;
+ rgb.r = 0xff;
+ rgb.g = 0xff;
+ rgb.b = 0xff;
+ swf_SetRGB(tag,&rgb);
+ tag = swf_InsertTag(tag, ST_SOUNDSTREAMHEAD);
+ swf_SetSoundStreamHead(tag, blocksize);
+ logf("<notice> %d blocks", numsamples/(blocksize*2));
+ for(t=0;t<numsamples/(blocksize*2);t++) {
+ int s;
+ U16*block1;
+ U16*block2;
+ tag = swf_InsertTag(tag, ST_SOUNDSTREAMBLOCK);
+ logf("<notice> Writing block %d", t);
+ block1 = &samples[(t*2+0)*blocksize];
+ block2 = &samples[(t*2+1)*blocksize];
+ swf_SetSoundStreamBlock(tag, block1, blocksize,1);
+ swf_SetSoundStreamBlock(tag, block2, blocksize,0);
+ tag = swf_InsertTag(tag, ST_SHOWFRAME);
+ }
+ f = open(outputname,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0644);
+ if FAILED(swf_WriteSWF(f,&swf)) fprintf(stderr,"WriteSWF() failed.\n");
+ close(f);
+ swf_FreeTags(&swf);
+ return 0;