+++ /dev/null
-// linux/gcc: cc texbox.c ../rfxswf.c -funsigned-char -o texbox -lm -ljpeg; cp texbox /home/www/cgi-bin/texbox
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include "../rfxswf.h"
-// Box
-#define BANNER_TEXT "reflex"
-#define QUALITY 80
-#define ID_FONT 2000
-#define ID_BANNER 2001
-#define ID_HIGHLIGHT 2002
-#define ID_BUTTON 2003
-#define ID_BITMAP 2004
-#define ID_SHAPE 2005
-#define ID_SHAPE2 2006
-#define a 200
-int sX[] = { a,-a, a,-a, a,-a, a,-a};
-int sY[] = { a, a,-a,-a, a, a,-a,-a};
-int sZ[] = { a, a, a, a,-a,-a,-a,-a};
-#undef a
-#define PRECISION 16
-int SHADE = 1;
-int dX[8];
-int dY[8];
-int square_visible[6] = {0,0,0,0,0,0};
-int square_depth[6][2] = {{2,3},{4,5},{6,7},{8,9},{10,11},{12,13}};
-int square_light[6] = {0,0,64,64,-64,-64};
-int sin_[512],cos_[512];
-void calcTables()
-{ int i;
- double d;
- for (i=0;i<512;i++)
- { d = ((double)i)/128*3.14159;
- sin_[i] = (int)(sin(d)*(1<<PRECISION));
- cos_[i] = (int)(cos(d)*(1<<PRECISION));
- }
-LPTAG MapSquare(LPTAG t,int dx0,int dy0,int p1,int p2,int p3,int p4,int dx,int dy,int square)
-{ MATRIX m;
- CXFORM cx;
- if (SHADE)
- { GetCXForm(NULL,&cx,1);
- cx.r1 = cx.b1 = cx.g1 = square_light[square];
- }
- if (((dX[p2]-dX[p1])*(dY[p3]-dY[p1])-(dX[p3]-dX[p1])*(dY[p2]-dY[p1]))<0)
- { if (square_visible[square])
- { t = InsertTag(t,ST_REMOVEOBJECT2); SetU16(t,square_depth[square][0]);
- t = InsertTag(t,ST_REMOVEOBJECT2); SetU16(t,square_depth[square][1]);
- }
- square_visible[square] = 0;
- return t;
- }
- t = InsertTag(t,ST_PLACEOBJECT2);
- MatrixMapTriangle(&m,dx0,dy0,dX[p1]+dx,dY[p1]+dy,
- dX[p2]+dx,dY[p2]+dy,
- dX[p4]+dx,dY[p4]+dy);
- if (!square_visible[square])
- ObjectPlace(t,ID_SHAPE,square_depth[square][0],&m,SHADE?&cx:NULL,NULL);
- else
- ObjectMove(t,square_depth[square][0],&m,SHADE?&cx:NULL);
- t = InsertTag(t,ST_PLACEOBJECT2);
- MatrixMapTriangle(&m,dx0,dy0,dX[p3]+dx,dY[p3]+dy,
- dX[p4]+dx,dY[p4]+dy,
- dX[p2]+dx,dY[p2]+dy);
- if (!square_visible[square])
- ObjectPlace(t,ID_SHAPE2,square_depth[square][1],&m,SHADE?&cx:NULL,NULL);
- else
- ObjectMove(t,square_depth[square][1],&m,SHADE?&cx:NULL);
- square_visible[square] = 1;
- return t;
-void mapBox(int xw,int yw,int zw)
-{ int i;
- int x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3;
- int y,x,z;
- xw &= 255;
- yw &= 255;
- zw &= 255;
- for (i=0;i<8;i++)
- { x = sX[i];
- y = sY[i];
- z = sZ[i];
- y1 = ( y*cos_[xw]- z*sin_[xw])>>PRECISION;
- z1 = ( y*sin_[xw]+ z*cos_[xw])>>PRECISION;
- x1 = x;
- x2 = (x1*cos_[yw]+z1*sin_[yw])>>PRECISION;
- y2 = y1;
- x3 = (x2*cos_[zw]-y2*sin_[zw])>>PRECISION;
- y3 = (x2*sin_[zw]+y2*cos_[zw])>>PRECISION;
- z3 = (z1*cos_[yw]-x1*sin_[yw])>>PRECISION;
- dX[i] = x3*4000/(z3+950);
- dY[i] = y3*4000/(z3+950);
- }
-void mapLights(int xw,int yw,int zw)
-{ int i;
- int x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3;
- int y[] = {0,0,0,0,256,-256};
- int x[] = {0,0,256,-256,0,0};
- int z[] = {256,-256,0,0,0,0};
- int lz = 256; // lightvector
- int lx = 200, ly = 200;
- for (i=0;i<6;i++)
- { y1 = (y[i]*cos_[xw]-z[i]*sin_[xw])>>PRECISION;
- z1 = (y[i]*sin_[xw]+z[i]*cos_[xw])>>PRECISION;
- x1 = x[i];
- x2 = (x1*cos_[yw]+z1*sin_[yw])>>PRECISION;
- y2 = y1;
- z2 = (z1*cos_[yw]-x1*sin_[yw])>>PRECISION;
- x3 = (x2*cos_[zw]-y2*sin_[zw])>>PRECISION;
- y3 = (x2*sin_[zw]+y2*cos_[zw])>>PRECISION;
- z3 = z2;
- square_light[i] = -128-((x3*lx + y3*ly + z3*lz)>>9);
- }
-int main (int argc,char ** argv)
-{ SWF swf;
- LPTAG t;
- RGBA rgb;
- SRECT r;
- S32 width = 800,height = 800;
- U8 gbits,abits;
- int fs,ls; // line & fillstyle
- int f,i,j,frame;
- f = open("Arial.efont",O_RDONLY);
- if (f>=0)
- { if (FAILED(FontImport(f,&font)))
- { fprintf(stderr,"Font import failed\n");
- close(f);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- else
- { fprintf(stderr,"Font not found\n");
- return -1;
- }
- close(f);
- FontSetID(font,ID_FONT);
- FontInitUsage(&use);
- FontUse(&use,BANNER_TEXT);
- FontReduce(font,&use);
- calcTables();
- memset(&swf,0x00,sizeof(SWF));
- swf.FileVersion = 4;
- swf.FrameRate = 0x4000;
- swf.MovieSize.xmax = 4*width;
- swf.MovieSize.ymax = 4*height;
- t = swf.FirstTag;
- rgb.r = 0xff;
- rgb.g = 0xff;
- rgb.b = 0xff;
- SetRGB(t,&rgb);
- t = InsertTag(t,ST_DEFINEFONT);
- FontSetDefine(t,font);
- t = InsertTag(t,ST_DEFINEFONTINFO);
- FontSetInfo(t,font);
- t = InsertTag(t,ST_DEFINETEXT);
- SetU16(t,ID_BANNER); // ID
- r.xmin = 0;
- r.ymin = 0;
- r.xmax = 400;
- r.ymax = 400;
- SetRect(t,&r);
- SetMatrix(t,NULL);
- TextCountBits(font,BANNER_TEXT,80,&gbits,&abits);
- SetU8(t,gbits);
- SetU8(t,abits);
- rgb.r = 0xc0;
- rgb.g = 0xc0;
- rgb.b = 0xc0;
- TextSetInfoRecord(t,font,height/4,&rgb,0,200);
- TextSetCharRecord(t,font,BANNER_TEXT,80,gbits,abits);
- SetU8(t,0);
- t = InsertTag(t,ST_DEFINETEXT);
- SetU16(t,ID_HIGHLIGHT); // ID
- r.xmin = 0; r.ymin = 0; r.xmax = 800; r.ymax = 400;
- SetRect(t,&r);
- SetMatrix(t,NULL);
- TextCountBits(font,BANNER_TEXT,80,&gbits,&abits);
- SetU8(t,gbits);
- SetU8(t,abits);
- rgb.r = 0x20;
- rgb.g = 0x20;
- rgb.b = 0x20;
- TextSetInfoRecord(t,font,height/4,&rgb,0,200);
- TextSetCharRecord(t,font,BANNER_TEXT,80,gbits,abits);
- SetU8(t,0);
- t = InsertTag(t,ST_DEFINEBUTTON);
- GetMatrix(NULL,&m);
- m.tx = 3*width;
- m.ty = 7*height/2;
- SetU16(t,ID_BUTTON); // ID
- ButtonSetRecord(t,BS_UP,ID_BANNER,1,&m,NULL);
- SetU8(t,0); // End of Button Records
- SetU8(t,0); // End of Action Records
- t = InsertTag(t,ST_PLACEOBJECT2);
- ObjectPlace(t,ID_BUTTON,1,NULL,NULL,NULL);
- t = InsertTag(t,ST_DEFINEBITSJPEG2);
- SetU16(t,ID_BITMAP);
- SetJPEGBits(t,"eye.jpg",QUALITY);
- t = InsertTag(t,ST_DEFINESHAPE);
- NewShape(&s);
- rgb.b = rgb.g = rgb.r = 0x00;
- ls = ShapeAddLineStyle(s,10,&rgb);
- rgb.b = 0xff;
- m.tx = m.ty = 0;
- m.r0 = m.r1 = 0;
- m.sx = m.sy = width<<8;
- fs = ShapeAddBitmapFillStyle(s,&m,ID_BITMAP,0);
- SetU16(t,ID_SHAPE); // ID
- r.xmin = 0; r.ymin = 0;
- r.xmax = 2*width; r.ymax = 2*height;
- SetRect(t,&r);
- SetShapeHeader(t,s);
- ShapeSetAll(t,s,width,0,0,fs,0);
- ShapeSetLine(t,s,-width,height);
- ShapeSetStyle(t,s,ls,fs,0);
- ShapeSetLine(t,s,0,-height);
- ShapeSetLine(t,s,width,0);
- ShapeSetEnd(t);
- ShapeFree(s);
- t = InsertTag(t,ST_DEFINESHAPE);
- NewShape(&s);
- rgb.b = rgb.g = rgb.r = 0x00;
- ls = ShapeAddLineStyle(s,10,&rgb);
- rgb.b = 0xff;
- m.tx = m.ty = 0;
- m.r0 = m.r1 = 0;
- m.sx = m.sy = -(width<<8);
- fs = ShapeAddBitmapFillStyle(s,&m,ID_BITMAP,0);
- SetU16(t,ID_SHAPE2); // ID
- r.xmin = 0; r.ymin = 0;
- r.xmax = 2*width; r.ymax = 2*height;
- SetRect(t,&r);
- SetShapeHeader(t,s);
- ShapeSetAll(t,s,width,0,0,fs,0);
- ShapeSetLine(t,s,-width,height);
- ShapeSetStyle(t,s,ls,fs,0);
- ShapeSetLine(t,s,0,-height);
- ShapeSetLine(t,s,width,0);
- ShapeSetEnd(t);
- ShapeFree(s);
- for (frame=0;frame<256;frame++)
- { int dc = 3; // whitespace correction
- mapBox(frame<<1,frame<<1,frame);
- if (SHADE) mapLights(frame<<1,frame<<1,frame);
- t = MapSquare(t,width-dc,height-dc,0,2,3,1,2*width,2*height,0);
- t = MapSquare(t,width-dc,height-dc,4,5,7,6,2*width,2*height,1);
- t = MapSquare(t,width-dc,height-dc,0,4,6,2,2*width,2*height,2);
- t = MapSquare(t,width-dc,height-dc,1,3,7,5,2*width,2*height,3);
- t = MapSquare(t,width-dc,height-dc,0,1,5,4,2*width,2*height,4);
- t = MapSquare(t,width-dc,height-dc,2,6,7,3,2*width,2*height,5);
- t = InsertTag(t,ST_SHOWFRAME);
- }
- t = InsertTag(t,ST_END);
- WriteCGI(&swf);
- FreeTags(&swf);
- return 0;