* src/swfdump: Bugfixes, ids and depths are now in decimal
* src/swfcombine: Bugfixes.
* configure.in: Cleaned up.
+ * pdf2swf: The --ignore option now actually makes the pdf files smaller.
+ * rfxswf: Can now write DefineFont2 tags
+ * swfextract: Bugfixes (DefineEditText)
* mp3 extraction should also work for movieclips and definesound.
* improve placeobject handling
+ * write out dependencies between objects
+ * make an example for edittext fields
- * swf_WriteFont() should write definefont2 tags for more complex fonts
* modules/swfshape doesn't allow changing to fillstyle 0
* modules/swffont:TextSetInfoRecord doesn't allow changing to coordinate 0
* (s/GetFrameNo/GetTagFrameNo/g ?)