V ?= 0 SRC_DIR = src TEST_DIR = test BUILD_DIR = build PREFIX = . DIST_DIR = ${PREFIX}/dist JS_ENGINE ?= `which node nodejs` COMPILER = ${JS_ENGINE} ${BUILD_DIR}/uglify.js --unsafe BASE_FILES = ${SRC_DIR}/core.js\ ${SRC_DIR}/support.js\ ${SRC_DIR}/data.js\ ${SRC_DIR}/queue.js\ ${SRC_DIR}/attributes.js\ ${SRC_DIR}/event.js\ ${SRC_DIR}/selector.js\ ${SRC_DIR}/traversing.js\ ${SRC_DIR}/manipulation.js\ ${SRC_DIR}/css.js\ ${SRC_DIR}/ajax.js\ ${SRC_DIR}/ajax/jsonp.js\ ${SRC_DIR}/ajax/script.js\ ${SRC_DIR}/ajax/xhr.js\ ${SRC_DIR}/effects.js\ ${SRC_DIR}/offset.js\ ${SRC_DIR}/dimensions.js MODULES = ${SRC_DIR}/intro.js\ ${BASE_FILES}\ ${SRC_DIR}/outro.js JQ = ${DIST_DIR}/jquery.js JQ_MIN = ${DIST_DIR}/jquery.min.js SIZZLE_DIR = ${SRC_DIR}/sizzle QUNIT_DIR = ${TEST_DIR}/qunit JQ_VER = $(shell cat version.txt) VER = sed "s/@VERSION/${JQ_VER}/" DATE=$(shell git log -1 --pretty=format:%ad) all: jquery min lint @@echo "jQuery build complete." ${DIST_DIR}: @@mkdir -p ${DIST_DIR} ifeq ($(strip $(V)),0) verbose = --quiet else ifeq ($(strip $(V)),1) verbose = else verbose = --verbose endif define clone_or_pull -@@if test ! -d $(strip ${1})/.git; then \ echo "Cloning $(strip ${1})..."; \ git clone $(strip ${verbose}) --depth=1 $(strip ${2}) $(strip ${1}); \ else \ echo "Pulling $(strip ${1})..."; \ git --git-dir=$(strip ${1})/.git pull $(strip ${verbose}) origin master; \ fi endef ${QUNIT_DIR}: $(call clone_or_pull, ${QUNIT_DIR}, git://github.com/jquery/qunit.git) ${SIZZLE_DIR}: $(call clone_or_pull, ${SIZZLE_DIR}, git://github.com/jeresig/sizzle.git) init: ${QUNIT_DIR} ${SIZZLE_DIR} jquery: init ${JQ} jq: init ${JQ} ${JQ}: ${MODULES} | ${DIST_DIR} @@echo "Building" ${JQ} @@cat ${MODULES} | \ sed 's/.function..jQuery...{//' | \ sed 's/}...jQuery..;//' | \ sed 's/@DATE/'"${DATE}"'/' | \ ${VER} > ${JQ}; ${SRC_DIR}/selector.js: ${SIZZLE_DIR}/sizzle.js @@echo "Building selector code from Sizzle" @@sed '/EXPOSE/r src/sizzle-jquery.js' ${SIZZLE_DIR}/sizzle.js | grep -v window.Sizzle > ${SRC_DIR}/selector.js lint: jquery @@if test ! -z ${JS_ENGINE}; then \ echo "Checking jQuery against JSLint..."; \ ${JS_ENGINE} build/jslint-check.js ${JQ}; \ else \ echo "You must have NodeJS installed in order to test jQuery against JSLint."; \ fi min: ${JQ_MIN} ${JQ_MIN}: jquery @@if test ! -z ${JS_ENGINE}; then \ echo "Minifying jQuery" ${JQ_MIN}; \ ${COMPILER} ${JQ} > ${JQ_MIN}.tmp; \ sed '$ s#^\( \*/\)\(.\+\)#\1\n\2;#' ${JQ_MIN}.tmp > ${JQ_MIN}; \ rm -rf ${JQ_MIN}.tmp; \ else \ echo "You must have NodeJS installed in order to minify jQuery."; \ fi clean: @@echo "Removing Distribution directory:" ${DIST_DIR} @@rm -rf ${DIST_DIR} @@echo "Removing built copy of Sizzle" @@rm -f src/selector.js @@echo "Removing cloned directories" @@rm -rf test/qunit src/sizzle .PHONY: all jquery lint min init jq clean