[jQuery](http://jquery.com/) - New Wave Javascript ================================ What you need to build your own jQuery --------------------------------------- * Make sure that you have Java installed (if you want to build a minified version of jQuery). If not, go to this page and download "Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0" [http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp](http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp) * You now have two options for building jQuery, if you have access to common UNIX commands (like `make`, `mkdir`, `rm`, `cat`, and `echo`) then simply type `make` to build all the components. * The other option is if you have Ant installed (or are on Windows and don't have access to make). You can download Ant from here: [http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi](http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi) If you do have Ant, everytime (in this README) that I say 'make', do 'ant' instead - it works identically (for all intents and purposes). How to build your own jQuery ----------------------------- In the main directory of the distribution (the one that this file is in), type the following to make all versions of jQuery: `make` Here are each of the individual items that are buildable from the Makefile. `make init` Pull in all the external dependencies (QUnit, Sizzle) for the project. `make jquery` The standard, uncompressed, jQuery code. Makes: ./dist/jquery.js `make min` A compressed version of jQuery (made the Closure Compiler). Makes: ./dist/jquery.min.js `make selector` Builds the selector library for jQuery from Sizzle. Makes: ./src/selector.js Finally, you can remove all the built files using the command: `make clean` Additionally, if you want to install jQuery to a location that is not this directory, you can specify the PREFIX directory, for example: `make PREFIX=/home/john/test/` OR `make PREFIX=~/www/ docs` If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them on the jQuery mailing list, which can be found here: [http://docs.jquery.com/Discussion](http://docs.jquery.com/Discussion)