prefix = File.dirname( __FILE__ ) # Directory variables src_dir = File.join( prefix, 'src' ) build_dir = File.join( prefix, 'build' ) test_dir = File.join( prefix, 'test' ) # A different destination directory can be set by # setting DIST_DIR before calling rake dist_dir = ENV['DIST_DIR'] || File.join( prefix, 'dist' ) base_files = %w{intro core support data queue attributes event selector traversing manipulation css ajax effects offset dimensions outro}.map { |js| File.join( src_dir, "#{js}.js" ) } # Sizzle, QUnit and jQuery files/dirs sizzle_dir = File.join( src_dir, "sizzle" ) sizzle = File.join( sizzle_dir, "sizzle.js" ) selector = File.join( src_dir, "selector.js" ) qunit_dir = File.join( test_dir, "qunit" ) qunit = File.join( qunit_dir, "qunit", "qunit.js" ) jq = File.join( dist_dir, "jquery.js" ) jq_min = File.join( dist_dir, "jquery.min.js" ) # General Variables date = `git log -1`[/^Date:\s+(.+)$/, 1] version = File.join( prefix, 'version.txt' ) ).strip # Build tools rhino = "java -jar #{build_dir}/js.jar" minfier = "java -jar #{build_dir}/google-compiler-20100917.jar" # Turn off output other than needed from `sh` and file commands verbose(false) # Tasks task :default => "all" desc "Builds jQuery; Tests with JSLint; Minifies jQuery" task :all => [:jquery, :lint, :min] do puts "jQuery build complete." end desc "Builds jQuery: jquery.js (Default task)" task :jquery => [:selector, jq] desc "Builds a minified version of jQuery: jquery.min.js" task :min => jq_min task :init => [sizzle, qunit] do sizzle_git = File.join(sizzle_dir, '.git') qunit_git = File.join(qunit_dir, '.git') puts "Updating SizzleJS with latest..." sh "git --git-dir=#{sizzle_git} pull -q origin master" puts "Updating QUnit with latest..." sh "git --git-dir=#{qunit_git} pull -q origin master" end desc "Removes dist folder, selector.js, and Sizzle/QUnit" task :clean do puts "Removing Distribution directory: #{dist_dir}..." rm_rf dist_dir puts "Removing built copy of Sizzle..." rm_rf selector puts "Removing cloned directories..." rm_rf qunit_dir rm_rf sizzle_dir end desc "Rebuilds selector.js from SizzleJS" task :selector => [:init, selector] desc "Tests built jquery.js against JSLint" task :lint => jq do puts "Checking jQuery against JSLint..." sh "#{rhino} " + File.join(build_dir, 'jslint-check.js') end # File and Directory Dependencies directory dist_dir file jq => [dist_dir, base_files].flatten do puts "Building jquery.js...", 'w') do |f| f.write cat(base_files).gsub(/(Date:.)/, "\\1#{date}" ).gsub(/@VERSION/, version) end end file jq_min => jq do puts "Building jquery.min.js..." sh "#{minfier} --js #{jq} --warning_level QUIET --js_output_file #{jq_min}" min = jq_min ) # Equivilent of "head", 'w') do |f| f.write File.readlines(jq)[0..14].join() f.write min end end file selector => [sizzle, :init] do puts "Building selector code from Sizzle...", 'w') do |f| f.write /^.+EXPOSE$\n/, '\0' + File.join( src_dir, 'sizzle-jquery.js' )) ).gsub( /^window.Sizzle.+$\n/, '' ) end end file sizzle do puts "Retrieving SizzleJS from Github..." sh "git clone git:// #{sizzle_dir}" end file qunit do puts "Retrieving QUnit from Github..." sh "git clone git:// #{qunit_dir}" end def cat( files ) do |file| end.join('') end