Priorities: 1. Make pdf2swf cope with more complex pdfs 2. General improvements, Autoconf 3. Cleanups in rfxswf-lib. Make pdf2swf cope with more complex pdfs: The following pdf properties are not yet dealt with: * Links * lossless image file formats * dashed lines (maybe by using fillstyle to keep Shapes small) * (type 3 and truetype fonts) * write DEFINE_FONTINFO-Tags to give results for swfstrings (suppress them as option) General Improvements: * temporary file name generation is broken: pdf2swf/, pdf2swf/xpdf/ * fix memory leaks * rfxswf: modules/swfshape doesn't allow changing to fillstyle 0 * consistent output handling if -o is missing. (out.swf/stdout) * swfcombine: Allow substituting frames (which have a name), too? * swfcombine: Allow ids instead of names * swfcombine: Should be able to handle preloaders * make more stuff dependent on the information in config.h Cleanups in rfxswf-lib: * LPTAGs etc. should be TAG*s * function names should have a prefix (rfxswf_ or swflib_ or sth.) * element names should be lowercase * DataPos should be named DataReadPos, DataSize DataWritePos. * bitcount should be named BitWritePos, bitmask BitReadPos