# De messed with this file on the night of Feb 11 # re-ordered some swfc objectives according to my own warped priorities :-) # added a couple of items. # added the doco TODO items at the end swfc: * object rel coords, as in obj1.(x,y) and monkey.nose "follow me" feature: default, or should it be explicitly specified? * .replace command .crossfade command???? * .sound file.wav ? syntax for single sound hits, looping, synch sound stream. * text: newlines * dump format for ingestion into swifty? --------- imaginary dividing line between "high priority" and "lower priority" ------------ --------- in my opinion the stuff above is useful/necessary for basic ------------ --------- animations -- the minimal tool kit w/which cool demos can be ------------ --------- produced and swifty can be taught to do really neat things. ------------ --------- from here on down we are also looking at useful good stuff, but ------------ --------- decent animations can be made without these extra nice features ------------ --------- you may disagree about where to draw this line :-) ------------ * textinput box object? * default output filename (name.sc -> name.swf) if unspecified * change .swf to .flash ? import swfs with .swf instead of .movie? * more colour names? X11 colour names? (we are Linux after all...) * .hide/.show? * .rotate wasn't this going to be called .orbit? * store instance coordinates for .put with same name after .del? * macros? looping? ways of reducing repetitive coding (and the length of sc files)? pdf2swf: * Implement dashed lines (maybe by using fillstyle to keep Shapes small, maybe optional- use another color for dashed lines) * fix memory leaks * some bounding boxes are too big * support for ttf fonts in --fontdirs * upgrade ttf2pt1 font2swf: * implement support for truetype fonts. [yes please :-)] swfcombine: * Handle Bounding boxes * Relocate SetTarget "/content" stuff, too? * allow "combining" Actionscript and SWF. * "swfcombine -m" (e.g. "swfcombine -mT test.swf") duplicates depths: relocate depth in normalcombine() * "swfcombine -mT file.swf -x 300 file2.swf" doesn't work swfextract: * mp3 extraction should also work for movieclips. wav2swf: * -r flag doesn't work without -d option. librfxswf: * Actionscript has memory leaks * Font routines still need a little more work (shape alignment) other: * swfcrop * swf2fig swfpreview: * extract preview of specific frame N doco: * basic command set * example set illustrating basics * cook book: how to get familiar effects (fade/wipe/titles/scrolling/false perspective etc) * complete list of all required packages and libs and how to get/build them