Priorities: 1. Make the swfs that pdf2swf generates smaller 2. Make pdf2swf faster 3. General improvements 4. Make pdf2swf cope with more complex pdfs 5. Do some sample swfs for swfcombine 6. Cleanups in rfxswf-lib. Make the swfs pdf2swf generates smaller: * At the moment, the output of pdf2swf is a bunch of polygons. Try using seperate shapes for each character, and packing all shapes of a page in a font. Make pdf2swf cope with more complex pdfs: The following pdf properties are not yet dealt with: * Links * lossless image file formats * dashed lines * (type 3 and truetype fonts) Bugs: * big jpegs sometimes have wrong colors Make pdf2swf faster: * Embedded fonts which are used more than once are also converted more than once. Implement a font cache, like the one in xpdf. (font->getID().num seems to be unique for every font) Do some sample swfs for swfcombine: * Some swf for displaying other swfs frame by frame (e.g. with next/previous buttons) would be very handy for swfs generated by pdf2swf General Improvements: * temporary file name generation is broken: pdf2swf/, pdf2swf/xpdf/ * fix memory leaks * rfxswf: modules/swfshape doesn't allow changing to fillstyle 0 * write manpages for swfstrings and swfdump * --version should work in all tools. Cleanups in rfxswf-lib: * LPTAGs etc. should be TAG*s * function names should have a prefix (rfxswf_ or swflib_ or sth.) * GetMatrix should be named GetMATRIX, as it gets a MATRIX datatype. Same for CXFORM etc.