.TH png2swf "1" "October 2001" "png2swf" "swftools" .SH NAME png2swf - convert one or more PNG pictures to swf .SH Synopsis .B png2swf [-X width] [-Y height] [-o file.swf] [-r rate] file1.png [file2.png...] .SH DESCRIPTION Takes a number of png files and converts them to a swf movie, one picture per frame. .PP (SWF files are animation files which can be displayed in Web Browsers using the Flash Plugin) .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR Print short help message and exit .TP \fB\-V\fR, \fB\-\-version\fR Print version info and exit .TP \fB\-X\fR, \fB\-\-width\fR \fIscale\fR Force movie width to \fIscale\fR (default: autodetect) .TP \fB\-Y\fR, \fB\-\-height\fR \fIscale\fR Force movie height to \fIscale\fR (default: autodetect) .TP \fB\-o\fR, \fB\-\-output\fR \fIfilename\fR Explicitly specify output file. (Otherwise, output will go to stdout / output.swf) .TP \fB\-r\fR, \fB\-\-framerate\fR \fIrate\fR Set movie framerate (100/sec) .SH AUTHORS Matthias Kramm .TP Rainer Böhme