2008-11-12 krammfor ng, use 4x4 antializing
2008-11-12 krammadded rescaling
2008-11-12 krammmade ng renderer the default
2008-11-12 krammadd an error if we can't write the output file
2008-11-12 krammadded swfrender dependency
2008-11-12 krammadded missing dependencies
2008-11-12 krammadded swfrender to default targets
2008-11-12 krammfixed memory corruption bug in id allocator
2008-11-12 krammswitched to new dict impl.
2008-11-12 krammswitched to new dict impl, made some char pointers...
2008-11-12 krammfixed compile error
2008-11-12 krammbugfix in include handler
2008-11-12 krammimproved k-means speed
2008-11-12 krammlrand48() -> rand()
2008-11-12 krammadded EXPORT to public functions
2008-11-12 krammdon't use filtermodes>0
2008-11-12 krammadded support for palette images
2008-11-12 krammc++ compile fix
2008-11-12 krammsmall refinements to dict resizing
2008-11-12 krammdict now reallocates itself
2008-11-12 krammfinished implementation of map_dump
2008-11-12 krammoptimized dict implementation
2008-11-12 krammimplemented hashing
2008-11-12 krammadded as3/ to clean targets
2008-11-12 krammmade some char pointers constant, added workaround...
2008-11-12 krammmade some char arrays constant
2008-11-12 krammadded TODO
2008-11-12 krammrenamed dict_append_if_new2 to dict_append_if_new
2008-11-12 krammremoved duplicate header
2008-11-12 krammadded headers
2008-11-12 krammremoved dict_append_if_new2
2008-11-12 krammset freed pointers to NULL
2008-11-12 krammremoved debugging code
2008-11-12 krammtake placeobject matrix into account when bitmap-filling
2008-11-12 krammadded clipping and text support
2008-11-12 krammcontinued bounding box implementation
2008-11-12 kramminverted monochrome handler
2008-11-12 krammcontinued bounding box implementation
2008-11-12 krammadded Makefile
2008-11-12 krammfixed bug in dash handler
2008-11-12 krammmade some char pointers constant
2008-11-12 krammmade palette reduction work for single images, too
2008-11-12 krammadded palette image support
2008-11-12 krammfixed drawonlyshapes implementation
2008-11-12 krammre-implemented drawonlyshapes
2008-11-12 krammfixed a typo
2008-11-12 krammadded constructor
2008-11-12 krammadded contructor
2008-11-12 krammfixed logging
2008-11-12 krammadded a distinctive prefix
2008-11-12 krammwith flash>=7, it's loadMovie, not loadmovie
2008-11-12 krammalways elevate on Vista
2008-10-20 krammfixed superfluous newlines
2008-10-20 krammnew parameters -X,-Y
2008-10-20 kramminclude file and state stack handling
2008-10-20 krammextracted utility functions from abc.c/abc.h
2008-10-20 krammmoved ../modules/
2008-10-20 krammmoved util functions to utils.c/utils.h
2008-10-20 krammrenamed swfabc_ops.c to abc_ops.c
2008-10-20 krammmoved from ../modules/
2008-10-20 krammmoved modules/swfabc.c to as3/abc.c
2008-10-20 kramm*** empty log message ***
2008-10-20 krammallow either target width or height to be zero
2008-10-19 krammadded missing swfabc.h file
2008-10-19 krammadded a bit more info about the DOABC tag
2008-10-19 krammdump RAWABC tags as well
2008-10-19 krammadded events parameter to swf_AddButtonLinks
2008-10-19 krammdefine tag id 72 (rawabc)
2008-10-19 krammremoved swfscripts again
2008-10-19 krammadded event code to swf_AddButtonLinks
2008-10-19 krammadded flash8->flash9 actionscript link conversion
2008-10-19 krammreintroduced frame scripts for event registering
2008-10-19 krammadded RAWABC tag
2008-10-19 krammadded rawabc tag
2008-10-19 krammnew function swf_ButtonGetAction
2008-10-19 krammmoved declarations into include file
2008-10-19 krammadded flash 9 event support (via linkfunction)
2008-10-13 krammfixed bug where the END tag was missing with -Tm
2008-10-13 krammadded fileAttributes adjustment
2008-10-13 krammnew option -B --buttons
2008-10-13 krammfixed a potential segfault
2008-10-13 krammadded fileattributes field to SWF structure
2008-10-13 krammnew file swfscripts.c
2008-10-13 krammreworked fileattributes writing
2008-10-13 krammadded modules/swfscripts.c file
2008-10-13 krammfixed bug in lame/action target
2008-10-13 krammmade temporary file generation more robust
2008-10-13 krammdisabled all dithering
2008-10-13 krammbugfixes in Addbuttons script
2008-10-13 krammfinished implementation of swf_AddButtonLinks
2008-10-13 krammglobal refactoring, added Security call buttons-working
2008-10-13 krammreworked trait storage, moved scripts to swfscripts.c
2008-10-13 krammadded DEFINEBINARY
2008-10-13 krammavm2 utility scripts
2008-10-13 krammregenerated, added shortcut macros
2008-10-13 krammadapted to interface changes
2008-10-13 krammadapted to library cchanges
2008-10-13 krammswitched to new avm2 code
2008-10-06 krammGenerated from configure.in
2008-10-06 krammautomake/autoconf fluctuations