2002-01-07 krammGenerated from configure.in
2002-01-07 krammbus error/big endian fixes
2002-01-07 krammyet more big endian/solaris fixes. (especially the...
2002-01-07 krammseveral big endian fixes
2002-01-07 krammadded source code for PreLoaderTemplate
2002-01-07 krammBrought up to date
2002-01-07 krammimplemented picture cache. still pictures are now much...
2002-01-07 kramm* jpegtables handling
2002-01-07 krammmore big endian fixes
2002-01-07 kramm* some endianess fixes
2002-01-05 krammWrite output directly to disk
2002-01-05 krammnew functions swf_WriteHeader, swf_WriteTag
2002-01-05 krammnew function swf_WriteHeader
2002-01-05 krammgenerated by PreLoaderTemplate.c
2002-01-05 krammmake png extraction dependent on whether the system...
2002-01-05 krammBrought up to date
2002-01-05 krammimproved byte order handling
2002-01-05 krammAdded PNG extraction feature.
2002-01-05 krammcan now extract jpeg images (into jpeg files).
2001-12-21 krammfixed system() backtick checking
2001-12-21 krammonly install default_{loader,viewer} if there's not...
2001-12-21 krammspeedup in logf and some error checking included.
2001-12-21 kramminstall into right directory (swftools/swfs) and make...
2001-12-19 krammadded "loading" message below the logo.
2001-12-18 krammhandle FREECHARACTER tags.
2001-12-18 kramm* added hex output
2001-12-17 krammadded swfs/PreLoaderTemplate.c
2001-12-17 krammadded PreLoaderTemplate.c
2001-12-17 krammcreated from simple_viewer.c
2001-12-17 krammset initial subtitle to "", not "...".
2001-12-17 krammcompile simple_viewer.c and create simple_viewer.swf...
2001-12-17 krammadded simple_viewer.c
2001-12-16 krammstore named links in a variable.
2001-12-16 krammstore named links in swf, too.
2001-12-16 krammadded EditText handling.
2001-12-16 krammgenerates simple_viewer.swf.
2001-12-16 krammfix: with -bl, the dimensions weren't right. release-0-2-1
2001-12-16 krammadded preloader/viewer commands
2001-12-16 krammversion is now 0.2.1
2001-12-16 krammBrought up to date
2001-12-16 krammGenerated from configure.in
2001-12-16 krammfixed font path
2001-12-16 krammimproved preloader/viewer linking.
2001-12-16 krammGenerated from pdf2swf_usage.html
2001-12-16 krammGenerated from configure.in
2001-12-16 krammmake soft links to the default viewer/preloader
2001-12-16 krammadded checking whether system() can handle calls like
2001-12-16 krammpass -X,-Y, -r options with preloader/viewer linking...
2001-12-16 krammfixed bug which caused sprite object to be invisible...
2001-12-16 krammbuttons are now visible again. ;)
2001-12-16 krammBrought up to date
2001-12-16 krammGenerated from configure.in
2001-12-16 krammlogf argument names changed.
2001-12-16 krammadded swfs directory
2001-12-16 kramminitial revision
2001-12-16 kramminstall fonts in swftools/fonts
2001-12-16 krammallow preloader and viewer linking.
2001-12-16 krammBrought up to date
2001-12-16 krammfixed font matrix.
2001-12-16 krammimplement --merge, --frame and --stack1 options.
2001-12-16 krammgetidfromtag now also handles the displaylist tags
2001-12-13 krammadded --cat option.
2001-12-13 krammBrought up to date
2001-12-13 krammGenerated from configure.in
2001-12-13 krammbyte order fix.
2001-12-13 krammAC_ARG_PROGRAM needs to be called after AC_CANONICAL_SY...
2001-12-13 krammdon't call config.guess ourselves, let autoconf do...
2001-12-13 krammautoconf macro package. Needed for SWF_CHECK_BYTEORDER.
2001-12-13 krammadded byte order handling
2001-12-13 krammcheck for byte order
2001-12-13 krammadd WORDS_BIGENDIAN
2001-12-13 krammGenerated from configure.in
2001-12-13 krammuse mktmpname for generating temporary filenames.
2001-12-13 krammuse srand if srand48 not present.
2001-12-13 krammexported mktmpname.
2001-12-13 krammuse either lrand48,rand, or time, depending on what...
2001-12-13 krammchanged __config_h__ to __settings_h__ to avoid conflic...
2001-12-13 krammadded checking for lrand48/srand48.
2001-12-09 krammGenerated from configure.in
2001-12-09 krammfixed stupid typo defining false to be one (1), which...
2001-12-09 krammGenerated from configure.in
2001-12-09 krammadded checking for gzip.
2001-12-09 krammadded USE_GZIP
2001-12-09 boehmefixed jpeglib boolean problem
2001-12-06 krammBrought up to date
2001-12-06 krammfixed advance values
2001-12-06 kramm* new function SWFFont::getWidth(char*)
2001-12-06 kramm* fixed memory leaks
2001-12-06 krammswf_WriteFont: write characters > 256
2001-12-05 krammadded #define HAVE_BOOLEAN, to tell the jpeglib that...
2001-12-04 krammadded #defines for TRUE/FALSE (rfxswf.h), and tell...
2001-12-04 krammGenerated from configure.in
2001-12-04 krammdatatype boolean added.
2001-12-04 krammcheck for datatype boolean.
2001-12-03 boehmeswfdump: fix segfault and endless loop; improved action...
2001-12-03 krammadded additive bitmap routines. (for alpha overlaying)
2001-12-03 krammBrought up to date
2001-12-03 krammGenerated from pdf2swf_usage.html
2001-12-03 krammGenerated from configure.in