2005-01-10 krammadded check for libgif.
2005-01-10 krammadded items.
2005-01-10 krammremoved outdated section about jpeg.
2005-01-10 krammcontributed by Daichi Shinozaki.
2005-01-10 krammadded gif2swf.
2005-01-10 kramminitial revision.
2005-01-10 krammimplemented .texture and enhanced gradients.
2005-01-10 krammadded ?pt fontsize support.
2005-01-10 krammchanged line width algorithm.
2005-01-10 krammadded swf_ShapeAddFillStyle2().
2005-01-10 krammadded comment about point size.
2005-01-10 krammadded more gradient documentation.
2005-01-07 krammadded some comments about line width.
2005-01-07 krammadded some documentation about Mac OS X.
2005-01-06 krammMac OS X fixes.
2005-01-06 krammfixed MacOSX issues.
2004-12-30 krammremoved swftagmap from parse function.
2004-12-30 krammadded PlaceObject parser.
2004-12-30 krammadded getter for matrix entries.
2004-12-30 krammadded f_Matrix2()
2004-12-30 krammadded f_Matrix2().
2004-12-30 krammfixed bug in bbox.
2004-12-30 krammadded TODO comment.
2004-12-30 krammmoved bitmaps by (-0.5,-0.5), in the hope that the...
2004-12-30 krammadded swf_SetDefineBBox().
2004-12-30 krammadded isPlacement, isFont, setBBox() routines.
2004-12-30 krammswf_SetDefineBBox().
2004-12-21 krammundid 1.95->1.96 changes
2004-12-20 krammfixed page52.pdf segfault (added null pointer handling to
2004-12-18 krammadded swfrender.c.
2004-12-18 krammsubtraced (0.5,0.5) from the texture position to get...
2004-12-18 krammsubtract (0.5,0.5) from the texture position to get...
2004-12-18 krammfixed memory usage bug.
2004-12-18 krammadded -b (--bbox) options.
2004-12-18 krammadded bbox parsing.
2004-12-18 kramm* fixed bbox bug, which caused shapes to disappear
2004-12-18 krammadded some more generic tag functions.
2004-12-18 krammadded isShape() tag function.
2004-12-18 krammadded fillstyle and linestyle primitives.
2004-12-18 krammsmall fixes.
2004-12-18 krammadded shape parsing.
2004-12-18 kramm* fixed segf if bbox not set
2004-12-18 krammswf_GetBBox() now returns a zeroed out bbox if the...
2004-12-18 krammadded swf_SetTagPos(tag, 0).
2004-12-18 krammremoved duplicate entry (swfoutput.cc).
2004-12-18 krammomit drawing of objects outside the page.
2004-12-16 krammadded items.
2004-12-16 krammgcc 2.95.x fixes.
2004-12-16 krammadded comments.
2004-12-16 krammadded gcc 2.95.x support.
2004-12-16 krammadded some comments.
2004-12-16 krammgcc 2.95.3 fixes.
2004-12-12 krammkeyframes are now every 20 frames.
2004-12-12 kramm* keyframe default is now every 20 frames.
2004-12-12 krammadded -k option.
2004-12-12 krammfixed non-(0,0) movie bbox bug.
2004-12-11 krammremoved LPSHAPE typedef.
2004-12-11 krammadded swf_Shape2Clone().
2004-12-11 krammadded swf_Shape2Clone() function.
2004-12-11 krammfixed "shifted texture shape" bug.
2004-11-28 krammremoved LP* typedefs in rfxswf.h.
2004-11-28 krammfixed edittext parsing.
2004-11-28 krammallow using the default font in .edittext.
2004-11-28 krammfixed crash if a standard font wasn't found.
2004-11-28 krammremoved LP* definitions.
2004-11-28 krammfixed SET_TO_ZERO logic.
2004-11-28 krammfixed SET_TO_ZERO handling.
2004-11-28 krammadded some comments.
2004-11-25 krammadded $(A) for lib extension.
2004-11-25 krammadded AREXT (.a on Unix, .lib on Windows).
2004-11-25 krammfixed .end problem.
2004-11-25 krammadded some comments.
2004-11-25 krammadded new option "forceType0Fonts".
2004-11-25 krammfixed .frame numbers, changed .flash name to .flash...
2004-11-25 kramminitial revision.
2004-11-25 krammadded $(A) for lib extension.
2004-11-24 krammBrought up to date
2004-11-24 krammBrought up to date
2004-11-24 krammBrought up to date
2004-11-24 krammGenerated from configure.in
2004-11-24 krammimproved object list output.
2004-11-24 krammdon't remove *.a files.
2004-11-23 krammadded audio_eof, video_eof members.
2004-11-23 krammadded self pointer to callback function.
2004-11-23 krammadded background color support to swf_Render*.
2004-11-23 krammadded background color support.
2004-11-23 krammupdated Mac OS X section.
2004-11-23 krammfixed freetype-config detection.
2004-11-23 krammadded box and circle primitives.
2004-11-23 krammswf_FontEnumerate now passes a self pointer to the...
2004-11-23 krammfixed freetype-config check (again)
2004-11-23 krammfixed check for freetype-config (again).
2004-11-23 krammfixed freetype-config path search.
2004-11-23 krammcheck for freetype-config also in /opt/local/bin, ...
2004-11-23 krammremoved recursive call to h.263 Makefile.
2004-11-23 krammmore Mac OS X patches.
2004-11-23 krammfixed big-endian compile problem.
2004-11-23 krammMac OS X fixes.
2004-11-23 krammoptimized freetype detection.
2004-11-23 krammadded support for handling audio data after the video...