--- /dev/null
+-- create nsdp protocol and its fields
+p_nsdp = Proto ("nsdp","Netgear Switch Description Protocol")
+-- local f_source = ProtoField.uint16("nsdp.src", "Source", base.HEX)
+local f_type = ProtoField.uint16("nsdp.type", "Type", base.HEX)
+local f_source = ProtoField.ether("nsdp.src", "Source", base.HEX)
+local f_destination = ProtoField.ether("nsdp.dst", "Destination", base.HEX)
+local f_seq = ProtoField.uint16("nsdp.seq", "Seq", base.HEX)
+local f_data = ProtoField.string("nsdp.data", "Data", FT_STRING)
+local f_cmd = ProtoField.uint16("nsdp.cmd", "Command", base.HEX)
+local f_password = ProtoField.string("nsdp.password", "Password", FT_STRING)
+local f_newpassword = ProtoField.string("nsdp.newpassword", "New password", FT_STRING)
+--local f_debug = ProtoField.uint8("nsdp.debug", "Debug")
+p_nsdp.fields = {f_type,f_source,f_destination,f_seq,f_cmd,f_password,f_newpassword}
+-- nsdp dissector function
+function p_nsdp.dissector (buf, pkt, root)
+ -- validate packet length is adequate, otherwise quit
+ if buf:len() == 0 then return end
+ pkt.cols.protocol = p_nsdp.name
+ -- create subtree for nsdp
+ subtree = root:add(p_nsdp, buf(0))
+ local offset = 0
+ local ptype = buf(offset,2):uint()
+ subtree:add(f_type, ptype)
+ offset = offset + 8
+ subtree:add(f_source, buf(offset,6))
+ offset = offset + 6
+ subtree:add(f_destination, buf(offset,6))
+ offset = offset + 8
+ subtree:add(f_seq, buf(offset,2))
+ offset = offset + 10
+ local cmd = 0
+ if offset < buf:len() then
+ cmd = buf(offset, 2):uint()
+ offset = offset + 2
+ end
+ subtree:add(f_cmd, cmd)
+ if cmd == 1 then
+ subtree:append_text(", init")
+ elseif cmd == 0xa or (ptype == 0x0104 and cmd == 0) then
+ if ptype == 0x0103 then
+ local pw_len = buf(offset, 2):uint()
+ offset = offset + 2
+ subtree:add(f_password, buf(offset,pw_len))
+ offset = offset + pw_len
+ local next_up = buf(offset, 2):uint()
+ offset = offset + 2
+ if next_up == 0x0009 then
+ subtree:append_text(", reset password")
+ pw_len = buf(offset, 2):uint()
+ offset = offset + 2
+ subtree:add(f_newpassword, buf(offset,pw_len))
+ else
+ subtree:append_text(", login")
+ end
+ elseif ptype == 0x0104 then
+ if buf:len() == offset then
+ subtree:append_text(", password changed")
+ else
+ subtree:append_text(", logged in")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function p_nsdp.init()
+ -- init
+local tcp_dissector_table = DissectorTable.get("udp.port")
+dissector = tcp_dissector_table:get_dissector(63321)
+tcp_dissector_table:add(63321, p_nsdp)
+local tcp_dissector_table = DissectorTable.get("udp.port")
+dissector = tcp_dissector_table:get_dissector(63322)
+tcp_dissector_table:add(63322, p_nsdp)