added extra curlies and chopped away the unneccessary digits from the
[swftools.git] / doc /
1 while(<stdin>)
2 {
3     if(/\[CALLPERL .*left\]/ ... /\[CALLPERL end\]/) {
4         $code .= $_ if(!/CALLPERL/);
5         $name = $1 if(/.swf.*name=([^&][^ ]*)/);
6         $name = $1 if(/.swf.*name=&quot;([^&]*)&quot;/);
7     } 
8     elsif(/\[CALLPERL .*right\]/ ... /\[CALLPERL end\]/) {
9         $highlight .= $_ if(!/CALLPERL/);
10     }
11     elsif ($code ne "") {
12         $code =~ s/&quot;/"/g;
13         open(fi, ">");print fi $code;close(fi);
14         system("swfc");
15         ($embed = `swfdump -e $name`) =~ /WIDTH="([^"]*)"/;
16         $width = $1;
17         print "<td bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" width=\"$width\">";
18         print $embed;
19         print "</td>";
20         $code="";
21         print;
22         unlink "";
23     }
24     elsif ($highlight ne "") {
25         $highlight =~ s/^\n\s*//g;
26         $highlight =~ s/\s*\n$//g;
27         print "<pre>\n";
28         # todo: apply syntax highlighting.
29         print $highlight."\n";
30         print "</pre>\n";
31         $highlight="";
32         print;
33     }
34     else {
35         print;
36     }
37 }