5 .swf name="clip.swf" fps=25
6 .sprite s1 # this just constructs a colorful object "s1"
7 .box b1 40 40 color=red fill=violet line=10
8 .box b2 40 40 color=blue fill=green line=10
9 .box b3 40 40 color=yellow fill=cyan line=10
10 .box b4 40 40 color=white fill=black line=10
17 # the line and fill colors of the circle don't actually do anything-
18 # as it's used for clipping only it's shape matters
19 .circle c1 80 color=blue fill=green
21 .startclip c1 x=-160 y=-160 #c1 clips...
22 .put s1 # ...the sprite s1
26 .change c1 x=160 y=160 # movement doesn't change the clipping property