polygon intersector: added horizontal line reconstruction
[swftools.git] / lib / devices /
2009-04-17 Matthias Kramm64bit compatibility fixes release-0-9-0
2009-04-09 Matthias Krammfixed a security bug in logging, added basic xml suppor...
2009-01-23 Matthias Krammfixed mem leaks
2009-01-23 Matthias Krammfixed two mem leaks
2009-01-13 krammsuccess rate reporting
2009-01-13 krammfix for cases where a clip/shape intersection is zero
2009-01-13 krammhandle NULL (errorneous) polygons
2009-01-13 krammfixed a double free and a mem leak
2009-01-13 krammrenamed arts.{c,h} to polyops.{c,h}
2009-01-13 krammremoved ocr0.h include
2009-01-13 krammdevice for OCR'ing documents
2009-01-13 kramm*** empty log message ***
2009-01-06 krammSWF are local-with-network by default, now
2008-12-19 krammfixed dotting problem
2008-12-02 krammfixed a segfault
2008-11-23 krammnew option 'disablelinks'
2008-11-12 krammmade palette reduction work for single images, too
2008-11-12 krammadded palette image support
2008-11-12 krammfixed drawonlyshapes implementation
2008-11-12 krammre-implemented drawonlyshapes
2008-11-12 krammfixed a typo
2008-11-12 krammadded constructor
2008-11-12 krammadded contructor
2008-11-12 krammfixed logging
2008-10-20 krammallow either target width or height to be zero
2008-10-19 krammadded flash 9 event support (via linkfunction)
2008-10-13 krammswitched to new avm2 code
2008-10-06 krammuse ascent/descent value from font data instead of...
2008-09-26 krammfixed rescaling bug in fillgradient and addlink
2008-08-21 krammfixed line stroke width
2008-08-20 krammimplemented gradients
2008-08-20 krammadded texture cleanup
2008-07-27 krammmade font conversion more robust
2008-07-13 krammremoved libart includes
2008-07-13 krammmade framerate a float
2008-07-11 krammadded dumping of matrices and gradients
2008-07-11 krammfix in combineCallbackTex
2008-06-19 krammframeresets option
2008-06-10 krammremoved ocr0.h include
2008-06-09 krammadded option linknameurl
2008-05-24 krammsuccess rate reporting
2008-05-24 krammfix for cases where a clip/shape intersection is zero
2008-05-22 krammhandle NULL (errorneous) polygons
2008-05-22 krammadded simpleviewer doc
2008-05-14 krammremoved jpegdpi and ppmdpi documentation
2008-04-24 krammhandle negative clipdepths more gracefully
2008-04-22 krammfixed char position overflow problem
2008-04-22 krammfixed problem of strokes disappearing if they appear...
2008-04-06 krammincreased number of lines in spline approximation-...
2008-04-06 krammclear fillinfo_t before use (fix valgrind 'uninitialize...
2008-04-06 krammremoved some debug code, fixed support for recordings...
2008-04-06 krammfixed some memleaks, make sure fonts are only dumped...
2008-04-06 krammadded simpleviewer option
2008-04-06 krammfixed a double free and a mem leak
2008-04-05 krammdevice for OCR'ing documents
2008-04-05 krammbugfix in page extraction
2008-04-01 krammfixed font layout code (again)
2008-04-01 krammgive a name to each link
2008-03-26 krammenhanced logging
2008-03-26 krammadded sanity check
2008-03-26 kramm*** empty log message ***
2008-03-26 krammclip all bounding boxes to the page size
2008-03-26 krammswitched from lrand48() to rand()
2008-03-26 krammAdded gradient support. arts functions are now wrapped...
2008-03-26 krammchar* -> const char*
2008-03-26 krammrenamed arts.{c,h} to polyops.{c,h}
2008-03-19 krammfixed a mem leak
2008-03-17 krammfixed text position overflow problem
2008-03-12 krammtried to fix font layout
2008-03-12 krammtwo more logging messages
2008-03-12 krammremoved faketags option
2008-03-12 krammfixed a mem leak
2008-03-12 krammnew function gfxdevice_record_flush()
2008-03-12 krammworkaround for win32 segfault in gfx.c:asImage
2008-03-12 krammreworked compression handling logic
2008-01-09 krammwin32 compile fixes
2007-12-12 krammfix for compile-time problems
2007-12-12 krammheader file for artsutils.c
2007-12-12 krammapplied MSVC compatibility patch from Dwight Kelly
2007-12-09 krammadded external write access for zoom & output device...
2007-12-09 krammmade passing-through optional
2007-12-09 krammflash9 tags implementation
2007-11-19 krammallow drawchar() to be called without a preceding updat...
2007-11-09 krammdon't store unused fonts
2007-10-28 krammadded 'help' option
2007-10-21 krammmade advance value fixing less picky
2007-10-21 krammuse definetext2 instead of definetext
2007-10-21 krammadded a few comments
2007-10-14 krammadded showclipshapes option
2007-10-14 krammfixed handling of empty clip shapes
2007-10-14 krammreworked SVP conversion
2007-10-14 krammfixed compiler warning
2007-10-14 krammdisable texture before plain-color fill
2007-09-09 krammif a clip is empty, draw nothing, instead of (as before...
2007-09-08 krammadded missing const keywords
2007-09-08 krammmade normalize_polygon_options a parameter
2007-08-20 krammadded "linkfunction" shortcut parameter
2007-08-15 krammallow jpegquality to be 101 (=lossless)
2007-08-11 krammadded framerate parameter
2007-07-27 krammfixed trivial bug